Long post is long. Just warning you ahead of time.
Last night I got them all out, looked at all their Faceplates, bodies, faceups, wigs, eyes, ect. and tried to figure out who needed what done or bought. I found out a couple of things.
1. While some of them need things done, it's not as horrible as I thought
2. I had enough spare parts laying around to literally piece the two characters I had decided to add together last night, and my group went from 7 to 9 in minutes (more like hours). Still considering one or two more, but it's not as imperative as the two I have now, so after I snag a few more faceplates, I'm good.
So here's what I gots.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Monday, April 22, 2013
Project Chibi (Revisited)
This time it's for real!!
Though I've been saying that since 2010...it really is this time.
As if I don't have enough projects on my plate right now, I'm actually moving forward with my Chibi Group...which consists of 5 Pukis, a Brownie/Puki hybrid, and the not-a-character hanger-oner; ElfiNdoll Pet Bunny/Puki hybrid (who was unplanned but part of the group now).
The original plan for this group of tiny dolls was to get 6 Pukis (or 5 and one Brownie), turn them into my 6 "main" characters, then make them sets. Or at least one set: the coffee shop Dante's Coffee House from my comic, which is kind of a central place for these characters.
I got as far as collecting a bunch of Puki parts, piecing together the dolls I wanted and "mostly" getting them to look right. Nothing else came out. My pukis spend much of their time in their carrier and only come once in a while for meets. I made them a cemetery, but it's in shambles now and could use a serious repair or redo.
All of them could use a few good items of clothing and several of them need new wigs and eyes. At least one needs a new faceup on both his sleep and awake face.
The coffee shop keeps getting put on hold because I can't find things I want for it....so it's a non-entity. I started wanting to do Aishe's Occult Shop too, because it would so fun to put together and I keep finding things he could have...but I never got any of it and just keep putting it off.
Pretty much a fail all aruond.
Two things recently happened to change this.
1. I discovered (or re-discovered) the "Homes for tinies" thread on DOA. I spent some time looking through it (boredom is dangerous, kids) and subscribed just in time for it to be shutdown due to post count and restarted XD
If you're even a little into miniatures this is fabulous thread to look at. It's full of helpful people and amazing inspiration. It kind of turned me back into the direction of wanting to mess with my Chibi group again.
B. Last week I went to friends' house who also collect dolls. They have some Fairyland Chicline dolls and after going to Idex, have decided to build sets for them. They have a room. They have props. They have furniture.
I HAVE NOTHING. I've been "doing" my chibi stuff for three years and have nothing, they've had C lines for...well, not as long as I've had Pukis, and they've got a room. A nice room. For MSD sized (if not scaled) dolls. ARG.
I felt - not jealousy - but shame. I should have done this. It's a fun idea, and might actually help me visualize the sets for my stupid comic.
So that very night I got on Evil Bay and bought two room boxes. They're cheep, but better than Foam-core ones I was planning on making my self (which never happened), so hopefully, I will be able to push them together to make one larger set.
The plan is too start with Aishe. He recently got a new, working body, and I feel like it will be easier to do his shop first, and start on Dante's when I find important things like counter-tops and furniture for a coffee shop.
The rooms were delivered today (though I'm at work, yay.) so - assuming they will work for what I want - I can start...getting started.
Along with all this prop/set making/collecting I want to finally get my Chibis finished. I started buy buying Uriel a new wig. His hair is supposed to be yellow fading to orange (like fire) and the Chibi-him only has orange. The new one is also orange, but I'm going to mod it so that it's hopefully the color I want.
Beyond that they all need something. I'm still unsure about Isis's sculpt (it was one that was left over, not one I picked), Alex needs a new faceup, Wyn could use better hair and a custom faceup...they're all kind of a mess.
I want to get them a few few "expression" faceplates (like a Pong or something) that they can mostly all share (Wyn is a Brownie, so he gets nuthin, and Alex is the only WS one so he has to have his own plates and Aishe needs mods on all his and they have to be sleeping - so really they can't all share! DAMNIT).
And I'm thinking of possibly adding two more characters. Possibly four over the next year.
My first baby-step, ordering the rooms, is out of the way. Next comes organization. I want to get my Pukis out and give them all a good once-over to see what else they all need. Then I want to go through my stuff and separate it by character instead of lumping it all in one box. Then I want to see if I can use what I have and figure out what I need and want. I'm hoping to work on that in the next week, inbetween facups on my Volks DWC head, Boo's head and Mini-David's new head.
