GET IT?!?! Like Project Alice?? From all the Resident Evils??
Am I the only one who loves those movies? D:
I haven't had time or proper weather to mess with my own dolls in a while, but I just had a long weekend, and in what time I did have I got a few things done.
With the arrival of my Narsha boy (Tiny Alex) I decided that all the "young-ins" of the same name needed new faceups. This includes, Baby (Leeke D Bebe), Little (Dollmore Pado), Tween (Dollmore Eve Liebe Klum/Zaoll body) and I(one) (Dollmore Kara Klum). I am pretty sure all of them were last faceuped about two years ago, around the time I got Tween, or even the year before. I don't like to keep my dolls faceups that long lol I improve, looking at old faceups depresses me.
I like the "Young" Alexes to look alike since they're the closest in age, and different molds so it's harder for some people to "see" them as the same person. The five Kara Klums on the other hand all have drastically different faceups (except for the eyebrows XD) because that's pretty much the point of having more than two. I have to have at
least two....I and III. The others are a bonus.
I really wanted to get Little Alex out of the way since Boo
should be arriving any day now (if freaking Mint On Card will ever ship him!) and I will want to get Boo his mods and faceup finished so they can be photographed together. I am really hoping I can handle the height difference....Boo is going to be huge D: He might need to get a girl body. I don't know...we'll see if he ever gets here :|
I also wanted to redo Alex I's faceup since it was looking really bad by my standards and it was time for something new. Tween had the newest faceup (which makes me thing the others have actually had theirs longer D: ) but if Little and I get redone he would have too as I stripped all three of them (omg my poor hands!!! It took hours!) and was able to give them all a new faceup over the weekend!
For the first time ever, I took progress pictures. Not a lot, but a few of all three heads, because this is the first time I've ever had all three of them blank at the same time before! Not a big deal to pretty much everyone else on the planet...but his is my favorite "family" of it was kind of cool for me.The photos suck. I didn't use my good lense, the light is yellow (for real, my light is YELLOW) and everything came out dark and grainy....but
Here they are!!
Sorry for the upside-downness of the photos, it was really the best way I could do it >.<
And Alex's head isn't that much darker than the rest...more proof that my lighting is awful. He's the same color as little Alex, and Tween is a shade pinker than they are....
from L to R:
Kara Klum (2008), Liebe Klum (2011) and Pado (2009) - all sculpted by Dollmore.
and a profile
(messy messy....I cleaned off the table before I actually started)
As you can tell by this photo, despite people telling me this many many times (as if I wouldn't know :\ ) Kara and Liebe are
not the same sculpt. They are close, and most definitely "related" as Dollmore puts it (Kara is Liebe's older brother ((by a year I think)), Pado is a younger cousin), but different.
Obvious differences are eye openness, nose size, chin and jaw shape and Liebe is all over a little rounder/cubbier. Pado is so similar to the both of them that he could easily be a younger brother, or child of one of them, or a younger version of one (or both lol). I LOVE how the sculpter made three heads that are so similar but not carbon copies, one reason why I'm so fascinated by these guys.
In the top photo you can see a bit of shininess on Libe's lip....something was up with that. Nothing would stick to it, I had the hardest time getting the spray to stay!! I must have done something while cleaning because this was not the case the first time I did the face on this head and I had actually redone the lips twice because I hated them the first time (pretty usual for Alex, I always end up redoing his lips >.<).
Stage one!! Actually more like "almost finished". I forgot to take more photos >.<
The green is the box lid I use to's got all sorts of lint stuck in it now :P
I hate lint.
It's really easy to get these three looking alike. There were many times when I did a double-take with Kara and Liebe to figure out which was which...
Just for fun SCARY!!! D:
The magnets are reversed, they can't wear each others headbacks, but they can stick together!! So weird.... I actually always thought Liebe was bigger, but no, they're the same size. Liebe just seems bigger, maybe because of the extra roundness....
And finished!!
So pretties!! >.<
I put them all together, but it was even later and darker and gross, and again, my lights I will be taking a "Glamor Shot" of each of them in the next few days to post. Alex (I) looks so much younger and healthier now...and almost sweet. It's so freaky....
The other two didn't change much, just a bolder, more updated (meaning better) version of the faceups they had prior to the redo.
Now I have to redo Baby Alex too...*dies*
The weather wasn't really faceup weather. It was like, 20° all hopefully they'll stay at least for another year!!
Ugh. Stupid pictures. I can see all my flaws now....