I'm a big fan of tragedy, so there's a lot of unrequited love going on in my group. Some of it will never ever be requited, some of it might be, and there's always loss in the future of all my characters so you never know when someone is scheduled to die. Happy endings bore me. Don't expect to many of them XD
That said, I have my first real BJD couple!! :D Who knew?? Meet Pilot and James!

I will be the first to admit, I was ambiguous about them, I'm not normally a fan of mixing super-stylized with uber-realistic, and other than my B&G Sapphira, James here is my most stylized (non-child) doll. Likewise, Pilot is probably my most realistic! I didn't know how tiny his eyes were til he was here >.<
Both boys here were kinda like accidents in my collection. James was the result of a floating body I didn't really want to sell and a damaged head I stumbled across at a meet and traded for an outfit. Pilot was also a floating body, and a head that was on my wishlist for a day before someone offered me an unrelated trade, and mentioned they had that exact head that they would sell me at a reduced price. Needless to say I couldn't pass it up.
I wasn't too sure about him until his Dollheart outfit showed up...Now I love him. Even better, I think I like him more after his pictures with James...I don't know what it is, but I think they might work together, lingering doubts aside. When I ended up with the SD13 body headless (the result of my Migidoll Ryu FINALLY getting a Dollstown body), I immediately decided to make Pilot into a doll to go with James...my first thought was to get one that went well with a Chiwoo, but then I decided to get a random sculpt I'd always liked...I had AiL Bertram on my list too, as well as a DT boy. I'm glad I went with Elijah :)
Pilot (Remiel)
Mold: Alice in Labyrinth Elijah, Volks SD13 body
Species: Angel
Aspect: Fire - Medium (sees dead people D:), sometimes has visions
Occupation: Demon hunter, specializes in Hellhounds. Member of Sector 9, under Uriel.
Other half of Angelic Pair: Hanael

I might make him a shorter wig...
James (Hanael)
Mold: CP Luts Delf Elf Chiwoo (modded to hell and back), B&G Type 2 boy body, Delf hands
Species: Angel
Aspect: Fire - Empathy
Occupation: Demon hunter, specializes in Hellhounds. Member of Sector 9, under Uriel.
Other half of Angelic Pair: Remiel

James converted me to Chiwooism. Before him I was a fan of a small handful owned by other people but didn't want one of my own. I don't know what I was thinking! He's so cute X33
Both dolls have faceups by me.
Pilot's wig is made by me, James's wig by Spite&Malice.