I think I can do it!! Though priority One is the Volks head...I have to get him done soon if I want to make the deadline...bleh.
I'm so excited to start working on this! I can't wait to get through the rest of the stupid day and go home!! WHY MUST WORK BE IN MY WAY? WHY?!
Oh yeah, so I have money to do all the stuff I want to do XDDD
Good reason.
Though I've been saying that since 2010...it really is this time.
As if I don't have enough projects on my plate right now, I'm actually moving forward with my Chibi Group...which consists of 5 Pukis, a Brownie/Puki hybrid, and the not-a-character hanger-oner; ElfiNdoll Pet Bunny/Puki hybrid (who was unplanned but part of the group now).
The original plan for this group of tiny dolls was to get 6 Pukis (or 5 and one Brownie), turn them into my 6 "main" characters, then make them sets. Or at least one set: the coffee shop Dante's Coffee House from my comic, which is kind of a central place for these characters.
I got as far as collecting a bunch of Puki parts, piecing together the dolls I wanted and "mostly" getting them to look right. Nothing else came out. My pukis spend much of their time in their carrier and only come once in a while for meets. I made them a cemetery, but it's in shambles now and could use a serious repair or redo.
All of them could use a few good items of clothing and several of them need new wigs and eyes. At least one needs a new faceup on both his sleep and awake face.
The coffee shop keeps getting put on hold because I can't find things I want for it....so it's a non-entity. I started wanting to do Aishe's Occult Shop too, because it would so fun to put together and I keep finding things he could have...but I never got any of it and just keep putting it off.
Pretty much a fail all aruond.
Two things recently happened to change this.
1. I discovered (or re-discovered) the "Homes for tinies" thread on DOA. I spent some time looking through it (boredom is dangerous, kids) and subscribed just in time for it to be shutdown due to post count and restarted XD
If you're even a little into miniatures this is fabulous thread to look at. It's full of helpful people and amazing inspiration. It kind of turned me back into the direction of wanting to mess with my Chibi group again.
B. Last week I went to friends' house who also collect dolls. They have some Fairyland Chicline dolls and after going to Idex, have decided to build sets for them. They have a room. They have props. They have furniture.
I HAVE NOTHING. I've been "doing" my chibi stuff for three years and have nothing, they've had C lines for...well, not as long as I've had Pukis, and they've got a room. A nice room. For MSD sized (if not scaled) dolls. ARG.
I felt - not jealousy - but shame. I should have done this. It's a fun idea, and might actually help me visualize the sets for my stupid comic.
So that very night I got on Evil Bay and bought two room boxes. They're cheep, but better than Foam-core ones I was planning on making my self (which never happened), so hopefully, I will be able to push them together to make one larger set.
The plan is too start with Aishe. He recently got a new, working body, and I feel like it will be easier to do his shop first, and start on Dante's when I find important things like counter-tops and furniture for a coffee shop.
The rooms were delivered today (though I'm at work, yay.) so - assuming they will work for what I want - I can start...getting started.
Along with all this prop/set making/collecting I want to finally get my Chibis finished. I started buy buying Uriel a new wig. His hair is supposed to be yellow fading to orange (like fire) and the Chibi-him only has orange. The new one is also orange, but I'm going to mod it so that it's hopefully the color I want.
Beyond that they all need something. I'm still unsure about Isis's sculpt (it was one that was left over, not one I picked), Alex needs a new faceup, Wyn could use better hair and a custom faceup...they're all kind of a mess.
I want to get them a few few "expression" faceplates (like a Pong or something) that they can mostly all share (Wyn is a Brownie, so he gets nuthin, and Alex is the only WS one so he has to have his own plates and Aishe needs mods on all his and they have to be sleeping - so really they can't all share! DAMNIT).
And I'm thinking of possibly adding two more characters. Possibly four over the next year.
My first baby-step, ordering the rooms, is out of the way. Next comes organization. I want to get my Pukis out and give them all a good once-over to see what else they all need. Then I want to go through my stuff and separate it by character instead of lumping it all in one box. Then I want to see if I can use what I have and figure out what I need and want. I'm hoping to work on that in the next week, inbetween facups on my Volks DWC head, Boo's head and Mini-David's new head.
