Friday, September 27, 2013

Selling selling selling

My DZ Bunny I put up the other day is officially going to a new home. With that encouragement, I am putting up the other sales as well! :D

If you are interested please let me know here, DOA, Dairyland or DA, where I have them all listed. Except Spark, who is off topic on DOA XD

I can provide more photos of everything.

Some of my prices are a little lower here and on DA....if you contact me on DOA I'll still give you the lower price. I will entertain reasonable offers. This does not mean offering me half what the doll is worth (yes that has happened) - but my prices are never set in stone.

I am all about trading for any of my listed dolls, either a straight trade or + $$ on either side depending on value. Combining items for a straight is excellent!

My sales page has been updated with this info as well. :)

Doll Sales

SOLD Leekeworld Kyou on a Resinsoul 70 cm boy body WS $250
Kyou is a discontinued mold from Leekeworld. I bought the head in 2012, the resinsoul body a few months ago. Both brand new from the company, I'm the only owner. Body was restrung and stands nicely.  
Split prices: 
Head $110 
Body $160 

SOLD Unoa Sleeping Sist / buff headback $75
 I got the FP from a friend who received it as payment for work. It had a faceup done by an amateur, that when removed, left stains. She was able to get most of them out by sanding, but a little remains in the eye crease and mouth. I have no idea what color this is. To me, it could be WS. Headback is a Unoa Chibi from Buff that works just perfectly with regular Unoa. I had it on a DMK body for a while. This face plate would be an excellent candidate for an eye-opening!  
Split prices: 
FP $45 
HB $40  

Dollzone Star/moon dragon body only WS (discontinued) $200
 I am having serious doubts about selling this guy (he's so fing cute!) so this sale is for the BODY ONLY. Head is not for sale. I've had this since 2012 and done NOTHING with it. It's so cute and different and fun that I avoided parting with it but it's time to admit I'll never have the time to devote to even painting it. Moon, Star and this body were discontinued by DZ and not so easy to come by... It stands very well, and has good pose-ability for such an odd little thing.  
 The only thing I am willing to split here is the hands. Which is weird I know, but if you're willing to buy it without hands it will be cheaper.

SOLD Doll Chateau Ada WS (SOLD OUT) $200
 I was very excited to get this adorable doll but I've done NOTHING with it since it's's sat on the shelf in my room. I don't feel as though I have the time to devote to her and I really need to downsize... I got her a few months ago, new from DC. I sueded the legs so she can stand better.....that's it. Will NOT come with the eyes pictured.  

Fairyland Minifee Karsh Sleeping head NS $100
No damage, he's been stored in a box, so little to no yellowing  

SOLD DIM Doll In Mind Laia OE Head NS $100
Got her in a trade and can't use her for the character I had in mind. Looks brand new, no yellowing or damage. MSD sized head. Will come blank, no eyes.

Dollzone LE MO B SD head YNS $125
Won this in a charity lottery, but I'm not doing anything with him and can't afford a new body >.< He looks brand new, I have the COA and will send it with. This is the Limited Mo SD sized head. Will come blank, no eyes.  

Volks Midori on a Volks MSD body $475
Make me an offer. I paid about this much for her, but I've realized she's too cute and too young-looking for her character, and the dolls I want to replace her with aren't this pricey. She's second-hand, body and head from two different sellers. Headcap is chipped a little, came to me this way and can't be seen under a wig. I have more pictures of her, including inside the head and her head plate which is still attached. No box or papers, as I said she's second-hand and from before a time when people cared so much.  
Split prices: 
Head $350 
Body $175

 Latidoll Blue Christopher Rei head $85
 lati rei
I actually have no idea what color this head is. I got it thinking it was NS but it's several shades lighter than the LD body. I blushed it to match. Faceup is by me. Head only, no eyes. This is a mature mini sized head.  

SOLD The Mushroom Peddler Spark $150
The only way to get him was to go to the STL BJD convention last year...Or know someone who was going :D He's very small, like in between a Puki and Pukifee or something. But super cute. I've never done a thing with him though, so I'm letting him go.

