I ordered a Doll Chateau Youth boy body way back in April for my Fifth Kara Klum, a hybrid I am both way excited for and nervous about.
I knew it would be a long time so I've tried not to think too much about it...
Yesterday my final payment was due, and I didn't get a notice from DDE so I emailed them today to nudge them into sending me one. They did, I paid, and then they emailed me back saying it would be shipped Monday. Monday. One and half days from then. YARG!!! Now that I know it's that close I'm going nuts with the wait!! I've gathered together some clothes, wig and eyes for him, I'll be doing his face up, which will be temporary, as soon as I can....I'm already planning to hopefully bring him to BJDC for some hardcore clothes shopping...I can't wait. I almost wish they'd have waited til Monday to tell me, because then it would have only been 3 days, not 5...it's so long! LOL
I really hopes he makes it by Wed...I don't have time to mod the head, but I can give him a face up so he can go to the con with me...but only if the body makes it here. How can I wait 3 months with no thought and now I can't make it 5 days! Or several hours even lol.
I really hope the head looks ok on the body. If it does, I plan to mod Alex II's body a lot. A LOT. Also scary since I love that one. I don't know why...you'd think all four of my Adam bodies would be the same but II is skinnier by almost a cm. He looks amazing in clothes. Maybe I'll only mod him a little XD
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
New toys!!
I've been waiting to post til I got these guys and since they showed up yesterday, now is the time!
In my last post I preached the good word of Hujoo, having just gotten one and fallen in love. I also mentioned that I'd been looking at and for Pullip Dals but was hesitent to buy one due to wanting to customize one myself, and their fullsets are not cheap and so cute I was afraid I'd feel limited at what I could do with it....(run-on sentences ftw!).
I got extremely lucky....bellalupina on DOA saw mywhine post and took pity....A wonderful trade for some BJD clothes later, I have three Dals! :D
Sorta lol
the third is temporarily on a body that it won't keep...and right after I took these (horribly bad) photos his head fell off and the body fell apart XD
Anyway here they are!

Hujoo Alex is on the end because he cutes. And he just got his strings tightened and all he seems to want to do is look up XD I'll have to fix that...probably my sueding will have to be removed...
As soon as I got them yesterday I took all of them apart, switched out eye-mechs and bodies til I was happy. I chipped away at the eyelasshes in the one with Alex III's old wig (back from the dead! wooooooo!) for about a million years, and tried to get the glue residue off them...I did a fair job. They need lots more work, different eye chips, new wigs for the two not in green and purple, all new faceups (is that what they're called in Pullip/Dal lingo??) and the tall one needs a new body so he's not a freak. They're all on obitsu bodies btw...which I also took apart. I was all about dissection yesterday...
The giant body is mine that I had bought a million years ago to put my L action figure on since his body broke. There was more modding involved than I was comfortable doing (because it was very permanent modding) and I never did it. Now I'm thinking I should....He'd be happy to get out of the box he's been in for years.
Then they all need fabulous clothes. Most of what they're wearing was supplied by bellalupina (whom I can't thank enough), the BW stripey shirt came with my Pukifee, the wigs and hat belong to (big) Alex(s), the outfit giantface is wearing was the same thing Hujoo Alex had on before I bought him his outfit which came from Etsy. All the shoes are some form of barbie.
So this is my new project! I am trying not to get attached to the way they are at this moment because when I redo their faceups and get them new eyes it won't matter which head is which now, but it's hard not to keep thinking of them as DalAlex1 DalAlex2 and Az. I'm already wondering how I can get a Pullip and a Taeyang to be Isis and David now XD
couple of closeups

awww this one is so sad XD
one more cause in this hat he's killing me
angryface!!!! omg he needs blue eyes so bad D:
I need to get all three of them with Chibi Alex, who is still the angriest of them all...
Chibi Alex is unimpressed by sparklies. He is also a Puki Chichi, though he think everyone on the planet should know that. He also thinks you're wrong. It doesn't matter what your doing or thinking at this moment, you're wrong. He's bad like that.
He also needs a new faceup D: D: D: D: D:
I wanted to show photos of Alex III's tattoos (I finally finished his arms. Now he has two more, scars and blushing and he'll be finished! Except he'll be so dirty by then I'll have to start over....) but I don't have any XD I've been too busy working on the comic...which has updates! Go visit my DA to see! Someday I'm going to get them up on my other blog and be happy...but I can't figure out how I want to do it. I turn procrastination into an art form. Oh yes.
In my last post I preached the good word of Hujoo, having just gotten one and fallen in love. I also mentioned that I'd been looking at and for Pullip Dals but was hesitent to buy one due to wanting to customize one myself, and their fullsets are not cheap and so cute I was afraid I'd feel limited at what I could do with it....(run-on sentences ftw!).
I got extremely lucky....bellalupina on DOA saw my
Sorta lol
the third is temporarily on a body that it won't keep...and right after I took these (horribly bad) photos his head fell off and the body fell apart XD
Anyway here they are!

