Thursday, October 31, 2013

Tis the Halloweens

sm2013 Halloween

That's all I got. No dolls, cause it's been gross here and I wanted to take skullface outside.
So you get My Bloody Vampires. Or Real Vampires Eat Your Face or Don't Walk in Cemeteries at Night, or one of the other many titles I wanted to give it XD
Ryuji!! I never draw him, and he's so easy!! His doll is an unfinished horror. I need to work on that.
Fangies fangies...I love fangs. All my favorite animals are loaded with teeths (cats, sharks...penguins...ok not penguins, but all the others!), its no surprise I like vampires so much....

I will be starting NaNo as soon as it's November, just like always! I'm 99.85% sure I'll be doing a zombie book. Well, it's a vampire vs zombie book and a look into the past of my FC group. Narrated by Alex, which is always scary because he has the attention span of a flea...I don't see how he'd manage to do a whole novel (or three, I have the vague idea this is part one in a trilogy) - but he's going to have too since the whole Zombie Apocalypse thing is (SPOILER) his fault anyway. Heh heh stupid Alex...YOU FAIL!

I honestly think that if I hadn't been trying to do/planning this particular story for years now, I'd scrap it and work on FC for NaNo...but I really want to try this stupid zombie thing. I had even set a blog not too long ago for it! I had the first part written out! I'm rewriting it now, and adding more intro, but the point is, this isn't something I just came up with and am trying to do on the fly....though it feels like it. I guess if I don't get too far into it and get stuck, I'll switch over to comic-writing and still call it a win! lol I will totally cheat. So there.

So good luck to all you Wrimos!! Let me know if you do it, we could all complain together! :D

An Happy Halloween!!! *Fangies*

Friday, October 25, 2013

Frustration - a non-doll related minirants

It was one of those mornings. Everything went wrong. Dog was obnoxious as hell, then had the nerve to look so sad when I yelled at her for the eleven-hundredth time to get out from under my bed. I couldn't find the shirt I wanted to wear -- and this was a shirt that I always "found" when looking for ANYTHING ELSE UNDER THE STUPID SUN, and now that I want that damn shirt, it's gone. I think I got angry at it the last time I "found" it, and tossed it somewhere. Now I'm wearing a different shirt, not horrible, but I was almost late for work because I refused to give up.

Cat 1 never bothers me (he old, I let him do whatever the hell he wants. He deserves it), but Cat 2 was a disaster as she usually is. When I turned around she was chewing on my leather boot I left out to wear. GOZER GROW UP ALREADY (she's like, less than three months old XDD I have a while). She really isn't awful, I actually find her funny as hell (not the boot chewing, but pretty much everything else), but I am so totally a cat person. Cats can get away murder and I'll think it's adorable. Dogs look at me wrong and I'm all DAMMIT MUT!! Learn to behave!! Horrible, because I do love dogs....but almost 17 years of owning cats (omg my baby is almost 17!!) have spoiled me.

I had no time to make lunch, and when I left the house it was 33° outside. Fuh? What happened to fall?? Oh right I live in the STL and we don't do things like fall and spring....we have winter (death), a few days that might less cold but will probably be raining or tornadoing, summer (more death) and if we're lucky, one or two days of fallish weather, then it's back to winter (death). Fall is my most favorite time of the year evah. I love Halloween and Thanksgiving stuff, the clothes, the colors, the smells....everything. Too bad I never get the weather! So my cute outfits? hiding under coats because I freeze all the time.

The day was made slightly better by listening to Korn at top volume one the way to work, which normally takes me about the time of two songs...but was four today thanks to me hitting EVERY LIGHT.

Then the coffee ran out while I was getting some.

Now I'm ranting.

Believe it or not, rants were not the reason for this post!!

Well they kind of were.

So last post I gushed about my new favorite doll: Luts Delf Claus, who I turned into a Male Jean Grey. Then I thought I might try to write her story for Nanowrimo. I was all into it and excited until I got back on the forums for Nano and entered the fanfic threads.

Hmog. Those people are hard core when it comes to their fandoms. And total hypocrites, it's so bad. No wonder I never got into fanfic. I can't stand the cray. And there is just so much!!! I took a suggestion to look up X-Men fanfic and found a site that had about a million stories on it....all I read were synopsissseses (eh???) and seriously, it was worse than I'd imagined. Or about the same.
It didn't exactly kill my fun, but there was little maiming. I'm not sure I have the energy for it...even if I don't ever share it, which does take a tiny bit of the fun out as well.