I think I can do it!! Though priority One is the Volks head...I have to get him done soon if I want to make the deadline...bleh.
I'm so excited to start working on this! I can't wait to get through the rest of the stupid day and go home!! WHY MUST WORK BE IN MY WAY? WHY?!
Oh yeah, so I have money to do all the stuff I want to do XDDD
Good reason.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Quick update
I finished my Michele's new faceup! :D
Here is Ai, drummer of Fallen and twin to Leila. Who isn't finished yet *stress*

I have to say, I'm super-pleased with how it turned out! I was a little afraid after I was about 2/3s done. He looked ok but I was scared I would hate it when he had eyes and a wig....nope. LOVE. He looks exactly how I wanted him too!! :D :D
If only my photos weren't so crappy. That wig is from Dollmore, and I cut and boiled it into some kind of shape. I like it though it does need at least one more boiling....part of it kinked and it looks off. It's also WAY too big for him...it falls off. The wigcap he has SUCKS. I don't know if DDE is no longer selling the old ones, or if they're just out temporarily but the new ones are awful. They don't fit or stay on any of my doll's heads so the wigs fall off with them, which totally defeats the purpose of a wigcap! Very much hate. Now I'm going to have to make a Luts or Dollmore order and get some that work. And pay a fortune in shipping. But I need to order from one of them anyway because I need some clothes
For my secret birthday doll.
I love it.
I had never realized that SQlabs made "chibis" until I found the thread on DOA...then of course I got obsessed with getting one and making another Chibi Alex...I originally wanted Moe, but then decided I'd get (eventually) all the heads, so it didn't matter which I got first....Then I got totally lucky when my best friend said she'd get me one for my birthday. We found a WS Tsubaki with clothes and wig (not these) for the same price as a basic new on DOA and Big Chibs was born. He came with this faceup, but I changed the soft, brown eyebrows to these harsh black ones (cause that's so much more Alex). He's freaking adorable....their body is so cute. It needs a few swipes of the sandpaper to turn it genderless (don't ask) but then it's perfect. I keep taking his clothes off to play with him nekkid XDD
Someday I'll order him a few extra heads and hands, but for now...I really like him as is. And he's SO FREAKING ANIME!!! lol who would of thought?
On to my other odd sizes, I ordered a Limhwa Mono from Junkyspot yesterday, almost as soon as I got their email that they were in stock. I'm going to try to make him Mini David, either whole or as a hybrid. If he doesn't work out, both the Mono and the Lati Rei will be sold (hopefully) and I'll use the funds to get yet another attempt: An Iplehouse Kid. If that fails I don't know what the hell I'll do.
*giant sigh* I don't understand why Mini David is such a pain. Oh wait, big David was a pain too (all his stupid bodies!!). I guess it's just him.
I need to get him figured out...if I can that's it, no more dolls for a while. I'm actually eager to take a break from buying and work on the ones I have that need so much work!! C'mon David...work with me here!!
Here is Ai, drummer of Fallen and twin to Leila. Who isn't finished yet *stress*

I have to say, I'm super-pleased with how it turned out! I was a little afraid after I was about 2/3s done. He looked ok but I was scared I would hate it when he had eyes and a wig....nope. LOVE. He looks exactly how I wanted him too!! :D :D
If only my photos weren't so crappy. That wig is from Dollmore, and I cut and boiled it into some kind of shape. I like it though it does need at least one more boiling....part of it kinked and it looks off. It's also WAY too big for him...it falls off. The wigcap he has SUCKS. I don't know if DDE is no longer selling the old ones, or if they're just out temporarily but the new ones are awful. They don't fit or stay on any of my doll's heads so the wigs fall off with them, which totally defeats the purpose of a wigcap! Very much hate. Now I'm going to have to make a Luts or Dollmore order and get some that work. And pay a fortune in shipping. But I need to order from one of them anyway because I need some clothes
For my secret birthday doll.

I had never realized that SQlabs made "chibis" until I found the thread on DOA...then of course I got obsessed with getting one and making another Chibi Alex...I originally wanted Moe, but then decided I'd get (eventually) all the heads, so it didn't matter which I got first....Then I got totally lucky when my best friend said she'd get me one for my birthday. We found a WS Tsubaki with clothes and wig (not these) for the same price as a basic new on DOA and Big Chibs was born. He came with this faceup, but I changed the soft, brown eyebrows to these harsh black ones (cause that's so much more Alex). He's freaking adorable....their body is so cute. It needs a few swipes of the sandpaper to turn it genderless (don't ask) but then it's perfect. I keep taking his clothes off to play with him nekkid XDD
Someday I'll order him a few extra heads and hands, but for now...I really like him as is. And he's SO FREAKING ANIME!!! lol who would of thought?
