Thursday, October 23, 2014

Another Free Repeater

Soooooooo I sold my Pukifee this year, and a couple other dolls of that size, thinking I would only keep Ebils, and then have YO size forever. Then I ordered that AngelBattle Cream who is Pukifee sized. Oops.

Worse, I went to Dollism and saw Latidoll. I've never been attracted to their tinies, I mean, not at all, but I saw this guy and just fell in love with that little face.


 I honestly thought about buying him, but didn't, because I didn't want that size anymore. I went back and saw him a couple times, and took this picture, which was a mistake, because weeks later I'm still wishing I would have grabbed him.

Then Withdoll went and released those Werewolf Babies. Omg. For real, just look at them! I have thought about it since the release, and I just can't pass it up, on the chance I might seriously regret it, like the Lati Yellow Monster House Lashes. I'll be ordering tomorrow btw, I may be winging it as I am not 100% which one in which color I want most (I want all the werewolves!! I don't even care about werewolves!), but chances are it'll be Coco in Rosy Brown with all the animal parts and wolf skins. He has a name already - Sterek. lol
I'll call him Wolfy.

I figure he'll be friends with Mcoy "Bones" (the someday-will-get-here AB Cream)....and since I prefer things in threes, I've decided to try and get the LDY Vampy Lashes. My first attempt is Lati. He's long sold out, but they had him at Dollism, so I sent them a note asking if he might be there somewhere, hiding in a corner waiting for me. We'll see if that works out - I don't have a ton of hope, but it's a start.

If you're me, or you happen to know me very well, you can see why I love him. It's not just the fangs (they help) or the stripped suit (also helps), but the face. Those giant eyes and that shape of slightly open mouth is like my kryptonite. Every time I see a tiny that looks at me like that I melt. The Withdoll Coco has the same look - I didn't realize it though his faceup until I saw one blank. Same face. I don't know if it's because of Baby Alex (Leekeworld D Bebe) or if I bought him for the same reason and didn't realize it at the time, but he was the first. Then it was Ai/Afi from Soom, to this day the only Soom face that got me until the released Ashes/Hawa who are not only bunnies but look like Ai and Afi! I tried and couldn't even put my Afi up for sale....he's just too adorable. And I keep going for the exact same dolls over and over. Even my other tinies match up a little. Chibi Alex, North and Baby Wyn kind of have a similar look as well. I repeat a lot in this hobby. Especially if count the 7 Kara Klums.

So if Lati shoots me down I'll put up a WTB so I can bring "Fang" home to his new BFs, the newest residents (even though I don't own any of them yet) of Halloween Town. Mayored I'm sure, by Skullface. Ebils will become, not a demon but a devil, I have plans to make him a tail (and since the doll was supposed to be a dragon, he has a tail magnet already!) and all will be fabulous. Chibi Alex has moved in with the Alexcorn because I maintain the fact that Alex has Halloween all those weird dolls I don't know what to do with have a place, which means I'm less likely to turn around and sell them on a whim. My friend moved her DC Jodie into my collection as well - he's going to get a new look and be named Crow. Someday my poor Moon will have a body and she'll fit in nicely with all of them.

And if you can guess where my title comes from, you can have cookies.

Now for pictures! I wanted to get some shots of Ghost, but I failed, so it's just Gambit and Adrien.


Changing him to the River head was the best idea I ever had...



I can't wait to actually use the LED light far I haven't done it. I am stupid happy with him right now. If I was going to have a doll of Gambit, this would be it!! Which sounds so dumb, but since I didn't buy the Heath or the River with that in it makes sense to me. lol

And Adrien!
Whose real name is Adriel, as like the rest of the band Fallen, he's an angel. He's also their second guitarist, back-up vocals and manager. And sometimes he's Uriel's friend with benefits. Because Uri can't keep his hands off my Delfs.


I want different eyes for him eventually....but I haven't found any I'm partial too. He wears VK you would think I'd go cray, but no. I just can't decide.


I got really lucky at the Dollmeet. That dress is exactly what I wanted for him! Also got lucky with the guitar and wig. This is pretty much what I wanted him to look like! Adrien was, if you can't tell, very inspired by Visual Kei bands XD as were my two Volks boys also in the band (they're not even as extreme as he is). Though Trevor really should get a better faceup. I really like the one he has though D:
He has some normal hairs too, but I've never put them on him XD

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Text Wall of DOOM

EDIT: Woo! Since last night Kamau has sold on layaway!! Good news, now he can go off to someone who actually likes him and will hopefully do more than just lay him on a shelf and let him actually collect dust!!

I figured I need to update, or this will be one of those things that I've avoided for so long I can't do it (I haven't been on DA in like, 6 months. I'm shamed.). Nothing has really happened, but for some reason I had nothing to update and then no time and then....yeah.

So this might get long.

The week after Dollism I went through a fantastic stroke of horrible luck on DOA's MP. I mean it was bad. It started when I pmed a user about buying their CP Delf El. It was a good price, and I was still riding high from not spending my money at Dollism (only the money made at roomsales), and I had been thinking about getting an El for a while - plus I had some freelancing money to play with. Well that person still has not messaged me back lol. So that was a bust.

Then the worst thing happened:
I have had a WTB up for the Luts Kid Delf Jamong Pegasus head since the first one arrived at home. I adore that little head to death - it's the first head I've seen that really screams Mini or Little Wyn. I got contacted by someone who said they would sell me the head - they'd just gotten it and didn't care for it. I immediately agreed to their price and said if they sent me a total I'd pay right then - which I did. I didn't hear back from them depsite asking to let me know when they got the money. I had been told they'd ship next day...but that night I still hadn't heard from them and so I sent a pm with a friendly "wondering if you'd had time to ship!" inquiry. Still nothing. The next day I logged onto my work email and found they'd refunded my money with no reason given. I pmed again this time asking wtf (not really but I was thinking it), and finally got a one line response claiming she couldn't go through with the sale.