So with that in my head I was wandering through the rest of the Nano forums and the other thing I was afraid of started happening...Alex started clawing his way back into my brain. He does that. I have two other ideas I kind of might want to do, both of which are horror – my preferred genre. I'm not sure how I'd even do anything else. I could probably start a straight romance and end up with them chased by zombies, haunted by ghosts and eaten by demons.

And then there's the whole "rebel" thing....I really need to finish chapter 2 of Forgotten Children, and could take November to do it. then maybe start 3!

I'm on the fence. I was going to write up my ideas last night but I got into my Halloween illustration which I really need to finish since Halloween is soon, and watching Chopped on food network (but hey I got my desk cleaned! STEP ONE–COMPLETE!) and it didn't happen. Maybe I'll do it at work today. Maybe I'll share all of them, and beg for help choosing!!

I have no clue. I might crawl under a rock and do nothing for a whole month (but I'm a total addict when it comes to Nano - seriously, I don't think I can not do it - I don't even mind the failing part! It's just fun to try...).

Now here's Jean in her long wig.

jean long hair

 I bought two of these and cut the second one shorter. It's so cute, but I've been busy and haven't gotten a pic of it. I also added eyelashes, something only Alex gets in my collection (because I hate eyelashes so damn much!! Everything gets caught in them!). I wish they were red, but I don't have red and I forgot to order them from Dollmore.....

Hey, I guess this makes it kind of doll-related!!
What d'you want, I don't have a personal blog, so this one has to do for now. Sorry! XD

Monday, October 14, 2013

The doll I didn't know I wanted. (omglongpost)

I've read X-Men off and on since I was 12. More than half my life. I started in the 90's during the birth of the actual X-Men X-Men title, drawn by Jim Lee. I might have missed the Jim Lee run by a few issues, but I got them all pretty easily, so I feel like that's when I started. I'm pretty sure the first one I got was really #1. Which I'm fairly sure I have more than once.

I read them obsessively all the way through high-school, and then college when I kinda stopped but not really. It was hard. Comics are an expensive hobby....I couldn't afford to be so hardcore in college, but I still managed my X-Men. I fell away from them a little a couple times in my life, but always went back.  They were like the family I didn't have...replaced for a while by Buffy but never forgotten (and I ran back to them when Buffy failed me by ending -  though I picked them up in comic form too).

Then I got into dolls. Like I said, comics are expensive. It was not unusual for me to spend at least $80 a week. A week. Every week. I collected\read a lot of different titles, and then whatever had cool covers. And what was new. And everything else. No way could I afford both hobbies. Sometimes it seems like I had so much extra money for dolls just because I stopped reading comics. That's how much money I spent on it (and action figures).

I had to quit cold-turkey, and I don't go to comic stores. I can't, if I do I fall off the wagon. Seriously, it's like that. I drove by one once and it had a really cool Wolverine poster in the window. Wolverine isn't my favorite, not at all, but I had that moment...and I had to grip the steering wheel and look forward and drive away fast because I wanted to stop so freaking bad.

So really it it's almost surprising it's taken me this long to get dolls that I made into Marvel characters.

Gambit was an accident. I sorta always wanted to do it (because he's my favorite X-Man and the reason I started reading to begin with - you shouldn't be surprised, I'm female :PP SAD BUT TRUE) but didn't see the point...when my Volks Heath was replaced by another doll as Marcus, I made him Raziel, but Raz isn't a character I'm emotionally attached too, so he easily became Gambit when I thought "I could just do it!". The intention was to leave him that way until I got bored with him, then turn him back into Raziel. He sat around in the same outfit for months not doing anything.

Then I got the trade for the Delf Claus....

It's weird how this happened. I was trying to come up with a character for Claus. I thought I might try to force Logan on him (not Wolverine, my Logan, who is named after Wolverine XD), but when the Dollzone Fei arrived I knew Claus would never be Logan, Fei was Logan, and they're nothing alike. I honestly couldn't come up with anything. I thought about just distancing him from my FC characters and naming him Lennon and he could be a geek (geekier than me...hardcore geekiness) or something...But nothing stuck. I couldn't think of a good look for him either. I thought he'd be brown skin wasn't sure, but I thought brown skin might be pretty with really light hair and blue eyes...and then thought if it was a girl it could be Storm, and Gambit could have some company. Too bad Storm isn't a man....

Hey why can't Storm be a man?

I was kind of running with that idea and then had the thought that it might not be brown skin...or the brown might not be dark enough to pull off Storm, and I should have a back up. I wracked my brain to come up with an X-Man I liked enough to make a doll that would work as Claus and got nuthin. Hundreds of characters and I could not come up with one. Except Jean Grey\Phoenix, who died several years ago and hasn't been brought back yet (come on Marvel, really!!), who is my favorite after Gambit.

