You may have seen my photos on Flickr, but if not, I mentioned I had redone my Dollzone Carter and given him a completely new look.
He was blank for months, then he was a ghost for months - with a very nice asymmetrical faceup out of black and grey that had splatter paint all over one side of his face.
Now he's The Joker.
Needless to say, I'm utterly entranced. I should have done this a year ago when I got this doll. It was totally a whim, and also a very long time coming.
I've loved Batman and The Joker since the Tim Burton Batman was released, when all my friends did the "which celebrity" are you going to marry game, I said Jack Napier (I was like, 6. And apparently insane...give me a break). When Batman the Animated Series came out Mark Hamill's Joker is so phenomenally awesome how could you not love that? Then of course there's Heath Ledger's version.
Sometime between BTAS and TDK came Alex. Who's color palate is the same as Joker's in what might have been a fan tribute induced by many drawing when I was in college.
Like my X-Men, it seemed right to do a BJD.
Of course I blame an upcoming SuperHero-themed Dollmeet and a weekend of watching all 6 Star Wars movies followed by searching for Hot Toys action figures and clothes on eBay before deciding they were way too expensive to justfy buying. Which is when I thought "What mold would make a good Joker...DZ Carter would be awesome! I own Carter! OMGINEEDTODOITNOW!" I stripped my Carter that night, covered his wig in green pastel and dressed him in this colorful outfit that's kinda Jokeresque. I regret nothing.
I'm working on Harley Quinn this weekend. She is going to be the extra Unoa head I have (Sist Bully) on Isis's DM Judith body. It'll be a while before she's camera ready....I have nothing at all that is even remotely Harley-like. Not even a blond wig. :\
In other news, I'm thinking seriously (which means it'll happen this weekend) of putting several more dolls up for sale. I need room. I also need new bodies for some that I'm totally fed up with, and I really think it's time to let others go. I might need moral support! lol Some of them I have attachment too...
One more of Joe Kerr. Meh heh.