Peakswoods FOC head NS (will consider any OE molds)
Marchen Waltz OE or Moonlight dream Aimee, or YDIKE or RILEY HEAD - will consider others
Volks DWC02 head or similar SD10 mold
Delf Soo NS head

Dollstown Elf Body in oriental skin

Dollzone Fei 1 or 2 boy head or full doll any color

Dollmore kid Ujee head or full doll ANY
WS Yellowed SD boy body suitable for Delf head (Fdoll, Delf, B&G, other)
Peakswoods FOB Girl or head - any

 Doll Chateau Y-03 body in NSP
Doll Chateau K-05 or K-07 body in WS

 Minifee Juri 13 head, any
Minifee hook hands WS (girl)

Anything other than this and I will probably say no.  


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Wishlist returns!!

Posting a quick wishlist, so I remember what I want.

Mini Isis
So far it's been hard to determine a mold for her. She has to look good with Alex and David, and they're so different it's impossible to get a girl to match them both.

With a stroke of good luck I may have done it. I am negotiating a trade for a Souldoll Janne. She wasn't a mold I was looking at but when I saw her yesterday I thought she was IT. She has that mix of stylized and realistic I love so much. So cross your fingers. Isis may be getting crossed off the list.

Mini Anna
She's an easy one.
Peakswoods FOB girl. Not quite decided on mold, and I think I want to hybrid her with a KDF body (the romantic version)...but I don't have to look far and wide for a mold. Maybe by the time I can afford her, PW will have redone their mini body to be mature and better posing lol
I can dream.

Logan was tough. He's a character I've been developing for FC that I decided to get a doll of first, then draw. I only want him in mini form (no SD of this guy) and I would prefer him to be tan, but I thought I'd like to try my hand at dying a doll so I thought of getting a "junk" mold.

Problem is I can't "see" the character in any doll I like and would like to own.
I was pretty set on another Dollzone since I'm into them right now...and there were like, 5 molds I would like but didn't really think would work....

And then I saw the one. Fei. Who is of course, discontinued. YAY!
But he's perfect, so I'll be amending all my trade threads and hoping for the best.

My plan to put the new Cass head on the modded ftm Zaoll body and move Tween to a new body is still happening...I just can't get a head.

These are my options.
Peakswoods FOC head NS (will consider any OE molds)
Marchen Waltz OE or Moonlight dream Aimee, or YDIKE or RILEY HEAD - will consider others
Volks DWC02 head or similar size SD10 mold (Elena, 4 sisters, other)
Delf Soo NS head

Problem is, I never have the money when I find one for sale and no one wants trades. Or they don't want what I have. Boo.

Dollstown Elf body
For Tweeny. I tried him on one and it's love with a capital L. It's more boyish than the Zaoll and a perfect fit. Again, no monies and no trades. Boo x2.

That's it! That's my wishlist! Three dolls, one head, one body.
Might be a few more here and there....I may be getting a Shiwoo project head, and could possibly want a body for him in the future, but for the most part....I don't want more dolls!
I can't handle some of the ones I have, and with the arrival of Skullface, they all look boring to me now anyway XD
I am sure that will change when the allure of Skullface has worn off, but for right now...I have other dolls? lol

Look for some sales. I'm going to sell my 70cm Resinsoul boy body...maybe with the head. Michael's not important enough to have around when I can't even buy him or my other big guys clothes.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Moar SkullFace!!



Skullface stole a wig from the Alex Unit last night, and I kinda like it. He looks good in short hairs!

I swear DC would own me if they sold their parts separately. I'd buy the hands for Alex's I and III, Mini and anyone else who needed them. They're so fabulous...expressive and graceful, and no crazy joints to drive me insane! And I wish I could get the legs off this doll for Alex II....I hate his legs. It's so not worth it too me to buy another body just to take off the legs lol

Maybe after I discover the secret of the money tree!

Hmmmmm.....I think I may have to do an updated Kara Klum group now....

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Meet the new Boss.

