Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tiny Death

Work has been sucking the life out of me these days. For the last two months one person or another has been gone, either due to vacation or personal emergencies. In a four person dept, this is kind of like hell. I've had a lot of stuff of my own to do, and then I have to cover most if not all of a coworkers work as well. So I've had a lot of days like yesterday, where I went home and sat and stared, instead of doing things I should be doing, like getting ready for Dollism or finishing up Alex III's tattoos of doom. I have had no time for fun things at work, like photos or blogs. I kind of caught up today however, so a quick update.

Alex III
He's actually almost finished. I have to do the rose on his arm, and blush him and that's it. Oh, and one of his three pairs of hands and his feets, because for some reason I save those for last.
Then he shall be sat on my shelf for the next week until I carefully wrap him up in scarves and shirts and put him in my travel bag with Alex I (who's been naked for a while now XD). I don't intend to put clothes on either of them until I'm in the hotel. Hopefully they'll make it without too much damage. I'm really not hopeful. Sitting naked on my shelf Alex I chipped his arm. >:O

Now for my most unexpected bit of BJD news.

By some stroke of uber-luck, I won the Paper Doll of Your Doll contest on DOA! I'm still surprised tbh. I put mine up early and there were quite a few posted after that I thought would win over mine. I really loved the other two winners as well, so yay for them!!

So I'm super-excited to say I won the Doll Chateau Faust generously donated by Denver Doll Emporium! I really can't believe it, I've never won anything as amazing as a doll before! And really, he's blank, WS and Doll Chateau with a little pouty face. He couldn't have been more me if he tried! lol

DDE (as fabulous as they are) shipped him out to me on Thursday, and he must have sprouted wings to get here so fast, because I had him Saturday morning, just in time to go to a Doll Meet!

Here's my little Faust, all nekkid and blank!

DC Faust 

This crappy photo is the only one I have of him from his box opening day. He didn't stay like that for long...I stripped Baby Alex out of his striped jumpsuit (he was in Jail. Don't ask.) and put it on him because it's massively huge and literally the only thing that will fit his fat butt. I tried a couple wigs on him, and went with the second one -- the mohair wig from FL that came with Latte (full set Rose) that I hated on her. On him it's perfect. I also pulled out a hat for him that I happened to have, luckily, because I had a vague idea of what I wanted to do with him -- Chibi Skullface!!

When I had found out I'd won, I had sort of been thinking of what to do with him, and it seemed appropriate. I had wanted to wait until I had him to really make up my mind, but he was doomed the second I saw him. Skullface won him, so I figure it was meant to be anyway.

Sunday I was playing with him, and mentioned to my Roommate that he would go to Dollism, even if he was blank...and she twisted my arm and made me give him a faceup.

It took me a few minutes to come up with a definite plan, but once I had it, I couldn't not.


JACK!! I was trying to think of a way to simplify and cute up Skullface, and who's a better simplified skull than Jack?! Of course I had to watch Nightmare while working on him (and Alex. I swear he's taking me the rest of my life).

I freaking love him. Unlike big Skullface, his hand is actually finished, but it's the only part of him that is XD I had drug down my Jack Skellington action figure and the way they did the hands was so easy I went on and did it quickly. Yeah. It wasn't easy. Chibi Skullface has tiny little hands, and fused-together fingers.


He's so chubby!! X33 and he poses really well. He stands like a rock in several positions and is really well balanced, sits great, slouches like a pro. His arm joints work really well. I seriously adore him. And how crazy is it that I had that hat?! lol

He only has this one thing to wear. My Roommate made it, copying the other one I have. Since it's Baby Alex's, I had sewn bunny ears and a tail too it, so it wasn't really skullface appropriate. The new one has no bun parts so it works better.


He could not channel Tim Burton more, I think.
I'm hoping she'll make him a shirt and shorts. He needs this shirt, for obvious reasons. I figured he'd hang out with the rest of my "dead" dolls, but chances are he's just going to lurk after Chibi Alex, and be the creeper that his big self is. Only cuter.

I'd like to give one more giant THANK YOU to the Den of Angels Mods and to Denver Doll Emporium. I loves my creepy bebeh.

He needs a better, more in character photoshoot now. Dark and creepy. But not. And someday I need to take a pic of the other side of his face XD


  1. Big Congrats on the win! I haven't seen the other Paper Dolls but I am not surprised you won. I really liked what you did with yours. It was unique and creative.

    And another congrats is in order for the new doll. I love Chibi Skullface. One of my favourite Faust to date! I am glad you posted your thoughts on this one as I have been looking on and off at Doll Chateau's smaller dolls since they were released but could never make up my mind on them. I like that their bodies are different in shape to other dolls this size. Plus they are perfect dolls to do something a bit out there with which appeals to me.

    1. Thank you!! :D I really thought the others were amazing, so, still surprised on my end lol. But happy!

      And thank you again! I love his body, especially in comparison to other YO sized dolls. He's so unique. I would say the only complaint I have is the lack of mobility thigh. I'm generally not a fan, but I really like most of the ones I have in YO size, and I keep trying to make him sit the way he could if he had one XD
      So I guess it's not much of a complaint as far as complaints go, more of a "he'd perfect if". I really like his posing other wise. And how sturdy he is. Totally worth his price IMO
      Someday if I ever have time I would love to do a comparison with all my YO sized dolls....I feel like it would be helpful to some. And a really good excuse to strip everyone down and actually change their clothes >.<

  2. AAAAAAAH he's so cute! Congratulations on winning! He's the most adorable little half skull ever! And the little stripey outfit and hat and that wig suit him so well!
