Monday, October 17, 2016

2016 updates

Too much has gone on on the doll side of things to go into a lot of detail. A quick update that hopefully actually be quick and not go on and on as I like to do will hopefully work for now.

I am still obsessed with my DC dolls. Some have been added, some are still not done after months and months and months. My Ringdoll Norman Dark Joker is pretty much my favorite doll right now, except for one other one-

Jonathan Crow, my Ringdoll K who is my number 1 obsession, pretty much since I got his blank head (which was probably the last post I made before my hiatus), and will be the subject of my attempt at Nanowrimo this year. We'll see how that goes. My best friend may do it with me this year so maybe we'll motivate each other. If nothing else I've been drawing him a lot. And on him. Seriously. Poor doll is a canvas of stuff. Or a mess, one of the two.

I've pretty much not touched my other dolls at all other than a few exceptions.

My Dollmore Miso on a Zaoll body who go the Ringdoll Mona (crying) head became a Ringdoll Aya who has Mona as her extra head. Still on the Zaoll body because of the perfect.

Alex I had damage to his faceup I have yet to fix.

I finally did the faceup on my Volks DWC03, which is awesome. I am really happy with him.

I have a Marilyn Manson doll now. He's *seriously you're going to laugh* a Dollshe Saint. Because I always seem to buy back the dolls I sell.

I also have a fan doll of the lead in a series of books I love, the latest installment of which is due out tomorrow (and is on the way to me according to Amazon).

I'm going to toss together Harry Dresden to make all the fan dolls complete.

Bilbo Baggins is back.

Dr. Strange finally has a faceup. He can now only be Dr. Strange. Stupid facial hair.


I have done mods! Like, real mods! go me!

I've been gluing hair to dolls instead of wigs. Yep. John started a trend and it just keeps on going.

I'm thinking of selling a couple of dolls I never thought I'd sell.

My cat, Dr. Peter Venkman, who was the kitten of doom, has grown into the biggest, fattest cat ever. Seriously, he huge. He just had his 1 year anniversary. Which means it's also been 1 year since Rocky died. I chose to celebrate the happier occasion and luffed on my Wetey Wetes (he thinks that is his name).

I'm sure there's more. John Crow will probably get his own back-post because I love to post him everywhere, but I'm not sure about the rest! We'll see where I end up lol

For now, here is my newest. He's not new. You may remember him from two years ago as I got him early 2014....he looked like this


Whee! That's old. Hmm. lesseeeee....not my faceup. I do like the wig and eyes, which ended up being my problem.
Eventually I gave him a new faceup and then he looked like this


Huge improvement, love the faceup, still love the wig....but I could never settle on a name, personality or animal for him (He belongs to the group of dolls I named after coffee. Remember them? They all have animal ears of some kind), and thus he's been nameless for long time.

Generally when a doll goes this long unresolved I sell it, but....I really like him. He kind of got me over my MNF hatred, and all he is is pretty.

Over the weekend I was thinking again how stupid it was for me to have dolls named after coffee and not have a Pumpkin Spice, which is the best thing ever, but I don't want new dolls and the two I have don't look like Pumpkins to me. Then I thought I could get rid of the blue wig on this guy and re-christen him Pumpkin. Only since he has no name, there should be no "re" in that sentence.

But I love the blue wig....and honestly I didn't want to make a new wig. I was looking for a choker for one of my other dolls (who has probably been sitting on the shelf naked for more than a year - told you they were neglected) and thought it was with Mini-Harley's stuff. Digging around in the Batman accessory tub, I found Scarecrow's wig, which, since he's always in the mask, he doesn't I tried it on Nameless1 (because I have a Unoa who is Nameless2), and. Well.


I like it! Kept the faceup I love, gave him some green eyes, because the pinky blue ones didn't go with the orange, and he looks like a Pumpkin now! So finally - Pumpkin Spice Latte has arrived, two years after he arrived. I still need to get him a character, and I'm kind of leaning toward a fox for his animal, but I'm not sure I like it. I'm sad I still can't use the blue wig (which I spent a lot of time dying a million years ago), but I think this is perfect. Even the uneven cut works IMO.

Then I did that thing where I thought I needed a Peppermint Mocha, and realized my Nameless Unoa can have that! His current form is on the right, next to Macchi. Little Wyn is the giant on the other side of him. He wants to be a Unicorn too.


So much pastel.

That faceplate already had that face on it when I got the doll, it needs to be redone....other than that, he's good to go! My favorite Starbucks drinks in doll form! XD

Lookit that! I did an update! Go me!!

Friday, October 14, 2016


I should have waited a whole year to do this? XD

Anyhow, I thought about dragging this blog out of the corner I stashed it in - completely by accident - and dusting it off to see what could be done about it, and found that somehow the template I'd been using was broken.

So now I have a hastily thrown together new look! Ish!

I may change it up some, but for now it's not awful.

You may be wondering what happened. I've gotten a lot of questions about it actually.

The truth? Nothing. I guess I was busy, and then I just didn't post anything. know how hard it is to get back into something once you've been gone for months. I just didn't.

Then today I was looking at some photos I had (actually) taken of a mod project and though "gee, wouldn't it be nice if I had somewhere to post all these photos?"



Cue me venturing back to see if I can bring this thing out of the coma I left it in. I have a lot of updating to do, my lists aren't right anymore, sales are a mess, I pretty much want nothing on my old trade list anymore so I have to redo everything. My project list is totally different. I need to start over in the BJD Bloggiverse, so I might as well get to it.

In the meantimes if you feel like catching up
I haven't stopped BJD-ing. Anything I have done and actually liked be there. Somewhere.

Happy Friday BJD peoples! I hope you have a great weekend! <3