Hujoo Alex is on the end because he cutes. And he just got his strings tightened and all he seems to want to do is look up XD I'll have to fix that...probably my sueding will have to be removed...
As soon as I got them yesterday I took all of them apart, switched out eye-mechs and bodies til I was happy. I chipped away at the eyelasshes in the one with Alex III's old wig (back from the dead! wooooooo!) for about a million years, and tried to get the glue residue off them...I did a fair job. They need lots more work, different eye chips, new wigs for the two not in green and purple, all new faceups (is that what they're called in Pullip/Dal lingo??) and the tall one needs a new body so he's not a freak. They're all on obitsu bodies btw...which I also took apart. I was all about dissection yesterday...
The giant body is mine that I had bought a million years ago to put my L action figure on since his body broke. There was more modding involved than I was comfortable doing (because it was very permanent modding) and I never did it. Now I'm thinking I should....He'd be happy to get out of the box he's been in for years.
Then they all need fabulous clothes. Most of what they're wearing was supplied by bellalupina (whom I can't thank enough), the BW stripey shirt came with my Pukifee, the wigs and hat belong to (big) Alex(s), the outfit giantface is wearing was the same thing Hujoo Alex had on before I bought him his outfit which came from Etsy. All the shoes are some form of barbie.
So this is my new project! I am trying not to get attached to the way they are at this moment because when I redo their faceups and get them new eyes it won't matter which head is which now, but it's hard not to keep thinking of them as DalAlex1 DalAlex2 and Az. I'm already wondering how I can get a Pullip and a Taeyang to be Isis and David now XD
couple of closeups

awww this one is so sad XD
one more cause in this hat he's killing me

I need to get all three of them with Chibi Alex, who is still the angriest of them all...

He also needs a new faceup D: D: D: D: D:
I wanted to show photos of Alex III's tattoos (I finally finished his arms. Now he has two more, scars and blushing and he'll be finished! Except he'll be so dirty by then I'll have to start over....) but I don't have any XD I've been too busy working on the comic...which has updates! Go visit my DA to see! Someday I'm going to get them up on my other blog and be happy...but I can't figure out how I want to do it. I turn procrastination into an art form. Oh yes.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Yes, I am backwards.
A lot of people start out with the "cheap" dolls and move up to the expensive ones. Since I rarely follow any kind of pattern whatsoever, I did the opposite.
I got myself a Hujoo last week. He's a Yomi boy and if he's not the most adorable thing on the planet (other than Baby Alex of course) I don't know what is.
I bought him for two reasons.
1. I was browsing Junkyspot and he was so freaking cute and a total impulse buy...
and 2. I've been wanting a Pullip Dal for months. I know, Hujoo's, Dal's = totally different things...but I have had a hard time deciding on a Dal. They're all fullsets and I wanted to just customize mine...so spending so much on something I know nothing about just to pull it apart and rework it made me nervous (Yet I dropped over 800 on Alex plus a bunch of clothes when I fell into the BJD thing knowing less than nothing. I never said I made sense).
The Hujoo seemed like something I could get for way less and do pretty much what I was going to do with a Dal anyway...make yet another Alex.

