What is a BJD?
The easiest answer to that is a Ball Jointed Doll. Many times called ABJDs (Asian Ball Jointed doll). They are large, highly articulate dolls sculpted and made by hand out of resin.
•Wanna know more? Go here

•There is also DOA (Den of Angels). Visit Forum
You gotta be a member to make use of this forum however.

•And if all else fails, google is your friend.

Did you make the dolls?
Hell no. I can’t do that shit, though someday, maybe, I might give it a go.
I do mod and customize however, which brings me to

Did you paint the doll yourself?
Probably. I own about 5 right now (of many more than 5) that I did NOT paint, so chances are, I did.
I also do their:
General maintenance (cleaning, repairs, stringing, restrining, more stringing, sueding, wiring)
Wig customizing and modding, some making
Some of my dolls have hair, simply glued to their heads. That's right. WHO NEEDS WIGS!!!!

I'm very doll self-sufficient. Or I would be if I could sew. I have to buy their clothes :P

For faceups I first use a sealant (MSC), then go crazy with pastels, water-color pencil and acrylic paint/gloss. Spraying more sealant in between.

Do you take commissions?
Sometimes. I would really like to open a "shop" but I do so much my time is limited and the weather here sucks. I mean it really does. We are on the worst weather ever list. Probably the only place on it. I do take some from time to time, so it's never out of the realm of possibility.

Where did you get them?
Holy crap. So many places. First, many of my dolls were bought second-hand. DOA has a giant market place in which to purchase pre-owned dolls. At least two of mine came from people I watch on DA. There also a ton of retailers/dealers throughout the world that legitimately sell them for the companies. I'm in the US and I've bought lots of dolls from Denver Doll Emporium, Mint On Card and Junky Spot. A great deal of them however, were bought new from the companies who make them (In BJD land "company" usually means one or a small handful of people. This is by no means a large-bus deal).

Some Links to dealers in the US. Also a good place to start looking...lots of pictures of different companies dolls.
Mint on Card
Denver Doll Emporium

A list of companies mine come from (this list is subject to change and probably already has):
Doll more
Alchemic Lab
B&G (Boy & Girl Doll)
Angell Studio
Angel Region (Soom)
Little Monica
The Mushroom Peddlar
Felix (?)
Doll Chateau
Rapa's Factory
Shiny doll
Supia doll

Here is a giant list of doom that includes most if not all (it can't possibly be all) plus links, of doll companies.

All Squares are Rectangles, but not all Rectangles are squares…
Clarification: The term Dollfie applies to one brand of Ball Jointed Doll – Volks. 95% of my dolls do not come from Volks and therefore are not Dollfies.
Please do not call them Dollfies.

Holy crap they’re so expensive! How do you afford them??
Easy. I work, I save.
I don’t buy a lot of crap, I don’t blow all my money at cons, I don’t cosplay. I collect and customize dolls….I gave up some money-eating hobbies to buy them - my other hobby – art – costs me nothing except the price of sketchbooks and pencils/pens. I can afford to blow it on the dolls.

I have a full time job that pays me enough to live off of easily and I freelance on the side. The freelance money goes to dolls. Money I get from selling dolls goes to dolls, and any money I get from selling crafts or anything else, usually goes to dolls.

It’s not hard, trust me.

Can I repost your photo?
I have two answers to this question.
First one is NO. Absolutely not. The doll is mine. The character the doll represents is mine. I took the photo. This means this is my art and should not be posted anywhere that I didn’t put it. EVER.

The second answer to that question is, ask me. I have photos on websites used for company and sculpt reference. The people who posted them asked me first and credited me as owner/photographer. I have no problems with this kind of informative use, but because I own the photographs in question, I MUST BE ASKED FIRST.

Can I use your photos/art for:
My character/photoshop manipulation/signature/avatar/layout/anything??
NO.  Just no. For this I use a repeat of the above answer, just to make sure it sinks in
NO. Absolutely not. The doll is mine. The character the doll represents is mine. I took the photo. This means this is my art and should not be posted anywhere that I didn’t put it. EVER.

Can I buy one?
Not from me. And, yes of course!
I do from time to time, put dolls up for sale, and will probably post them here (see: Doll Sales page). But it will be a big ole, FOR SALE post, not a "look at my pretty doll" post. So please don't ask to buy my dolls unless I say they're for sale.

Questions I get asked a lot
Why do you have so many Alexes??
Because. That's pretty much it.

Where did Alex's wig come from?
Read all about it here!


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