Jean Grey as a man?? WHY?! Why not....could work. The more I thought about it, the more ideas I got, and the more I wanted to do it...even if it was a tan doll. Screw Storm!!

I got the doll the next day, and the first thing I did was buy it a wig. Then I made it a wig. I kind of want her to have several wigs. The wig I bought is going to be tough...I want a long wig, and it's perfect for that, but I want a short wig too, and I was kind of thinking I could cut this one...I totally should have bought two. Dammit. I'll have to see what it looks like when I get it.

The wig I made is another style I saw in my head when I came up the's a patchwork fur mess. Turned out pretty good though, it fits like a glove. Doesn't fall off at all. Saturday I wiped the default face (I kind of freaked out when I did it, for a few reasons, buuuut it was too late) and gave her a new face up....then took her to a friends house and painted her fingernails green. Today I gave her two tattoos and painted her toenails green. I tried on a lot of clothes (it's been a while since I had a Delf body, I didn't know what would work - and she's kind wearing a mix of masculine and feminine a style had to be found) and now she's sitting here next to my laptop as I type this.

I guess this would be a good time for pictures. She needs new eyes like burning. These are at least green but waaaaay too dark.


Yes, she's a man. Yes I keep calling her a her. My roommate is going nuts, I guess it makes no sense to her? WHATEVS. Claus makes a fantastic non-woman. Basically the concept is that the Phoenix brought Jean back as a man, even though she obviously remembers being a woman (hence the sheness of it all). Why? I dunno. Maybe it liked being Cyclops and missed having a peen...who knows why it does what it does. Actually I thought of a couple reasons. Because I have to go all cray with the backstories. But whatever, here's Gambit in his first piccies ever.


He's actually shaped up pretty good! At first I didn't think Heath could do it, but I really like him now. I scruffed up his face up some so he looks more Gambity, and I got lots of compliments on him at the meet Sunday. Someday I'll have to totally redo his faceup because when I originally did it, I wasn't planning on keeping him, let alone putting him on the Souldoll body, so he's not matchy at all. Like, AT ALL. And having smokey eyes is too much black with those black eyes. But I'm really really liking him as is. He might get some card-themed tatts someday...and I have to get Uriel's angel mark off him (lol) but for now, that's what he looks like.

 Together, yay!

  gambit and jean

Funnily enough, I never thought of them as a couple (I'm pro Jean\Logan) until now...because they're the only two there are, so they have no choice lol

This is the closest I've ever gotten to fanfic. I'm having so much fun with it I'm thinking of doing Nano again, with them, not my own characters. OMGWAT? I'm having serious art block with my own stuff right now...maybe this'll break it? Or make it worse?? Who knows. I'll probably write a few paragraphs, do some doodles, get bored and go back to my stuff.

New dolls! Yay!!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I lost an Alex

I did.

Not permanently, but for a while.
Tween (DM Eve Liebe Klum) gave up his body for the Peakswoods Goldie I got in the mails yesterday. Even though it was a planned happening, it was still kinda sad. Only Alex II has ever had to go bodiless and that was only for a few weeks while 2.5 borrowed him. I guess IV did too, but only for like a day. This is pretty much forever, or til I get a new body for him. Which may not happen for a while, I dun runned out of doll funds (after I buy a couple wigs).

No more Tweens *snivels*

I gotta say though, the PW Goldie is awesome on the Zaoll body. She's so freaking cute!!! Exactly what I wanted for Cassiel. I think I'm done looking....Goldie was going to be a temporary fix until I got the head I "really" wanted (Volks DWC02), but I think she's perfect as is. I'll need to get her a new wig, and maybe some different eyes, but she looks like Cassiel to me! She looks good with Israfel (Hound), is tiny and cute, somewhere between a small adult and a child -- perfect! I can't decide what to do about boobs though. Right now she's completely flat, cause that body was a boy. I was going to mod some modest breasts on to her, but with a flat chest she might fit into more clothes....I'm not sure. I guess I can leave her as is for now and decide down the road depending on wardrobe - which she has none of atm XD
She will get a faceup this weekend when I give (wait for it) Mini David his faceup!!

I finally modded him! Head fits perfectly now! I'm so happy and relieved. I was so afraid of ruining him and I kept putting it he's good to go! Just in time for the meet this which I will be bringing half my dolls at this point :O

Maybe the Alex's will have to stay home! (like that ever happens)

Dollzone Fei is expected today, leaving me one more trade (we're shipping today) and then I'm done for the year (baring more trades, or Tweens new body if I sell enough). I don't know why I can go months and months with no dolls and then get 5 or 6 all at once :\\\\

Hopefully I'll have pictures of David and Cassiel soon, even blank, for their hybridness. They really look good! :D

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My Obessions Continue....

