I have been so productive this weekend. Saturday I finished modding the breasts off of Boo and Skullface, did a quick mod on Tweeny to get rid of part of his girl parts, and some sanding on Alex-number-in-transition-but-used-to-be-called-2.5 - he no longer has an adams apple and I kinda took some off his chest. I didn't do a great job on Tween, but no one will ever see it so.....when it starts to bother me I'll fix it.
I also tried to get my LTF Rose in some kind of shape so that I like her....I made her a wig, and it didn't work out, so I ended up modding the one Boo wore. I love that, with some resin ears and finally got her mask to stay on so she's lucky. She gets to stay
Sunday I restrung everyone, and started Skullfaces blushing. He looks awesome. I took one progress pic and it's on instagram so if you want to see it the button is right there. --->
This morning I fixed it because I had an anatomical error...and I'm trying to figure out how to do his arm...Not excited about that. But I have all day, and I'm hoping to finish him.
Yay! Stuff I can cross off my list!!
You may notice I've skipped Friday. Friday I did the most amazing thing ever....I washed my car. Which I bought in 2006 and has only been washed once. ONCE!! It took forever. But it's mostly clean now! :D
Monday, May 26, 2014
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Clothes, Wolverine and an Identity Crisis
When I got home today, I had a fantastic surprise waiting for me. My Tata's order!! It hadn't even tracked. And I never heard from Tata's after emailing last week :\ but I have clothes!
I bought two pairs of (fake) leather pants, one SD13 for Alex, and one 70cm for Ryuji first, if they fit, Israfel or Gambit. A wife beater for Wolverine, a couple other shirts for anyone (meaning Alex) and two sweaters for Alex (because lets face it, he gets all the clothes).
By some miracle the pants fit him. I mean, it's a serious miracle...nothing ever fits him. The sweaters are awesome, and because 2.5 is my current obsession, he's wearing a whole new outfit and looks amazing.
The pants I bought intending them to be Ryuji's don't fit him...they were so small they wouldn't come close to snapping. They didn't fit Israfel either, even though he's a Hound and they're "Hound" size. Though he's a Pure Hound, with a giant ass and even bigger penis...so I'm not surprised. They did fit Gambit, pretty well, so that's nice. They're perfect for him too, with zippers on the side they kinda look X-Menish.
Wolverine's shirt is too big (boo) but it'll work until I find one that fits. I got all motivated while trying clothes on everyone....Ryuji got a decent outfit after...the entire time I've owned him >.< AND I am gluing the sideburns on Logan finally! I'm still not sure I like his face up, but if I don't, I might as well ruin it by putting the glue on! So hopefully he'll be ok. I'm really worried that the head is just too big....I have a thing about bobbles. It would be such a shame too, this head is perfect.
So on to Alex 2.5.
He's having an identity crisis. I had always intended him to be the "bridge" Alex between II and III (hence the 2.5ness). Now with his new face up I don't get that anymore....he looks more the in-between I and II. Which would make him 1.5. Arg. I had kind of wanted him to be a timeline floater...maybe he needs a new name. What did they call John Hurt in Doctor Who?? XD
In any case you'll probably see him a lot in the next week or so until I get a new flavor of the month, so there will be plenty of time for me to figure him out.

I almost wish I'd waited until tomorrow...cause then he'd have new clothes. :\\ The funny thing is when I was taking these I was wishing I'd had the Tatas's stuff...and it was at home the whole time.

Strike a pose! XD

These are the best photos I've ever taken of this doll. He practically made my camera break the last time I tried D:
I bought two pairs of (fake) leather pants, one SD13 for Alex, and one 70cm for Ryuji first, if they fit, Israfel or Gambit. A wife beater for Wolverine, a couple other shirts for anyone (meaning Alex) and two sweaters for Alex (because lets face it, he gets all the clothes).
By some miracle the pants fit him. I mean, it's a serious miracle...nothing ever fits him. The sweaters are awesome, and because 2.5 is my current obsession, he's wearing a whole new outfit and looks amazing.
The pants I bought intending them to be Ryuji's don't fit him...they were so small they wouldn't come close to snapping. They didn't fit Israfel either, even though he's a Hound and they're "Hound" size. Though he's a Pure Hound, with a giant ass and even bigger penis...so I'm not surprised. They did fit Gambit, pretty well, so that's nice. They're perfect for him too, with zippers on the side they kinda look X-Menish.
Wolverine's shirt is too big (boo) but it'll work until I find one that fits. I got all motivated while trying clothes on everyone....Ryuji got a decent outfit after...the entire time I've owned him >.< AND I am gluing the sideburns on Logan finally! I'm still not sure I like his face up, but if I don't, I might as well ruin it by putting the glue on! So hopefully he'll be ok. I'm really worried that the head is just too big....I have a thing about bobbles. It would be such a shame too, this head is perfect.
So on to Alex 2.5.
He's having an identity crisis. I had always intended him to be the "bridge" Alex between II and III (hence the 2.5ness). Now with his new face up I don't get that anymore....he looks more the in-between I and II. Which would make him 1.5. Arg. I had kind of wanted him to be a timeline floater...maybe he needs a new name. What did they call John Hurt in Doctor Who?? XD
In any case you'll probably see him a lot in the next week or so until I get a new flavor of the month, so there will be plenty of time for me to figure him out.

