Wednesday, February 29, 2012


So I am not sure if anyone ever noticed this, but none of my dolls (and very few of my characters for that matter) are actually part of a couple. I have parts of future couples, past couples, characters who slept together at least once, characters who want to be with the other person but that person is in some way a moron and doesn't get it and halves of couples where the other one is dead. The only sorta relationship I've got going with my dolls is Alex/Kimi, but they're so dysfunctional I don't like to call them together.

 I'm a big fan of tragedy, so there's a lot of unrequited love going on in my group. Some of it will never ever be requited, some of it might be, and there's always loss in the future of all my characters so you never know when someone is scheduled to die. Happy endings bore me. Don't expect to many of them XD

That said, I have my first real BJD couple!! :D Who knew?? Meet Pilot and James!

smPilot and James1 smPilot and James2

I will be the first to admit, I was ambiguous about them, I'm not normally a fan of mixing super-stylized with uber-realistic, and other than my B&G Sapphira, James here is my most stylized (non-child) doll. Likewise, Pilot is probably my most realistic! I didn't know how tiny his eyes were til he was here >.<

Both boys here were kinda like accidents in my collection. James was the result of a floating body I didn't really want to sell and a damaged head I stumbled across at a meet and traded for an outfit. Pilot was also a floating body, and a head that was on my wishlist for a day before someone offered me an unrelated trade, and mentioned they had that exact head that they would sell me at a reduced price. Needless to say I couldn't pass it up.

I wasn't too sure about him until his Dollheart outfit showed up...Now I love him. Even better, I think I like him more after his pictures with James...I don't know what it is, but I think they might work together, lingering doubts aside. When I ended up with the SD13 body headless (the result of my Migidoll Ryu FINALLY getting a Dollstown body), I immediately decided to make Pilot into a doll to go with first thought was to get one that went well with a Chiwoo, but then I decided to get a random sculpt I'd always liked...I had AiL Bertram on my list too, as well as a DT boy. I'm glad I went with Elijah :)

Pilot (Remiel)
Mold: Alice in Labyrinth Elijah, Volks SD13 body
Species: Angel
Aspect: Fire - Medium (sees dead people D:), sometimes has visions
Occupation: Demon hunter, specializes in Hellhounds. Member of Sector 9, under Uriel.
Other half of Angelic Pair: Hanael
 I might make him a shorter wig...

James (Hanael)
Mold: CP Luts Delf Elf Chiwoo (modded to hell and back), B&G Type 2 boy body, Delf hands
Species: Angel
Aspect: Fire - Empathy
Occupation: Demon hunter, specializes in Hellhounds. Member of Sector 9, under Uriel.
Other half of Angelic Pair: Remiel
smJames smJAMES smJAMES2

James converted me to Chiwooism. Before him I was a fan of a small handful owned by other people but didn't want one of my own. I don't know what I was thinking! He's so cute X33

Both dolls have faceups by me.
Pilot's wig is made by me, James's wig by Spite&Malice.

Wig Mania

One of my new obsessions is wigs. I've been doing the wig modding almost since day one of collecting dolls, but now it's going up a step or two. I've started making my own fur wigs (since I got me a fantastic fur deala yo), and because it's hard to find people with the correct green/purple combo of Alex's hair...I also have to make him a fiber version, due to fur not being long enough for the SD dolls.

I've been wanting dread falls for Ryuji (LM Kliff) because I feel like he'd wear them, I decided to give one of Wyn's wigs a good updating including streaks and decided he could use some falls as well, and then I stumbled on what looked like an easy tutorial on how to make dreads on DOA. So now I'm making dreads XD

My first attempt *fail*
dreads 1

They're actually not too bad....if I'd read all the directions =_=
I missed two very important steps. They're too long, double-ended and kinda fluffy. I like them though, and am going to try and come up with something I can use them for.

Last night I tried again. I followed all the directions this time, and not only did they turn out way better, they took half the time. :|

dreads 2

They don't look bad at all! :D I'm going to be sewing these into a Monique Jojo in White blond/bleach blond for Alex. Yeah, he's getting a few dreads as an alternate wig. I have reasons....

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New Blog!

I'm still learning this blog thing. I think I have like, three unused ones out there now Xo but as this one is about dolls, and I'm always wanting a place to just go on about them, maybe this one will stick around.

First, a quick intro.

Asian Ball Jointed Doll. I'm going to put together a FAQ but until then, there's plenty of places to look 'em up. I do not make them. That's the important thing. I generally state where they come from, but if not, feel free to ask. What do I do to and with them?

Paint their faces (Faceup)
Blush their bodies, adding various tattoo/designs, scaring other marks
Mods - some permanent, some removable
Wigs - some I make, some I mod by cutting, boiling adding stuff
Other - basic maintenance

I also use them for photography and drawing models.

Please. Stealing is wrong. Just don't do it.
Most if not all my dolls are customized to look like characters I created and developed for my Graphic Novel Forgotten Children (see my DA page). They are © me, their likenesses and images are mine.

Usually I have no problem allowing my photos to be reposted when asked and given credit.
Thank you.

Now that that's out of the way: Dolls! :D

I wish I had an updated photo of Alex I, he was my first and still my favorite...but I don't so you'll have to do with Mini-Alex, who is a Doll Chateau Colin. He's relatively new, and I've been obsessed with him since his arrival...

I made his wig, did his faceup and blushed his body. He's a gorgeous sculpt, I didn't have to do much to make him pretty X3. Smoke added in PS

Alex is my favorite of my OCs and thus too big for one doll. I have 10 of them D: You'll see them all eventually.

I'm pretty proud of his wig, I don't sew at all, but I made the pattern and did this my self! Since, I've been trying my hand in making other fur wigs for the dolls. I've done about 5 total, they're not perfect, but getting there!