I'd been set on Latidoll for a while but it's a bitch finding one! Lati rarely opens up for orders at all, and hardly ever for the Blues (then they discontinued the Red line and I really panicked) so buying new wasn't even an option, and it's not easy finding them second-hand.
BUT I did! Sort of. The head was a bit of a debacle, but I was happy to get it home...and though I almost broke down and bought an AOD body hoping it would work, I held out and got my Lati!!
Only to find the head was WS and the body was NS XDDDD WHEEEE I AM DUMB!
Whatever. I fixed it.
Here's Mini-David!

I was hoping to have some shots of him with Mini-Alex (whom I can no longer refer to as just "Mini" anymore!!) but I left my good lens at home and none of my photos turned out :PPP
Maybe tomorrow I'll try again.
The more I look at him the more I like him, which is usually good XD
And holy crap is he big. I mean, he barely fits into what he's wearing, and Dollmore clothes are too small on him -- which says it ALL.
These are not his eyes, I ordered glass eyes for him, Big-David and Chibi-David, so now, like most of my Alexes and all of my Wyns, all the Davids will have the same eyes :D
Despite having an almost immoveable torso (like my dreaded SD13 body), I actually love the way this body looks -- so manly next to the wussiness that is Alex. Hand are very nice looking too.
My only complaint/worry is how young he looks...I'm a little concerned that I won't be able to get past that...I guess it will depend on how he looks with Alex. If he's too young-looking I'll have to....do...something. I don't know what. Old him up somehow. Bleh.
Yay Mini-David!! Now to find him good clothes and lots of mini-props! Which is the only reason to have minis! Other than the whole I-had-no-choice-cause-Colin-is-so-awesome thing.
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