Crappy phone-pics aside...I told you he was teh cutes!! I love him, this is only outfit he has (til the stuff I ordered comes in - if it fits), but that coffee I've had forevers is a great size for him, and he can wear Ken doll shoes. Or, er...Justin Bieber doll shoes >.<
I know, but Biebs has great clothing sets! I had to get that purple hoodie for Baby Alex anyway...Now that I have a use for the shoes I want all of them!! I wish he wore punk/goth boots. Alex would would be thrilled. He needs some. For now he's happy to not be barefoot. I have to get a teeny brush and paint his toe/fingernails black. Eventually I'd like to blush his body and give him all Alex's tattoos but I have a few (4) Kara Klums in line for that plus Mini so I'm a little overwhelmed. III is first...he has to have at least his arm tatts for BJDC, and I have to get that rose done. The wings can come later *ded*
As far as the Hujoo goes, I was VERY pleasantly surprised with how nice they are. I will admit, I expected NOTHING and got something that want more of. His body is nice. He poses! His joints work and work well! His head is a little bobbly but I think he needs to be tighter and that will fix him up. I love the eye mech, though holy crap 20mm eyes! That's what Wyn wears (though Wyn's are glass and like giant marbles XD). They're huge in his tiny self. He's about as tall as Baby Wyn only way skinnier and with a huge head...I think he wears about a 7/8...that's what I tried on him the day he came home. I want to get him a blond Alex-wig too (I refuse to have multiple versions of Hujoo Alex!! Srsly). He stands like a champ (maybe it's the Bieber shoes?) and for fun I wired him with pipe-cleaners...though I'm not sure he really needed it.
He's just so fun! I think part of it was the price XD
I'm totally getting another one. I want a tan girl to be a Ganguro girl...I just want a fun, punky girl I can make fur wigs and go crazy with....I've wanted one for a while but since I don't do well with dolls that aren't my characters I never got one...this is perfect! I'm thinking Wing or Berry....
So there you go, my foray into "cheap" bjds XD
Actually it's nice to have a doll I can recommend to people who really like them and are afraid of the price-tag..... :)
I got myself a Hujoo last week. He's a Yomi boy and if he's not the most adorable thing on the planet (other than Baby Alex of course) I don't know what is.
I bought him for two reasons.
1. I was browsing Junkyspot and he was so freaking cute and a total impulse buy...
and 2. I've been wanting a Pullip Dal for months. I know, Hujoo's, Dal's = totally different things...but I have had a hard time deciding on a Dal. They're all fullsets and I wanted to just customize mine...so spending so much on something I know nothing about just to pull it apart and rework it made me nervous (Yet I dropped over 800 on Alex plus a bunch of clothes when I fell into the BJD thing knowing less than nothing. I never said I made sense).
The Hujoo seemed like something I could get for way less and do pretty much what I was going to do with a Dal anyway...make yet another Alex.