I almost wish I'd waited until tomorrow...cause then he'd have new clothes. :\\ The funny thing is when I was taking these I was wishing I'd had the Tatas's stuff...and it was at home the whole time.

Strike a pose! XD

These are the best photos I've ever taken of this doll. He practically made my camera break the last time I tried D:
Monday, May 19, 2014
Kara Klum Mouth Mods
Whee two posts in a row!!
But I have pictures (sorta), so I thought I'd post them.
First, the teeth before I finished them.

They are ungodly messy here. I knew it when I did it, but holy hell it looks worse in the photo D: and they are a little crooked....I think I fixed that, but who knows?And lol the msc in his nose XD
I did clean that out...I had to poke at it with tools, but it came out...
So after it dried, I got back in there and cleaned up all the roughness, and epoxy clinging to his mouth, fixed the lines, and hopefully just made it better.
Sadly none of my photos turned out...but I need to redo some of his faceup, so hopefully I'll get more later.
This is what I have so far!

:D I love how he turned out!!

First, I love that he can wear the longer wig now. I know they're all the same head, but I swear only I and II ever looked good in this wig. 2.5 always wore shorter hair (he can still rock the short hair, but now he can wear all the wigs! Well, almost all. One doesn't look good on him). I really think my Kara Klums, despite having similar faceups and being the same person, do look different. Some of them can't wear certain styles as well as the others, II takes way better photos than any of them (III being the next most photogenic), I(one) doesn't do short hair at all (it's bad) and Azrael looks like he's smiling while the rest of them look miserable. Or very focused....I think this one looks focused now. Eyelashes may ruin that. Another reason not to do them....
I'm actually afraid to put the piercings on him now. I sorta like him as is. I'll at least do the eyebrow. That won't mess him up.
Thanks to giving Chibi Alex the eyes that came with my LTF, I had an extra pair of the Alex-blue eyes in 14mm that I gave him (he had 16s in....they were huge), and in person they look so much more striking now, with all that dark around them. I spent more time on his eyes than I think I've ever done on any doll, and I think it paid off.
Though there are a few things I need to fix:
• His teeth aren't white. I guess I thinned out my paint too much lol. They need another coat.
• I want to taper his eyebrows better
• I also want to see if I can draw upper eyelashes on him...I've done it with Mini, and I liked it, but not since. I don't want to put them in if I don't have too
• Alex is an insomniac and I'm not getting that here. I feel like I could have used more of that blue-grey around his eyes...I might try that.
That's it! Easy fixes I can do tonight. Along with the Alpha Omega tatt on his hand and 2.5 on the other hand. He looks kinda naked without them, and 2.5 never had his number anyway. It said II since that was II's body first XD
Again, I only number them because people ask me. I know which is which, I could literally tell with my eyes closed. IRL (if there was such a thing) Alex isn't numbered. Unless you count the 13 on his shoulder XD'''''
More attempts to get the teeth!

This is probably my best shot, and I had to lighten the hell out of it in PS.

I don't know why his eye is so massive and starey here. It's not like it's huge...he has the half-closed eyes.
And Alex I wearing the new wig!! He hung out with me while I was working on 2.5 (I always have a finished one around when I redo one of their faceups....it helps to look even though I know what I'm supposed to be doing).

Despite what it looks like, he does have eyes. His lashes are insane....I think I need to cut them.
I love the wig. I will need to moisten it every time I want to take pics (because it's huge), and I want to try and straighten it, but it's perfect. It even fits! Which is amazing since he's got the tiny head of doom. It looks great on him (not on 2.5 - it was scary on him D: ), and it shall be his wig from now on. Totally worth all my pp monies! :D
But I have pictures (sorta), so I thought I'd post them.
First, the teeth before I finished them.