On to my other odd sizes, I ordered a Limhwa Mono from Junkyspot yesterday, almost as soon as I got their email that they were in stock. I'm going to try to make him Mini David, either whole or as a hybrid. If he doesn't work out, both the Mono and the Lati Rei will be sold (hopefully) and I'll use the funds to get yet another attempt: An Iplehouse Kid. If that fails I don't know what the hell I'll do.
*giant sigh* I don't understand why Mini David is such a pain. Oh wait, big David was a pain too (all his stupid bodies!!). I guess it's just him.
I need to get him figured out...if I can that's it, no more dolls for a while. I'm actually eager to take a break from buying and work on the ones I have that need so much work!! C'mon David...work with me here!!
Monday, April 8, 2013
So many new Resins
I don't get how I can space my ordering out just fine, but then everything I order shows up about the same time...so I feel like I'm on some crazy buying spree. :\
Anyhoo, last weekend Nappy Choo arrived. I can't take pictures of him, becuase MOC sent the wrong size eyes and now he's scary. So we'll have to wait until Alice ships his (dear god hopefully) "real" eyes...along with other Alex-eyes and Alex I's bday gift. Which is win. I can't wait for it to get here XD
I do hope it fits.
I can't believe he'll be five in a month. SO OLD!!
Anyway, I gave up on my AiL Elihah head of ever working for Gabriel... within the next hour, I discovered, fell in love with and did a total impulse buy (believe it or not, I don't usually impulse buy dolls) of a Dollstown Rian head from Dollstown. This was last Friday. She arrived on Saturday. Holy hell are they fast. One week?! Who does that?! She's now on the Resinsoul body I bought for Elijah, which is...nice. Finicky, and was really in need of a lot of work, but nice. She's perfect, exactly what I wanted, and from DT...it's always been a hope of mine to own a DT girl.
Migi shipped my two alternate Ryu heads and they should be here today...they're in the STL already so it's possible they're already on my porch.
My Birthday doll also arrived Saturday, but I can't have him until Saturday which is actually the day after my bday, but when we're having a thing...so I have to wait. It's torture. I already know what it is, I picked it out and found it second-hand...but I want to see it so bad!! I bought clothes already lol. I need to make a wig, but will have to wait until I actually get him, so I can use his head....TORTURE!!!
So all this crazy-timed arrivalage means...I'm not waiting on anything but wigs and clothes. And probably won't be for a long time. I don't even really want any new dolls lol. I have enough!!
Well, I do want a new head for mini-David, but since I don't know what that will be yet, I'm in no hurry.
I really will be listing a few extra pieces for sale soon, I'm thinking about one more that may or may not go up for sale for sure first. Then some sales pics. Then I'm not sure I have anyone else to sell. D:
Scary thought.
In the meantime, I wiped a bunch of heads yesterday adding to my faceless-monster group. Since David's new heads will be here, he'll have to get wiped as well. I am INSANELY behind on faceups. I have like, 6 now that need them plus all three Ryus. The Vampire head will have to get modded first, no way am I keeping those pointy ears. Maybe the fangs. Maybe. Boo has to get his mod as well....Then I have two heads that aren't mine, one of which needs sanding first. Ugh. SO MUCH WORK. I started to work on Michele and Rian, because they'll be the easiest (I know exactly what I want to do to Michele, and the Rian will get the same faceup the Elijah has) last night, and the stupid sky opened up and it freaking poured on us. The hell. So nothing got done on them. Maybe tonight. I'm crossing my fingers. It would be nice to have someone off my work table soon....
And finally I would like to share this, which I'm having made for Baby and Little Alex. Because it's so FREAKING CUTE!!! This kinda thing is one reason I have so many Alexes. I couldn't put that on big Alex without gagging a little at the wrongness of it all, but the Kidlets can wear it with no issues at all :D
I can't wait for the eyes to show up. If they're all the right colors, I think there might have to be a giant Alex-group photo. I haven't done one since I had 6 Alexes...that was years ago lol. So many more now....
