Thursday, October 25, 2012


I have and have coming a lot of new resin at my house D:

First, I finally got Alex 2.5 together (ish - he needs more work, but he's got a mod and a faceup so as far as I'm concerned, he's done lol), my Fairyland order showed up on my doorstep and I purchased the last of my resin for the year - a Supia Rosy head and Volks Chris head. The Rosy arrived Monday, and the Chris is paid for and hopefully will ship soon.

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed, even though out of all this I technically only have one new full doll...

Alex 2.5 is on Alex II's old body so he's been hanging out blank since July.
The Supia Rosy moved to the Shinydoll body I bought that came with a head (sort of, long story) so she just changed heads.
The Volks Chris is going to be the version 2 of Pilot, so it's just being popped on the Volks body that's been sitting in his spot.
My FL order was a F60 Mirwen boy which came with the Nanuri B head...the NaB went on the boy body (the only real "new" doll) and the Mirwen head is replacing my Elfdoll Wu who sadly is too big for what I wanted. Since Wu also had her own body, it's just another head switch.

With these new-comers I also attempted some mods I've never done before. Eye and mouth opening! :D

Alex 2.5 got the mouth opening, and the FL NaB head got an eye opening yesterday afternoon. I could not be happier with either, even though I can think of several things to improve both. I may or may not get to them some day lol

I'm thinking I might try to give Rosy a faceup tonight... so hopefully tomorrow I can get some pics of her. I've wanted one for years, I looked at Supia a lot before getting my DM Fine as Isis and the only reason I didn't get one (It probably would have been Roda not Rosy - Rosy doesn't resemble Isis in the least) is because I didn't like how thick their necks are. Rosy's character isn't...I hate to say important, but there you go - as Isis, and the doll is different too. With Isis I needed a "perfect" doll because of my own history with girls. I just didn't keep them around. I was afraid that if one thing was off with the doll I chose I'd sell her too and that would be it. Dollmore releasing Fine was like a sign. She was and still is "perfect" to me.

I knew who I could use for Rosy almost from the start, but it wasn't until last year when I started looking at dolls to be Marcus that I really decided to go for it. When a blank head appeared on the MP at a price I couldn't say no too....I really had no choice but to buy her! lol

When I get her faceup on I'll go into her character details...she's a bit of an odd one for me.

Alex 2.5 (with open mouth mod)

sm25 ALEX NEW4

A bit hard to tell, but now he can hold a cig! YAY!

sm25 ALEX NEW2

His faceup was supposed to be temporary, for the two Halloween meets, but I kind of like it. It may stick around. Not sure about the blood though.

Here's Jax, the F60 with Nanuri B head. I opened his eyes. You can probably tell, but the scar is not a mod....

Theresa, Supia Rosy/Shinydoll. Did her up last night. I loved her faceup as I was doing it, but now I'm not sure.

Now to put a faceup on the Mirwen, wait for Chris, and the body for Aishe. Ugh. too much....I need to make more room....

Monday, October 15, 2012

What is your wishlist?

I saw this question posed on another's blog and it got me thinking about mine, which I recently deleted. Because it's shrunk down to almost nothing at the moment. O.o

I don't really have a lot that I want. Amazing isn't it??

For now I really want a new body for poor Aishe (my Breakaway head), a head for my Volks body (Chris or one of his incarnations), a body for my now female AiL Elijah head, and a Supia Rosy head. EDIT: Ok cross Rosy off the list. I just got one via the MP <3
EDIT 2: Secured a Chris :D I'm done!! Mostly. Lol Aishe and Gabriel still need bodies, but for now, I'm good.

That's pretty much it.

In the long run, I'd love to get a doll for Shae, who was my former B&G Afra I sold beause his character surpased the doll...but I've yet to find an elf mold I really think would work for him.
I'd also like to get a Chib-Unoa or hybrid. I found the height would be perfect for a Mini-Kimi...not something I was looking for, but now that it's in my head I'd like one eventually. I am also thinking of getting Wyn in mini form, either as a mini, or a child. Probably a child. I might have to rethink his character then...he'd have too much in common with Alex, something would have to be done about it.
I've always thought a DiM doll would work for him as a child due to the floppy ears, but I recently found another one that I might like more. Either way I would want him on the new DZ body, cause I like it a lot lol.

So that's my wishlist! Compared to the longness that it used to be, it's really not much. And everything is monetarily within my reach!! which is weird. Usually I have one or two "if I could afford it I'd get..." but not now. Nice. Maybe next year I'll work on some of them.

So, what's your wishlist??

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

More wigs

And more Alex. Since I got my 5th Kara Klum all bodied and such, he needed a wig. Not normally an issue since I have loads of blond Alex-wigs. Except that I don't have enough regular "default" hair Alex-wigs. D:

So 2.5 has the other good hair, leaving I(one) with a choice between short (he looks like a girl in short hair. Srsly.) and the dread wig. Which is too much to deal with on a regular basis. So Alex needed a new wig. I've been trying to get this or a similar style for a few months now, but the wigs I've bought have just been fail. I've boiled and cut them all but they weren't thick enough, and the cap showed through. One of my biggest pet wig peeves, and not for Alex. So I got this one from Monique.
And it's too thick.


Of course. Anyway, I am either going to try and thin it and cut some more, or cut some more without thinning first, or do nothing and complain about it. Either way, it's a good start, I like it as is for now, and he's going to wear it.

new wig

I should also point out that it's WAAAAAAAAY too big for him. Which is CRAP. It's an 8/9, which is what all his wigs are, most from Monique, and they're all fine! So why is this one HUGE?? I just hope it's a mistake and Monique is not just making huge wigs now. Most of my dolls are kinda pin-heady, I've never owned one that needs a 9/10! Unless you count the Leeke head. Which I don't since he's for sale.

I think it's time for a new faceup. With the "arrival" of 2.5, I have to come up with something new and different so they don't look too much alike. Plus he's had this one for almost two years now, and that's forever in my doll collection. And I think I can do better now. Gonna have to think about it...It might be similar to this one with more blushing (which is how I roll now) and more muted lips. Because these photograph like blood, nice (y'know, for a vampire) but too bright. They aren't that red irl. But it's how they show up in every photo I take of him.