Going through my first trouble with a trade and the PO. It's possible a package on the way to me is now gone forever :(( Needless to say, I'm not in a great mood about it.
Also, all of the people who ordered the same time I did from MOC have gotten notices that their orders were shipped from Dollzone. I am literally the only one who has heard nothing. I'm thinking of emailing MOC just to see if maybe they forgot or hit the SONIC WALL of doom in my email or if mine really is the only one not coming. Which is crap, he's not tan and I didn't order a faceup, it shouldn't take longer.
I'm now having issues with Dollheart. For some reason their website is convinced that my address is invalid and I can't order from them. Which SUCKS becuase I'm something of a DH addict. And even worse my last two orders would have been/were gifts. So I'm trying to get a gift for a friend now, and I can't because it won't work. I've emailed them, and they are trying to work on it, but it's been days and I've heard nothing and I've tried to order and still - invalid address. *sigh*
EDIT: So MOC did contact me, my crappy email just blocked it. So my Ro is on his way to the States as I sit here! Unless he's here already! Which would be all kinds of awesome.
DH gave up on me. They asked me to create another account :( Which means I lose all my previous order history. I guess it's only fair, I gave up on them yesterday and ordered my friend a doll instead. It was only about $20 more than the outfit set XD so I figure it works out. Now I'm hounding Luts about payment XD
Still no word on the missing package. I think it's hopeless at this point. My cat doesn't hate me anymore though, so I'm much happier today....
The Good
A while ago I did a trade for a Doll Leaves Jax Rabbit. He showed up and proved to be much cuter in person than in photos <3
I'm pretty happy with him. I gave him a good cleaning, new eyes and made a tail out of a puff-ball because I generally prefer those to resin tails.
Here is an uber-crappy cell pic of him (on my desk at work, with Tiny Alex and an Alex plushie I made about a million years ago behind him - so much Alex)

Because I am lame, I've named him Jack. Which actually works, because all my bunnies are named after children's stories, rhymes or games. And srsly, there is a Jack in like, half of them XD
Today I was offered another trade, this time a Dollzone Pet Bunny. It's totally adorable, so I'm taking it. His name shall be Bean. Get it?? Jack and Bean?! I TOLD YOU I WAS LAME!!
Yeah, the trade only started today and I'm already excited for this little guy.
Also, I checked twitter today for the first time in about 6 months, and Dollmore tweeted a phrase that looked somehow familiar to me....and I realized it was what I had called a picture post in their gallery. I won their photo contest!! :D :D Now I'll have 100 points to spend on their site, which will get me a couple good outfits for Tiny Alex! *dance* I love it. This is probably the fourth or fifth time I've won XD One good reason why DM remains my favorite company ever. Plus I have more of their dolls than any other company out there lol but y'know, free stuff!!
So I was in a pretty crappy mood this morning, but then, trades and Dollmore. So it's not so bad. I hope my package mysteriously turns up somewhere--then life will be good, but I'm not holding my breath.
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