Hee hee heeeeee my new favorite

AZV21 AZV22-2 AZV24-2


There is nothing I don't love about this body. Nothing. It's perfect in so many ways, down to it's creeptastic jointy toes. Pretty sure this head wouldn't look right on anything else.

I've already sanded off the bewbs, though in photos it shows up a little more than I'd like. In person, it looks more guy-like. I had to use sandpaper only, and do more shaping than I usually do (which is just take everything off. Everything.) because the torso resin is really thin and I was afeared of ruinating him.  I probably won't sand anymore, but I'd like to add nipples and a peen. And if that goes wellish, I might try to fill in some of the lines that still make him look like he's got boobs. Or one day I might get a wild hair and sand anyway. For now he's fine. More than fine, perfect!! I might have to wire those knees though. He's getting kicky in his old age of not quite a week.

I would like to say this will be my last Kara Klum...but only time will tell.  Or Dollmore will tell, if they ever release a new version in some color other than tan (I'll totally take grey. Just not tan), or fangies, I'm all over it.

Anyway, I calls him Azrael Version 2 (or V2) and he's kinda representing the eventual corruption and insanity the character suffers. Poor thing, as though his life's not hard enough....

I plan on continuing the bone theme down his neck, shoulder and arm of his left side...and some partial rib, cause ribs is cool. I'd like to get him some creepier eyes (cause pupil-less grey isn't creepy enough!!)....and some nice items like a cat-o-nine tails and a hat like the WWE Undertaker wore. Until then he has this hat. Good enough for now.

Monday, September 9, 2013

WOO HOO Doll stuffs

DDE emailed me today! :D Azrael V2's DC body is on the way!!! Weeks earlier than I thought it would be! I'm super happy, I really didn't think it would be here by the october meet. Now I'll for sure have it! OMG I don't have room on the "Alex" shelf, which will have to be the Kara Klum shelf now....Tween's gonna get booted off.

Other than that, Devon's new eyes showed up today....after I took some photos of her XD

Now, some photos.


 This is the Nanuri 13 I busted my ass trying to buy second hand. I wanted a WS one, to change on and off with my Chichi to be evil-smiley Alex. BUT I got an NS full doll instead. So now he's drunk, mischievous and blond Alex lol. This is the first wig I've ever made for a puki or anything so small. Surprisingly, it's really nice. It fits him really well, without a wig cap. I used black water color pencil to draw on the fabric, and it shows through :P but other than that.... I chopped it unevenly, because it kind of looks like Alex tried to cut his hair himself lol
Because the fur is white even though it was supposed to be off-white when I bought it, I tried to color it with pastel. I used pastel, because I have a white-blond creme color, I know it won't stain the doll, and I once got pastel on one of Big Alex's wigs and it stained forever lol. So I thought it would work. It did, but it's kinda streaked unevenly. Good thing he's kind of a wreak anyway XD

  Devon new1

 This is Devon, my RS Li. I did one face up and hated it...I mean really, it was so bad. I was in a horrible mood and trying to slap something on her when I did it, so it's really no wonder...but still. I need to get her some bluer wigs, and a few things for her wardrobe, but so far I'm really happy with her. Last night after I finished this face up, I restrung her with really thick string so she's a decent poser now! Her new eyes that came today are yellow with cat pupils. She's evil. They look good....maybe it's the green wig but she looks more reptilian than feline, which is awesome. I was worried she's channel cat...not at all. I want to get her some MNF hands because as a witch, I feel like they would be good for "spell" shoots. All together I hope to have five Mini's as witches....could be some interesting shoots!

  mini aishe2 

Speaking of witches, Mini Aishe! I've been putting him off for months....I had to mod scars on his other eye, to match my big Aishe - he looks kinda lopsided now with two sets of scars, but I really wanted to go back to Big Aishe with the ones I did. He's on the new DZ boy body that came with my Ro, Boo (who's on the girl body now). He's super-tall and manly looking lol. I think of all the dolls I own, he's probably the most human proportions. I love him to death!! He does this body justice <33

In case you're wondering what he looks like with a real MNF **warning for doll peen**


mnf dz2

 HE SO TALL! No taller than he should be. He's about the same height as Uriel and Alex, which is what Aishe should be. So really, it's good he's on this body and not the MNF one. Now I'm extra excited to get Mini David finished....So scary though D: Neck mods aren't fun.