Meet Mini Isis! The latest in the long line of my characters who are now many dolls :D


She's so cute!!
I had a moment of missgiving while I was stringing her, her body is a little finicky, and holy freaking HELL I could not get her feet on!! But then I did, and threw some not-great clothes on her, and she sat on my desk in Big Isis's other wig (which I safety-pinned, it was way huge on her) all day with Mini Alex. I got home, put different eyes in her, sueded and wired her, put this wig on, and redressed her...and seriously, it's love. Her poor boobs are huge, and I don't think she'll stand with her knees straight XD But her little face is perfect, and this body is just so natural-looking! I had her sitting naked on my table at home and she looked...real. It was nice.

And I really like how she looks with my boys! Even if she is a little on the short side....she's like, the tallest girl I could get! So she's perfect lol I need to get her a better wig than least one without bangs that's more brown and less red. I'd love the Monique one Big Isis has, but it only comes in 6/7 in one place :P And I have to email to order (I hate that....get a real website!!)

The minis, minus David (still needs mods)
Crappy group shot!!

 They look right. Everyone has the right expression, they don't clash horribly....they're all a good mix of molds! I really hope David doesn't throw them off with his real, the group is kinda wrong without him. I actually hope to mod him tonight. If I can, he'll get a faceup Saturday, and be ready to go to the meet Sunday, since they're all going to hang out with Aishe, who will be telling fortunes. Along with his his Big and Chibi selves.

I am fairly sure I have a PW Goldie head at home waiting for me, and now I have the DZ Fei on the way as well, in addition to another trade - Luts Delf Claus! incoming. Claus was a surprise, he was offered and I took him! I've always liked the new Delfs, and he was my favorite early I'm excited to see him. I'm hoping to turn him into the Big version of Fei....but we'll see. They may not give off the same vibe. Not that Colin and Kara Klum look anything alike :\ but they're very much both Alex to maybe it'll be fine!

As far as the minis go, once I get David finished, I'd like to get Anna, then that may be it. I keep thinking I should get Wyn, Gabriel and Kimi....and I have dolls in mind for all of them >.<
but I don't really need them.

But it's so fun! D:

And now a pic of James!


He modeled at Archon over the weekend. He does that sometimes XD
He makes a great model, he's cute and has bright hair!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Incoming and Outgoing

I sold my DC Ada on layaway, and the Unoa Sist head I've been stubbornly clinging too in hopes that someday I will have a Unoa or a hybrid. I finally gave up the dream. It's not going to happen....Unoa's aren't going to fit in with my Mini group, they don't look like any character I have.

Mini Isis as a Soulkid Janne is a go!! She will hopefully be shipping this week, so I could have her Saturday or Monday. Before next weekend would be great, she could go the meet with all the other minis (minus David - yep, still haven't modded him).
In her place I will be shipping my DZ bunny, Bean. As cutes as he was I didn't do anything with him. I think I need to stick to Hide and Seak, and no more anthros. Other than DF Conie. I suddenly want one!!! If you know anyone who wants to trade, let me know!!

Also got offered a straight trade of a Peakswoods Goldie head for my DIM Laia. Which I happily took! Goldie is not my first choice for Cassiel, but she's my favorite PW girl and I'll make her work!! Plus this is the OE version, I only have the WU version. So she won't look anything like Anna (who needs a new faceup like burning).

The sad news here is that Tween will lose his body and become a head. I really have to start saving up the $$ to get him his own bod. Actually I have almost half now! If I can hang on too it I might be able to order before the holidays :D

So two of my wishlist, Cassiel and Isis (mini) are down, leaving Tween's new body, Logan, and Mini-Anna. And a Puki Puki Pong SP face. I forgot about that.....Puki Aishe needs a smile.

In other news, AlexIII got a new faceup and Mini Uriel a new wig!

I should have styled it better >.<  but he looks like Uriel now, so yay!!

smalexIII new faceup
he was in desparate need of a new look, and I'm SO much happier with this one!! I was never really into his old faceup....first, it was the oldest of my Kara Klum's, the rest have all been redone in the last year. Second, his lips were off...they were too red and weird looking. He didn't have the blushing I do now and I just didn't like his faceup at all lol

After I took these I cut his hair again. I've been meaning to do it for a while now, the left side needed to be much shorter, but I was afraid, since it's not like I can get another one if I messed up. I didn't XD
it looks fine! I'm much happier with it now, it's more asymmetrical, as it should be.