They are ungodly messy here. I knew it when I did it, but holy hell it looks worse in the photo D: and they are a little crooked....I think I fixed that, but who knows?And lol the msc in his nose XD
I did clean that out...I had to poke at it with tools, but it came out...
So after it dried, I got back in there and cleaned up all the roughness, and epoxy clinging to his mouth, fixed the lines, and hopefully just made it better.
Sadly none of my photos turned out...but I need to redo some of his faceup, so hopefully I'll get more later.
This is what I have so far!

:D I love how he turned out!!

First, I love that he can wear the longer wig now. I know they're all the same head, but I swear only I and II ever looked good in this wig. 2.5 always wore shorter hair (he can still rock the short hair, but now he can wear all the wigs! Well, almost all. One doesn't look good on him). I really think my Kara Klums, despite having similar faceups and being the same person, do look different. Some of them can't wear certain styles as well as the others, II takes way better photos than any of them (III being the next most photogenic), I(one) doesn't do short hair at all (it's bad) and Azrael looks like he's smiling while the rest of them look miserable. Or very focused....I think this one looks focused now. Eyelashes may ruin that. Another reason not to do them....
I'm actually afraid to put the piercings on him now. I sorta like him as is. I'll at least do the eyebrow. That won't mess him up.
Thanks to giving Chibi Alex the eyes that came with my LTF, I had an extra pair of the Alex-blue eyes in 14mm that I gave him (he had 16s in....they were huge), and in person they look so much more striking now, with all that dark around them. I spent more time on his eyes than I think I've ever done on any doll, and I think it paid off.
Though there are a few things I need to fix:
• His teeth aren't white. I guess I thinned out my paint too much lol. They need another coat.
• I want to taper his eyebrows better
• I also want to see if I can draw upper eyelashes on him...I've done it with Mini, and I liked it, but not since. I don't want to put them in if I don't have too
• Alex is an insomniac and I'm not getting that here. I feel like I could have used more of that blue-grey around his eyes...I might try that.
That's it! Easy fixes I can do tonight. Along with the Alpha Omega tatt on his hand and 2.5 on the other hand. He looks kinda naked without them, and 2.5 never had his number anyway. It said II since that was II's body first XD
Again, I only number them because people ask me. I know which is which, I could literally tell with my eyes closed. IRL (if there was such a thing) Alex isn't numbered. Unless you count the 13 on his shoulder XD'''''
More attempts to get the teeth!

This is probably my best shot, and I had to lighten the hell out of it in PS.

I don't know why his eye is so massive and starey here. It's not like it's huge...he has the half-closed eyes.
And Alex I wearing the new wig!! He hung out with me while I was working on 2.5 (I always have a finished one around when I redo one of their faceups....it helps to look even though I know what I'm supposed to be doing).