First time I've ever left Flakey Feedback for anyone. I was totally heartbroken by this. I've been dying to make a Little Wyn ever since I got my Pado in 2009...I've just never found the right mold. Now the right mold exists, and it was just yanked out of my hands - after I paid!! WHO DOES THAT?! I'm still pissed and it was weeks ago. To make it worse I've had no more responses on my WTB, so I'll probably never end up with this head (I've since expanded it to include the Yul Satreese head - which people keep selling the romantic version of, but not the floppy-eared head. Rawrg.).

That same day I found the exact DC body I wanted for my DZ Moon head for sale at a fabulous price, and still dying to spend money I pmed that person only to find I'd been beaten out by someone else (not that sellers fault - just crappy timing on my part).

Well, my week of crap luck finally ended when I was looking one last time for an El - I grabbed one that had been put up like, 5 minutes before I contacted the seller (the lovely Baakay) XD
So I got an El again after several years of being El-less (the old Ryuji was a Dreaming El)!

Our Halloween meet - one of the biggest meets all year - happened the next weekend and I took him hoping to get him some clothes and luckily a good friend was selling some of her Dollheart. Adrien (one of his names) now has a fabulous DH Lolita outfit, an amazing guitar I found on DOA, and the wigs I ordered him from Licht - which are perfect. I've had him for a couple weeks and he's so spoiled XD
The real reason I bought him is kind of pathetic....I'd been wanting to make a VK inspired doll so freaking bad - the other guitarist in Fallen (which has my Hound and PW Goldie as singers, VLKS Michele and DWC02 as drummer and keyboardist) - and I have had a faceup in mind for almost two years I wanted to try out. SO he's mostly put together - other than eyes. I'm having a hard time deciding or even finding some I want. :\

Last week I found on the MP a Luts Kid Delf elf eared event head for a super-barginy price that I decided would make an adequate mini Wyn until I get the damn Jamong head (if) arrived friday but I don't have a body for him. And I think I need to mod the eyes some.

 I got Ghost's (DZ Carter) faceup finished - just no pictures.

The New Boo (DZ Reiko) was sadly put on hold - I found a spot on the face when I removed the default faceup. It woudn't come off with any chemical or magic eraser, so I resorted to sanding. I sanded so much off he's now modded and I have to continue to mod him to fix him now. And the fucking spot is still there. It must be a stain going all the way through the head. I'm hoping I can fix him....I can't get a new Reiko head....I don't even know what head I could try next, I really loved the Reiko...

Gambit's new head - MD River - arrived in time for me to take it to Dollism (because Migi rocks) and I gave him his crappy faceup there lol. Then took it off and gave him a real one at home. OMG. He's fabulous. I mean amazing. I could not have asked for a better head. So he's back on the Granado body (sorry Marcus - you just can't win!!) and probably keeping it unless I find a better one. I spent a shit-ton of time restringing him and fixing him....he poses so much better now I actually hate him less.....

I listed most of my dolls I'm selling back on DOA and so far no sales but I had a nice trade of some MSD things for the Wolverine/Cosmo head, an offer of the FL F60 Nanuri A (Elf Chloe) head for my Volks Midori, which I accepted. I need to pack her up and ready her to go - I'm excited about this - I'm making him into Sage's twin. Which cracks me up since she's the "boy" version and he'll be the "girl" version. I'll be giving him Sage's wig since I bought her a different one at Dollism and she's wearing it now. He's even coming with a custom faceup I might keep.

I also got an offer for a trade for Gambit's old head - the Volks Heath - for the Elf Soony event head from the recent event. I'm all about that too - I love some elves!! - Still working on it, but I really hope it goes through. Not sure what I'll do with an Elf Soony, but I've been thinking of trying to get Sage an F60 body - so Soony could have the Delf body and be a girl. I'd rather make it a boy though....Sage's brother will share with Adrien (El) until I figure out what body I want.

I'm going through a dissatisfied phase with Isis (DM Fine) right now and I think she's getting a mold change - which makes me feel so guilty since I love the Fine mold. But I've been thinking of doing this for a while and with Nano coming up I've been giving Isis's character more thought (which really needs to be done) and I want to try reshelling her. If I am truthful, I've been not quite happy with her for a while, since Dollmore released Biwol at least. The second I saw that head I thought that if she'd come out before Fine she would have been Isis. The more I work on her character, the more I think she should be. I have a WTB up for the head, but not too many people ever owned her, so I'll probably be buying one new when I make my massive order of Kid parts for all my "kids" who need extra hands and feet. I'm pretty sure I'll keep Fine, try to make her into Theresa, and just body share them, since Isis and Theresa were never alive at the same time and I would rather not have Theresa around all the time. And I don't want to sell Fine. I still love the mold.

I want to know what FL is doing for their latest event (IKR? Why?!), I don't really want any dolls, just some bodies - but if they're doing F60's I might cave and order a whole doll just to get a body.....if I don't do that, I'll hopefully be able to order from DM soon to get Isis sorted out.

I think that's where I am right now. I feel bad selling Metatron, but don't miss him on my shelf. I doubt he'll sell anyway.

Sorry for the long wall of text. I have photos....but I don't feel like posting them.