I really can't wait to get them all together, photos!! Especially of Uriel, since he's got a new wig.

I also need to take some pics of big Aishe....and his shiny new faceup! First one in four years! More than four years!!

And speaking of face ups, here's Devon's first one, just so you can see how bad it is :D

devon 2

lol soooo bad!! XDD

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Lightening-Fast Update

I'm feeling productive today. I woke up to rain, which means I can do faceups on my dolls XD

This weekend I'm redoing the faceup I slapped on my Resinsoul Li who arrived last Saturday (I really hated it), finally doing my MNF Breakaway's face, and I did what I've been putting off forever -- my Delf Breakaway, Aishe. He had a custom faceup over custom scar-work. The scars are a part of who he is and I really like them so I had to carefully get his faceup off around them (they're removable). I redid his face (almost finished!!) a little more like me....His eyebrows are about the same shape and color, his lips are still natural, but in my style, which means more blushing lol. He had no color anywhere else on him, so IMO, he looks better now. Updated. Plus he is among the ranks of my dolls done by me. Which is almost all of them.

Also went to a miniature shop I've never been too and got some discount furniture for Chibi Aishe's shop (all needs to be painted), and a few odds n ends. I'll paint them all later...

I got all of  Big Aishe's accessories together in a travel box, so when he goes to a meet all I have to do is grab that box instead of searching all over for all his crap (he has a lot of stuff). I found a few things that Mini Aishe can have, including Taro cards!! Who knew I just had them laying around! So all the Aishes have some now! He also has a skull, and three crystal balls. And some other crap.

Then I made my first Puki-sized fur wig! :D I've been putting this off forever because I didn't think I could, but my Nanuri 13 who is the blond, NS version of Alex, really needed a new wig. I had bought him two off Jpop and hated both of them to the point where I thought it was the face plate I didn't like - which is depressing because I LOVE that evil little face!! It was definitely the wigs, in the fur he's rivaling chichi as my new fave.

SO apparently my remedy for doll depression is to switch scales for a little while XD
Whatever works.

I guess Big Aishe isn't a scale switch....but he's always been one of my most favorites, so he still counts. AND I'll have the Aishes to bring to the Halloween meet if the Doll Chateau body isn't here for Azrael V2. So that's yay. ((Gambit will probably also go to the meet as himself....he needs to get out more)).

Hoping to have pictures soon....but it's dark here so they may suck.....

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Death the doll

I've been having a rough couple days. My dad is in the hospital, and it's kind of a touch and go's freaking me out. I got my Li yesterday but she's already neglected due to all the crazy, so there may not pictures of her for awhile. Its not fun. :((

However, the DOA contests are over and I can finally post my face up, which I've been DYING TO DO FOR MORE THAN A WEEK!!!

This is my floating 6th Dollmore Kara Klum head. He's got a Doll Chateau body on the way but it's on layaway and will probably take a while still. I hope it comes by Halloween, this guy would LOVE Halloween.




I LOVE how he turned out. I was planning on wiping this faceup after the contest, but now I'm going with it. Officially he's Azrael Version 2, I'll continue the skelly\bone theme on his body and he will be amazing.

I would like to get him deader eyes. That's the wig I got for him though, so this is pretty much what he'll look like.

I gotta say, when I first put him on Az1's body he severely freaked me out. I didn't do any mods on him at all, but keep in mind, this is a head I am extremely familiar with, and this faceup kind of changed the planes of his face. He looks nothing like a Kara Klum and just like one. It was very weird and I almost couldn't look at him. The one eyelash didn't help (it's kinda gross for some reason). Then I took all the pictures and took him home and put a hat on him (me and's a thing) and I just fell in love. I really can't wait for his body, I wish DC would hurry the hell up lol.