Friday, January 31, 2014

Stuff Goin's On

Hmm, I've been putting off writing until I have something interesting, but I still don't. So there is this.

Today I registered for Dollism.

YAY! I'm so excited, I really can't wait for this! First, I love more than anything a chance to meet doll people in person. Especially if I know them via nets. I've only been to a couple conventions, so the chance to go to a different one is so exciting!

Plus, vendors!! :D DOLLMORE WILL BE THERE!!! :D :D

How am I going to get all my Dollmore dolls on a plane?!?!?! lol Ok, not all of them can go.


Ok, probably not that either. But I can try >:D

The bad news is, in order to afford to go, what with plane, hotel and buying stuffs there, I can't spend any money all year. Seriously.

So, no new dolls for while. Or clothes, or comics or anything. MUST. MAKE. DUE. with what I have. Or get it in a trade.

Hey, speaking of trades:
I have a Dearmine body on the way from a trade! This is good, because way back in 09 I got two little Zuzu Delf minis I was going to do up as my two cats, Rocky and Buzz. It never happened, and Buzz sadly passed away a few years ago (Rocky is still going strong). I got a new body for the Buzz head, and it's just been sitting around doing nothing...

The Dearmine body will probably go to Buzz, as he was the bigger, fatty of the two. Rocky is big, but skin and bones (as he's always been -- nervousness burns off fat), so he'll get the smaller body I already have. There may need to be mods, and the Dearmine body is coming without a tail, so that will have to be remedied, but I think I can make this work, meaning my two longest floating heads will finally be dolls!

And now I have to find a third cat for Gozer. She can't be left out. She's a tiny thing too, so I don't know what I'll get for her.

Before my self-imposed ban on buying stuff, I grabbed a Hujoo bunny in grey from Junkyspot. Who knows when it'll get here, but after that, and the Littlefee I have on layaway and my Mirodoll body gets in, I'm really hoping to see a stop in incoming resin.

Unless Thomas sells. Then I'm getting a Dollstown body for Tween. That's it. The rest can go to Dollism funds!!

See, If I write this down it becomes true. Yep. True.

Did I mention I'm a shopaholic? D:

I'm Doomed. DOOMED.


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