Anyhoo, last weekend Nappy Choo arrived. I can't take pictures of him, becuase MOC sent the wrong size eyes and now he's scary. So we'll have to wait until Alice ships his (dear god hopefully) "real" eyes...along with other Alex-eyes and Alex I's bday gift. Which is win. I can't wait for it to get here XD
I do hope it fits.
I can't believe he'll be five in a month. SO OLD!!
Anyway, I gave up on my AiL Elihah head of ever working for Gabriel... within the next hour, I discovered, fell in love with and did a total impulse buy (believe it or not, I don't usually impulse buy dolls) of a Dollstown Rian head from Dollstown. This was last Friday. She arrived on Saturday. Holy hell are they fast. One week?! Who does that?! She's now on the Resinsoul body I bought for Elijah, which is...nice. Finicky, and was really in need of a lot of work, but nice. She's perfect, exactly what I wanted, and from DT...it's always been a hope of mine to own a DT girl.
Migi shipped my two alternate Ryu heads and they should be here today...they're in the STL already so it's possible they're already on my porch.
My Birthday doll also arrived Saturday, but I can't have him until Saturday which is actually the day after my bday, but when we're having a thing...so I have to wait. It's torture. I already know what it is, I picked it out and found it second-hand...but I want to see it so bad!! I bought clothes already lol. I need to make a wig, but will have to wait until I actually get him, so I can use his head....TORTURE!!!
So all this crazy-timed arrivalage means...I'm not waiting on anything but wigs and clothes. And probably won't be for a long time. I don't even really want any new dolls lol. I have enough!!
Well, I do want a new head for mini-David, but since I don't know what that will be yet, I'm in no hurry.
I really will be listing a few extra pieces for sale soon, I'm thinking about one more that may or may not go up for sale for sure first. Then some sales pics. Then I'm not sure I have anyone else to sell. D:
Scary thought.
In the meantime, I wiped a bunch of heads yesterday adding to my faceless-monster group. Since David's new heads will be here, he'll have to get wiped as well. I am INSANELY behind on faceups. I have like, 6 now that need them plus all three Ryus. The Vampire head will have to get modded first, no way am I keeping those pointy ears. Maybe the fangs. Maybe. Boo has to get his mod as well....Then I have two heads that aren't mine, one of which needs sanding first. Ugh. SO MUCH WORK. I started to work on Michele and Rian, because they'll be the easiest (I know exactly what I want to do to Michele, and the Rian will get the same faceup the Elijah has) last night, and the stupid sky opened up and it freaking poured on us. The hell. So nothing got done on them. Maybe tonight. I'm crossing my fingers. It would be nice to have someone off my work table soon....
And finally I would like to share this, which I'm having made for Baby and Little Alex. Because it's so FREAKING CUTE!!! This kinda thing is one reason I have so many Alexes. I couldn't put that on big Alex without gagging a little at the wrongness of it all, but the Kidlets can wear it with no issues at all :D
I can't wait for the eyes to show up. If they're all the right colors, I think there might have to be a giant Alex-group photo. I haven't done one since I had 6 Alexes...that was years ago lol. So many more now....
Monday, April 1, 2013
Selling all my dolls
Ok, I'm not selling all of them, just a few here and there like usual. XD
I'll be listing my Alice in the Labyrinth Elijah head for sale on DOA this week. Also I will probably put up the Sleeping Sist head again, this time for good as I don't think I'll ever do anything with it. Possibly one or two more anthros as well....It's that time. I need to get rid of some of the dolls I have just taking up space. I'll probably post them here first if anyone is interested, then DOA, DA and Dairyland. Cause the more the merrier.
The Elijah hurts. I love that head, it's just gorgeous...but the body I got for her didn't work so well, and the more I looked at her them more I gave up. I spent some time on the MP looking for another head to use in her place and found....well what I found was exactly what I wanted, which was another dream doll of sorts for me. I've had a few of those over the years, and it's possible that this is one of the last...meaning my collection is becoming complete? That's a scary thought. But I guess it's possible. The Elijah was supposed to be the angel Gabriel, the last of the more important of my characters, and the last one I really want as a doll. There's really no need for me to have anyone else (except for Shae I guess...We'll see if that ever happens).
For now, here is a sneak peak at my newest who arrived over the weekend!
CUTENESS OVERLOAD!! Crappy cell phone pic beware....

