Friday, July 31, 2015

You can call me... Joker.

This is gonna be fast, I'm on my lunch (which is over now!!! OMG)

You may have seen my photos on Flickr, but if not, I mentioned I had redone my Dollzone Carter and given him a completely new look.

He was blank for months, then he was a ghost for months - with a very nice asymmetrical faceup out of black and grey that had splatter paint all over one side of his face.

Now he's The Joker.

You can call me... Joker.

Why So Serious?

Needless to say, I'm utterly entranced. I should have done this a year ago when I got this doll. It was totally a whim, and also a very long time coming.

I've loved Batman and The Joker since the Tim Burton Batman was released, when all my friends did the "which celebrity" are you going to marry game, I said Jack Napier (I was like, 6. And apparently insane...give me a break). When Batman the Animated Series came out Mark Hamill's Joker is so phenomenally awesome how could you not love that? Then of course there's Heath Ledger's version.

Sometime between BTAS and TDK came Alex. Who's color palate is the same as Joker's in what might have been a fan tribute induced by many drawing when I was in college.

Like my X-Men, it seemed right to do a BJD.

Of course I blame an upcoming SuperHero-themed Dollmeet and a weekend of watching all 6 Star Wars movies followed by searching for Hot Toys action figures and clothes on eBay before deciding they were way too expensive to justfy buying. Which is when I thought "What mold would make a good Joker...DZ Carter would be awesome! I own Carter! OMGINEEDTODOITNOW!" I stripped my Carter that night, covered his wig in green pastel and dressed him in this colorful outfit that's kinda Jokeresque. I regret nothing.

I'm working on Harley Quinn this weekend. She is going to be the extra Unoa head I have (Sist Bully) on Isis's DM Judith body. It'll be a while before she's camera ready....I have nothing at all that is even remotely Harley-like. Not even a blond wig. :\

In other news, I'm thinking seriously (which means it'll happen this weekend) of putting several more dolls up for sale. I need room. I also need new bodies for some that I'm totally fed up with, and I really think it's time to let others go. I might need moral support! lol Some of them I have attachment too...

One more of Joe Kerr. Meh heh.

Let's put a smile on that face!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Redoing dolls, and I broke Alex.

After seven years of existence, Alex finally broke. I'm kind of heartbroken...

It was just his hand, but, it was his original hand, and it was just so sad. He fell on the freaking carpet! He's fallen a million times and NOTHING. This time, broken finger. It was the ring finger on his right hand - which was so hard to glue back on...I couldn't reach it! Luckily I have two things: his jointed hands (which I don't use much anymore because they annoy me, and they're much yellower than he is), and an extra pair of Adam hands I bought years ago when he broke his freaking wrist. So now the hand that goes with the wrist is on him, and the broken one is on the table in front of me.

I shouldn't be was only a hand. But it was Alex's hand. If one of the WS ones had broke...they're not wearing their original hands so who cares!! But had to be the first one. I guess it had to happen sooner or later (still, 7 years!!).

My "secret" doll came in - it's not exciting lol but the sale was weird, so I felt if I didn't say anything it would be fine (and it was). I am now the owner of an actual Fashion Doll! But he's from Dollmore, so he doesn't feel like one XD
The sad thing is that's the main reason I bought him...if he'd been from another company I probably wouldn't have bothered.

So I have a Dollmore 16" FMD Jeremy - he's made of resin, and is pretty much on the same body Alex had, though it's smaller, has better knees, arms and is really really buff. Like, has muscles and veins. I took him too a dollmeet the day after he arrived (bald and naked lol) and 1. Everyone thought he was a Fairyland Chic-line and 2. couldn't believe he wasn't going to be an Alex. Seriously, if you saw him you'd understand. The guy is manly. Way too manly to be Alex. Maybe in his wildest dreams...but poor Alex would be more likely to be a girl doll than this one. In any case he's kind of fabulous - it's the same body design other than breaks in the upper arm which help his posing so much. His body is about the size of any slim mini, but his head is so small that certain clothes look odd and bulky, so shopping for him might be tough. I have no idea who or what he's going to be, though I'm leaning toward some kind of superhero or something...I have no idea who because I don't have the ability to sew so costumes are kind of out.

