EDIT: Ooh I'm so excited - Wyn's body shipped, Kirks head just shipped!! I hope Kirk works. I have an outfit planned for him already so I need to get him a body. *crosses fingers*
A quick rundown of who needs a body:
Spock (Minimee)
Kirk (ok, he needs a head too. Still.)
Anna (FL F60 Sionna)
Gabriel (Supia Ariel)
Final Alex head (used to be 2.5)
Sage - I'd like to get her a new body, then give her F60 Moe back to Anna
Wyn - Sold his body, he needs a new one
Mini David - Bought him one already since Granado had a two day sale and I had no choice.
I think that's it. Seriously I need so many bodies D:
Mini David - Migidoll Mir - has been on a Lati Blue body, but I've decided I hate it. I spent a lot of time looking for something as tall...and i've decided it just doesn't exist. Something that is close was the Granado body however, and it looks really nice. They opened up for a very short time to sell parts, so I had to buy it then. So Mini David actually has his body on the way.
I sold Wyn's body last week and thanks to all the sales I've had, I have enough to get to get him a new one. I've been set on Dollstown, but I was unsure of which one. My choices were the DT 15yr boy, 13yr girl and 15yr girl, since all three are up for sale on the MP right now. After freaking out about it all day, I decided the 15yr is the way to go and pmed that person - sadly I'll have to get the whole doll and I don't need the head....but it's not like the 15yr girl is readily available, so I don't have much choice. I'm really hoping this works out. Wyn has been due some fixing up for years. It would be nice to have him perfect for a change.
Sage or Gabriel will probably be next on the list. I'd really like to have Sage taller and slimmer, and Gabriel has never had a body, so it would be nice to get her moving. Kirk needs to ship so I can see if he will work out before I think about bodies for him and Spock.
I probably won't be selling Mini David's Lati body. I have....tentative plans for it, even though I hate it. We'll see if they pan out.
Which brings me too

Carter probably has not been recast...but just in case.
Also, I really would like to buy a few Iplehouse JID heads: all in NS - Owen for sure
others I'm interested in are Daniel, colin, edwin or Asa, I, Amy, Cecile, Sierra
If you know anyone who is selling any of these, please direct them toward me! Or the other way around! Especially Carter-1. I'm dying to have another head for Joker.
Also also, what do you guys think about back drops? I've been looking at them on Ebay but I'm unsure about actually pulling the trigger...which is silly, I should just do it.