This here is a Nappy Choo Popo. When Neo Angel Region or Soom in disguise came up with the Nappy Choo, I thought it was weird and pointless. Then years later I saw one and was smitten. I had to has. It's so cute in person it's kind of sick lol. He has temporary blue eyes on the way, but Dollmore does not make the size I need for him, so I need to find an eye supplier that makes eyes in Alexes color so I can get him some real ones...him and Tiny Alex actually, who's eyes are way too dark, but at least blue.
This poor thing is so tiny...he's smaller than a Pukifee, but a chunk. It poses amazingly well, and is...very detailed D:
I feel weird owning a cute little baby doll. I don't like children, and have never wanted one of my own...but who can resist that little face?! Someday I will have real photos (when his fake eyes get here) but until then this is all you get.
I'm not sure if he can be photographed with an SD doll....I'll have to find a real baby and see how it measures up to a 6' 2" (ish) man....actually, I don't know many men that tall. Dammit....why is everyone around here short?!
So I have yet another Alex. Probably going to be at least one more in the near future (after all my birthday is coming up in a couple weeks *winkwink*), and after that....I can no longer say this will be the last lol. They're like gremlins!! I have to stop getting them wet and feeding them after midnight D:
Maybe it's the dolls I'm getting wet - so they multiply...then feeding after midnight turns them into Alex. D: D: D:
Either way my Alexes have started to freak me out. They are always moving around on the shelf D:
Once they all looked like I walked in in the middle of a fight. I don't set them up that way, they just do it on their own (Snappy Dollmore arms? Or are they finally tired of sitting next to themselves?). They's scary.
Ok, I'm not selling all of them, just a few here and there like usual. XD
I'll be listing my Alice in the Labyrinth Elijah head for sale on DOA this week. Also I will probably put up the Sleeping Sist head again, this time for good as I don't think I'll ever do anything with it. Possibly one or two more anthros as well....It's that time. I need to get rid of some of the dolls I have just taking up space. I'll probably post them here first if anyone is interested, then DOA, DA and Dairyland. Cause the more the merrier.
The Elijah hurts. I love that head, it's just gorgeous...but the body I got for her didn't work so well, and the more I looked at her them more I gave up. I spent some time on the MP looking for another head to use in her place and found....well what I found was exactly what I wanted, which was another dream doll of sorts for me. I've had a few of those over the years, and it's possible that this is one of the last...meaning my collection is becoming complete? That's a scary thought. But I guess it's possible. The Elijah was supposed to be the angel Gabriel, the last of the more important of my characters, and the last one I really want as a doll. There's really no need for me to have anyone else (except for Shae I guess...We'll see if that ever happens).
For now, here is a sneak peak at my newest who arrived over the weekend!
CUTENESS OVERLOAD!! Crappy cell phone pic beware....

This here is a Nappy Choo Popo. When Neo Angel Region or Soom in disguise came up with the Nappy Choo, I thought it was weird and pointless. Then years later I saw one and was smitten. I had to has. It's so cute in person it's kind of sick lol. He has temporary blue eyes on the way, but Dollmore does not make the size I need for him, so I need to find an eye supplier that makes eyes in Alexes color so I can get him some real ones...him and Tiny Alex actually, who's eyes are way too dark, but at least blue.
This poor thing is so tiny...he's smaller than a Pukifee, but a chunk. It poses amazingly well, and is...very detailed D:
I feel weird owning a cute little baby doll. I don't like children, and have never wanted one of my own...but who can resist that little face?! Someday I will have real photos (when his fake eyes get here) but until then this is all you get.
I'm not sure if he can be photographed with an SD doll....I'll have to find a real baby and see how it measures up to a 6' 2" (ish) man....actually, I don't know many men that tall. Dammit....why is everyone around here short?!
So I have yet another Alex. Probably going to be at least one more in the near future (after all my birthday is coming up in a couple weeks *winkwink*), and after that....I can no longer say this will be the last lol. They're like gremlins!! I have to stop getting them wet and feeding them after midnight D:
Maybe it's the dolls I'm getting wet - so they multiply...then feeding after midnight turns them into Alex. D: D: D:
Either way my Alexes have started to freak me out. They are always moving around on the shelf D:
Once they all looked like I walked in in the middle of a fight. I don't set them up that way, they just do it on their own (Snappy Dollmore arms? Or are they finally tired of sitting next to themselves?). They's scary.
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