The fashion doll was my obsession for about a week, then was replaced by my Dollzone Carter I've had for almost a year now. He has had a faceup, and was a ghost, which was what I had planned for him....but thanks to the Jeremy and to a dollmeet theme that will happen months from now, I got reobsessed with something I have been obsessed with off and on for my whole life...and now Carter is getting a makeover. Omg I love him. I mean, if I can make this work it could be cool. Or a disaster. either way it'll be a success XD
I'm hoping to get pictures this week, so I'll do a real post on him then.

That's all I got. No photos - I've been been fail like that.

Friday, July 17, 2015

I just can't keep up this year.

First I’d like to apologize for my disappearance (if anyone actually noticed. HA).

 Nothing really bad happened, unless you consider my getting blocked from this site at work bad.
Yep. It happened. No more blogging at work for me. Boo.

 This disruption in what I laughingly call my routine through me off completely and I have yet to get back on track. I’m left with two options.

 1. Do it at lunch. When I have an hour and usually use it to walk, eat, read, draw and sometimes take doll photos. Ok, lunch is probably out.

 2. Do it at night when I got to bed, which means dragging my laptop to my room every night. Or some nights. Which isn’t as horribly time-consuming and out-putting as I make it sound, but I don’t ever do it so it will take some remembering that I have too.

 Needless to say I have yet to figure out a work around. And this really isn’t the week to be doing it – my room is a disaster after the air conditioner leaked through the ceiling and ruined my mattress. I’m currently living in the living room on an air mattress, which is eating up all my sleep. I’m mostly a zombie right now. However I have things! Things that are goings on!

 First my last post was an “emergency” sales post – my hurriedly posted sales paid off. I was able to raise enough money in time to buy not only one but two Unoas from the Noppin sales (they posted a bunch of Unoas they had in stock). Originally I really wanted a Chibi Lilin…but as the days went by and poor B-el didn’t sell out, I caved and bought him too. Noppin being Noppin shipped right away so both have been home for some time. As is usual with me, my Nemesisesses, the Unoa Butt-tab, had to be eliminated from both dolls before I could deal with them properly.

 Chibi Lilin is Mini Kimi, and adorbs in all her short, chunky glory. B-el is called Clover, in my coffee-named group with Macchi and is also a unicorns. But dark and scary. Also glittery. And floppy. He needs serious restringing. I only tightened him before…I think he needs all new string. Macchi’s like a rock…I want Clover that way too.

I really had no idea I’d like B-el so much…maybe it was because he was new and shiny? Or more in my comfort zone being kind of evil? Who knows. I love him tho. Both of the new ones need better wigs and Kimi needs new eyes before I’ll even photograph her. I hate the eye mech almost as much as the butt tabs. Eventually I’d like to get all the parts for all the Unoas….hoping Noppin has a parts order again soon! Or the new Unoa B-grade shop….I’d totally take some B-grade parts.

 I ordered another head to see if I can make a Captain Kirk. I won’t get into it in case it fails like the last one. I have high hopes however.

 I ordered a Migidoll Elf Owen head, and got a 65cm Dollzone body for him in a trade. I now have Shae again as a doll. He’s pretty fabulous, though that DZ body needs some work before I can do much with him. I hate the hands, feet and omg it has butt tabs. They must go. Having Shae in doll form means all my elves are…complete. If you call not really having clothes complete. The only one with a wardrobe is Sage. And really, I want a new body for Wyn. They’re all whole anyway. Rowan is on his body, strung with a FL neck key and just got a wig I really like from, of all places, Leekeworld. I usually can’t stand their wigs…but thanks to their current sale I have four dolls wearing them >.<

 The doll formerly known as Chestnut Parline had a serious makeover right out of his old character (since I haven’t owned him all that long I feel funny calling it an old character) and I now have no idea who he is. Someday I’ll have to vent so I can figure him out. He looks a lot better (He’s a tan MNF Celine boy I got in a trade).

 I am awaiting the arrival of some rRabit stuff, and confirmation of a “secret” purchase that I am a little worried about and so don’t want to talk about it yet. Otherwise I wouldn’t bother wit the whole “secret” thing since I think it’s ridiculous. But I don’t want to go on and then have it fall through. Hopefully I’ll have it soon and all will be well. I think that’s about it.

Hopefully everyone is doing well and I can go catch up on your blogs. Stupid work. Wrecking my should-be-done-in-my-freetime-anyway stuff!!