Despite what it looks like, he does have eyes. His lashes are insane....I think I need to cut them.
I love the wig. I will need to moisten it every time I want to take pics (because it's huge), and I want to try and straighten it, but it's perfect. It even fits! Which is amazing since he's got the tiny head of doom. It looks great on him (not on 2.5 - it was scary on him D: ), and it shall be his wig from now on. Totally worth all my pp monies! :D
Updates and a Wishlist.
SO I may be doing another post later with photos, but here's a quick update on what I did over the weekend, and the current status of my doll Wishlist.
Wishlist first.
There are two things on it.
I decided against another WS Kara Klum. Instead I'm going to utilize the 10% discount and no shipping they're offering for people going to Dollism and I'm ordering another new one from Dollmore. The more I thought about it, the less sense getting a WS one made, since I fully intend to mod the living hell out of the head....if I fuck it up, I can't get another one, and I would be forever depressed, having destroyed my favorite sculpt ever. Plus, the mods I plan on doing will leave epoxy scars...so I'm going to have to airbrush the thing anyway...I'm tempted to just airbrush the whole doll white.
Either way, WS is out, NS is in...so #1 on my list is NS Kara Klum.
I'm using my Dollism fund to buy him, so he's going to be my Dollism doll and I won't be tempted to buy one I don't really want because it'll be in front of me. Then I get to pick him up in person from Dollmore, which is like a dream come true for me. FUN TIMES!!!
#2 on my list is the elusive MNF Shiwoo head.
I've also recently seen a pic of a Mirwen and Shiwoo together...so I'm considering Mirwen instead if I can't get Shiwoo. Either one would work, and I used to own a Mirwen too, and do love the sculpt. Since Soshi was a Shiwoo I'm kind of set on that, but I bet he could easily be either...and truthfully Mirwen would look better with the other three.
So that's my wishlist. Yay! Short list is short!
My eclipse21 wig came Saturday. It's exactly what I wanted. PERFECT! The exact color of Alex's hair. I plan on straightening it, but I snapped a couple bad pics and brought it with me (along with Alex 2.5) so I might be able to get a better one.
No tata's. I've still heard nothing from them. I'm pissed. This is ridiculous.
No DZ Carter either. Not shocked.
Giant To-Do list of DOOM
First on my list was wiping Alex 2.5 and adding teeth to his mod.
DONE!!!! And I went on and gave him a faceup since the 7th Kara Klum will be ordered this year, so 2.5 gets to stay "glam" as he was (which just means he has eye-makeup - the rest are supposed to be "natural". Well, not Azrael...but all the Alexes). Though I think he looks a million times better now. I also blushed his hands and feet so I could paint his nails black, AND modded his belly button!! I've wanted to do this forever, because I hate the Adam's belly button....it looks like an after-thought. I don't think it's finished yet, but for something I did on a whim with no real plan, I think it looks great.
If I'd had time I'd have taken off the adams-apple, and sanded his chest down too.These are the things I want to do to this one (and the new one) eventually.
Possibly I and III if I think I can do it without screwing them up....Azrael gets no mods. He's the untouched one.
So I finally have a Kara Klum with teeth. It's been my dream for years, and I had to do it myself, but I love it. I wish he wasn't naked so he could sit on my desk, but as soon as the gloss was dry on his face I put him together, slapped a wig on him and went to bed. Then I tossed him and a bunch of clothes in my bag this morning in hopes of getting some decent pics at work.
He still needs his eyelashes (but I always debate putting them on this one...his super-dark eye-makeup and nearly-closed eyes mean with lashes you can't see his eyes at all...), and the piercings I had to remove and will put back on (unless the mouth one means you can't see the teefies), and I hope to do these things tonight. I also might give his ears a piercing or two, if I have earrings. Then he moves into the long line of Alexes who need their bodies finished. *ded*
But this one had had his faceup since....2012 I think...and it was supposed to be temporary! So he's been in serious need of an update.
But look, I made progress already!! Very little progress, since I barely got one doll worked on, but still. I was putting this one off for years due to the mods I was afraid to do, so I feel accomplished! :D
Wishlist first.
There are two things on it.
I decided against another WS Kara Klum. Instead I'm going to utilize the 10% discount and no shipping they're offering for people going to Dollism and I'm ordering another new one from Dollmore. The more I thought about it, the less sense getting a WS one made, since I fully intend to mod the living hell out of the head....if I fuck it up, I can't get another one, and I would be forever depressed, having destroyed my favorite sculpt ever. Plus, the mods I plan on doing will leave epoxy scars...so I'm going to have to airbrush the thing anyway...I'm tempted to just airbrush the whole doll white.
Either way, WS is out, NS is in...so #1 on my list is NS Kara Klum.
I'm using my Dollism fund to buy him, so he's going to be my Dollism doll and I won't be tempted to buy one I don't really want because it'll be in front of me. Then I get to pick him up in person from Dollmore, which is like a dream come true for me. FUN TIMES!!!