Crappy phone-pics aside...I told you he was teh cutes!! I love him, this is only outfit he has (til the stuff I ordered comes in - if it fits), but that coffee I've had forevers is a great size for him, and he can wear Ken doll shoes. Or, er...Justin Bieber doll shoes >.<
I know, but Biebs has great clothing sets! I had to get that purple hoodie for Baby Alex anyway...Now that I have a use for the shoes I want all of them!! I wish he wore punk/goth boots. Alex would would be thrilled. He needs some. For now he's happy to not be barefoot. I have to get a teeny brush and paint his toe/fingernails black. Eventually I'd like to blush his body and give him all Alex's tattoos but I have a few (4) Kara Klums in line for that plus Mini so I'm a little overwhelmed. III is first...he has to have at least his arm tatts for BJDC, and I have to get that rose done. The wings can come later *ded*
As far as the Hujoo goes, I was VERY pleasantly surprised with how nice they are. I will admit, I expected NOTHING and got something that want more of. His body is nice. He poses! His joints work and work well! His head is a little bobbly but I think he needs to be tighter and that will fix him up. I love the eye mech, though holy crap 20mm eyes! That's what Wyn wears (though Wyn's are glass and like giant marbles XD). They're huge in his tiny self. He's about as tall as Baby Wyn only way skinnier and with a huge head...I think he wears about a 7/8...that's what I tried on him the day he came home. I want to get him a blond Alex-wig too (I refuse to have multiple versions of Hujoo Alex!! Srsly). He stands like a champ (maybe it's the Bieber shoes?) and for fun I wired him with pipe-cleaners...though I'm not sure he really needed it.
He's just so fun! I think part of it was the price XD
I'm totally getting another one. I want a tan girl to be a Ganguro girl...I just want a fun, punky girl I can make fur wigs and go crazy with....I've wanted one for a while but since I don't do well with dolls that aren't my characters I never got one...this is perfect! I'm thinking Wing or Berry....
So there you go, my foray into "cheap" bjds XD
Actually it's nice to have a doll I can recommend to people who really like them and are afraid of the price-tag..... :)
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Feh. I has the dumb.
EDIT: where is my grammar?? D:
So this year I joined Dairyland, cause y'know, I'm in the Midwest (it's a BJD forum for us midwesterners). There's a section in BJD photos where an owner can database all their dolls, so the other day I started a thread there and began the excruciating and long process of putting up photos and descriptions of all my dolls. Omg it's going to take forever. If nothing else I'm reminded of how many I have that I do not have good pictures of. At all. It's so bad. I really need to do something about that (speaking of, David's new wig is looking good! A few more tweaks and a quick cut of his other one and he'll be ready for a hair fashion show....)
It did get me thinking about how to do it here though. If you've not noticed I don't actually have a tab for the profiles of my dolls, just a list of what I've got, their names and arrival dates. I meant to have one with character descriptions as well, but....to be honest, I'm not internet savvy enough to have figured out how to do it.
Obviously I can post photos (cause, you know, I do) but I can't get a photo to show up with text next to it, which is what I wanted to do to cut down on space.
AND I have like, 50 dolls. That's a lot of photos in one post. Can this site even do that?? D: Maybe I need a tab for each section of dolls...Vampires, Angels, bunnies....everyone else lol
Alex might need his own tab there's so many of him. He might expand a little more as I've been thinking of getting him a second Puki so he can be blond too.
And I bought a random Hujoo last night. Yomi, because he was so cute on Junkyspot >.<
Chances are he might become Desk-Chibi-Alex who stays at work most of the time. Some of the time.
Maybe. Yeah. I already got him blue eyes, so he's half-way to an Alex. I do better with random dolls when they're Alex, that's why he's a Pado and a LW Bebe...they were just dolls I wanted! Not necessarily because I needed so many Alexes in the beginning. And it's why I keep getting Kara Klums. I just want all of them. ALL OF THEM. Other than the one who accidentally became Azrael when I wasn't looking they all have to be Alex because that's who they are (every time I see one on Dollmore I think "oh that poor Alex. They have him in a horrible wig again....he wants to come home to me!!"). I'm just not one of those same-sculpt-different-character people. I can only see them as who they are.
I got off track.
I really wanted to know how other people handle their doll profiles. List only? Or photo and character??
Bleh. Shoulda moved this to the top....I'll make it big. That'll work. And bold. Bold fixes everything.
So this year I joined Dairyland, cause y'know, I'm in the Midwest (it's a BJD forum for us midwesterners). There's a section in BJD photos where an owner can database all their dolls, so the other day I started a thread there and began the excruciating and long process of putting up photos and descriptions of all my dolls. Omg it's going to take forever. If nothing else I'm reminded of how many I have that I do not have good pictures of. At all. It's so bad. I really need to do something about that (speaking of, David's new wig is looking good! A few more tweaks and a quick cut of his other one and he'll be ready for a hair fashion show....)
It did get me thinking about how to do it here though. If you've not noticed I don't actually have a tab for the profiles of my dolls, just a list of what I've got, their names and arrival dates. I meant to have one with character descriptions as well, but....to be honest, I'm not internet savvy enough to have figured out how to do it.
Obviously I can post photos (cause, you know, I do) but I can't get a photo to show up with text next to it, which is what I wanted to do to cut down on space.
AND I have like, 50 dolls. That's a lot of photos in one post. Can this site even do that?? D: Maybe I need a tab for each section of dolls...Vampires, Angels, bunnies....everyone else lol
Alex might need his own tab there's so many of him. He might expand a little more as I've been thinking of getting him a second Puki so he can be blond too.
And I bought a random Hujoo last night. Yomi, because he was so cute on Junkyspot >.<
Chances are he might become Desk-Chibi-Alex who stays at work most of the time. Some of the time.
Maybe. Yeah. I already got him blue eyes, so he's half-way to an Alex. I do better with random dolls when they're Alex, that's why he's a Pado and a LW Bebe...they were just dolls I wanted! Not necessarily because I needed so many Alexes in the beginning. And it's why I keep getting Kara Klums. I just want all of them. ALL OF THEM. Other than the one who accidentally became Azrael when I wasn't looking they all have to be Alex because that's who they are (every time I see one on Dollmore I think "oh that poor Alex. They have him in a horrible wig again....he wants to come home to me!!"). I'm just not one of those same-sculpt-different-character people. I can only see them as who they are.
I got off track.
I really wanted to know how other people handle their doll profiles. List only? Or photo and character??
Bleh. Shoulda moved this to the top....I'll make it big. That'll work. And bold. Bold fixes everything.
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