#2 on my list is the elusive MNF Shiwoo head.
I've also recently seen a pic of a Mirwen and Shiwoo together...so I'm considering Mirwen instead if I can't get Shiwoo. Either one would work, and I used to own a Mirwen too, and do love the sculpt. Since Soshi was a Shiwoo I'm kind of set on that, but I bet he could easily be either...and truthfully Mirwen would look better with the other three.
So that's my wishlist. Yay! Short list is short!
My eclipse21 wig came Saturday. It's exactly what I wanted. PERFECT! The exact color of Alex's hair. I plan on straightening it, but I snapped a couple bad pics and brought it with me (along with Alex 2.5) so I might be able to get a better one.
No tata's. I've still heard nothing from them. I'm pissed. This is ridiculous.
No DZ Carter either. Not shocked.
Giant To-Do list of DOOM
First on my list was wiping Alex 2.5 and adding teeth to his mod.
DONE!!!! And I went on and gave him a faceup since the 7th Kara Klum will be ordered this year, so 2.5 gets to stay "glam" as he was (which just means he has eye-makeup - the rest are supposed to be "natural". Well, not Azrael...but all the Alexes). Though I think he looks a million times better now. I also blushed his hands and feet so I could paint his nails black, AND modded his belly button!! I've wanted to do this forever, because I hate the Adam's belly button....it looks like an after-thought. I don't think it's finished yet, but for something I did on a whim with no real plan, I think it looks great.
If I'd had time I'd have taken off the adams-apple, and sanded his chest down too.These are the things I want to do to this one (and the new one) eventually.
Possibly I and III if I think I can do it without screwing them up....Azrael gets no mods. He's the untouched one.
So I finally have a Kara Klum with teeth. It's been my dream for years, and I had to do it myself, but I love it. I wish he wasn't naked so he could sit on my desk, but as soon as the gloss was dry on his face I put him together, slapped a wig on him and went to bed. Then I tossed him and a bunch of clothes in my bag this morning in hopes of getting some decent pics at work.
He still needs his eyelashes (but I always debate putting them on this one...his super-dark eye-makeup and nearly-closed eyes mean with lashes you can't see his eyes at all...), and the piercings I had to remove and will put back on (unless the mouth one means you can't see the teefies), and I hope to do these things tonight. I also might give his ears a piercing or two, if I have earrings. Then he moves into the long line of Alexes who need their bodies finished. *ded*
But this one had had his faceup since....2012 I think...and it was supposed to be temporary! So he's been in serious need of an update.
But look, I made progress already!! Very little progress, since I barely got one doll worked on, but still. I was putting this one off for years due to the mods I was afraid to do, so I feel accomplished! :D
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Giant Massive Project List of DOOOOOMMMMMAH
Got to be too big to handle so I've moved it too it's own page, where it will be updated on some kind of basis.
Lots of dolls, lots of projects, lots of work to do. *emocornerded*
Lots of dolls, lots of projects, lots of work to do. *emocornerded*
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Still alive!
But barely! I just have not had time to do anything lately :( I'm hoping that will change.
So quick update
Tween's Dollstown Elf body arrived Saturday.
Better than I could have hoped for, he looks amazing now. I'm not even sure I'm going to mod him, it doesn't really need it D:
He needs a serious restringing but other than that....I might blush him and call him finished. Sadly I have a whole list of projects to finish before that...
LTF Rose arrived yesterday.
As usual, I space my orders months apart and they all show up at once XD
She's adorable. I gave her eyes to Chibs, Baby Alex is dressed like a boxer and has the gloves on, and I hate her wig, which is depressing as hell because in the pictures it looks amazing...but that's Fairyland for you. Her outfit is amazing, but so complicated. I haven't had much time with her...so that's it for now.
My Tata's stuff is still MIA.
Supposedly the PO in China was down?! So it's just been sitting there.
Still no eclipse21 wig.
It was in Chicago May 10 and has not moved. *epic sigh*
No DZ Carter yet.
Not surprised. I think Dollzone is more behind than Fairyland.
List of stuff I want to do as of today and have finished by....sometime.
I really want to work on Skullface. I don't think he'll take much time even though there's a lot I want to do. I'd like to have him finished before Doll A Kon...we'll see if that happens.
Tattoos on Alex: If nothing else, Alex III, and I'd like him to be finished before Dollism. I'd like them all to be finished before Dollism, except maybe 2.5 who may have something different....but I have to start small.
Faceup on secret doll head. Before Dollism.
Mod one of my practice heads. I need to try the open mouth thing again...only on a larger scale.
Wipe Alex 2.5 and get his teeth in there. He can stay blank....pretty sure I'm taking his blank self to Dollism for the faceup class. I would like his mods finished by then though.
That's certainly not it, but it's the big ones, what I want to start doing as early as this week.
I did something cray
I put a WTB up for another WS Kara Klum.
Because I apparently need them all. There's only 30, I can do that, right?!?!?!? Ok not all of them, but I want another...I really want to do a scarier version of Alex, and I can't sacrifice III and only WS will do.
My chances of getting one are about 0. Again, Dollmore only made 30 - 15 with eyes open and 15 "thinking", I already own one full one of each and one more OE head, so that's three out of the 30 right there. I'm pretty sure I know where 3-4 of the rest are, and they probably aren't moving. My only hope is that DM just isn't popular and someone might be tired of theirs collecting dust and decide to move him on.
So. Seriously. If you see one for sale or know anyone willing to part with one, please let me know!!!
I might be willing to part with more of my dolls for another Alex, I am that insane.
So quick update
Tween's Dollstown Elf body arrived Saturday.
Better than I could have hoped for, he looks amazing now. I'm not even sure I'm going to mod him, it doesn't really need it D:
He needs a serious restringing but other than that....I might blush him and call him finished. Sadly I have a whole list of projects to finish before that...
LTF Rose arrived yesterday.
As usual, I space my orders months apart and they all show up at once XD
She's adorable. I gave her eyes to Chibs, Baby Alex is dressed like a boxer and has the gloves on, and I hate her wig, which is depressing as hell because in the pictures it looks amazing...but that's Fairyland for you. Her outfit is amazing, but so complicated. I haven't had much time with her...so that's it for now.
My Tata's stuff is still MIA.
Supposedly the PO in China was down?! So it's just been sitting there.
Still no eclipse21 wig.
It was in Chicago May 10 and has not moved. *epic sigh*
No DZ Carter yet.
Not surprised. I think Dollzone is more behind than Fairyland.
List of stuff I want to do as of today and have finished by....sometime.
I really want to work on Skullface. I don't think he'll take much time even though there's a lot I want to do. I'd like to have him finished before Doll A Kon...we'll see if that happens.
Tattoos on Alex: If nothing else, Alex III, and I'd like him to be finished before Dollism. I'd like them all to be finished before Dollism, except maybe 2.5 who may have something different....but I have to start small.
Faceup on secret doll head. Before Dollism.
Mod one of my practice heads. I need to try the open mouth thing again...only on a larger scale.
Wipe Alex 2.5 and get his teeth in there. He can stay blank....pretty sure I'm taking his blank self to Dollism for the faceup class. I would like his mods finished by then though.
That's certainly not it, but it's the big ones, what I want to start doing as early as this week.
I did something cray
I put a WTB up for another WS Kara Klum.
Because I apparently need them all. There's only 30, I can do that, right?!?!?!? Ok not all of them, but I want another...I really want to do a scarier version of Alex, and I can't sacrifice III and only WS will do.
My chances of getting one are about 0. Again, Dollmore only made 30 - 15 with eyes open and 15 "thinking", I already own one full one of each and one more OE head, so that's three out of the 30 right there. I'm pretty sure I know where 3-4 of the rest are, and they probably aren't moving. My only hope is that DM just isn't popular and someone might be tired of theirs collecting dust and decide to move him on.
So. Seriously. If you see one for sale or know anyone willing to part with one, please let me know!!!
I might be willing to part with more of my dolls for another Alex, I am that insane.
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Where There's a Wig
I kept joking that if no one would sell me a Shiwoo head soon I'd blow all the money on something...and I totally did XD
I'd been stalking eclipse21's wig thread for a while (years actually) and there was one I kinda wanted...so I finally bit the bullet and bought it. lol bought it....
It's a white, white-blondish wig, for Alex (duh, who else would get a 100+ wig) and I seriously can't wait to get it. I have another eclipse21 wig I'd bought for him a couple years ago. I had saved up and got a spot on the pre order, waited several months and when I finally got the wig realized I'd totally ordered the wrong color. It was a golden blond, and since I refuse to have too many blonds, no one else has ever worn it (well, when Gambit was Raziel for a while he wore it) so it was a huge waste. It's a gorgeous wig, but useless for me.
This new one should be exactly what I should have ordered! I'm so excited. It's supposed to ship tomorrow, so I should have it by the end of the week (or not, the postal system has been shit to me lately). There will be pictures. I have to try it on I, II and 2.5, I know they're the same mold but I swear different wigs look better on each one. I'm hoping for I because he's the one I bought it for....
My Tata's order is MIA...I've contacted her three times, this last better get an answer or I'll do a PP Claim...It supposedly shipped three weeks ago and hasn't moved at all. I'm not sure it was actually shipped.
Still no shipping on my LTF, DT elf body or DZ Carter :P
I haven't had time to do any work on my dolls......it's been boo.
That's about it. Very excited about the new wig though :D
Have a good week!!
I'd been stalking eclipse21's wig thread for a while (years actually) and there was one I kinda wanted...so I finally bit the bullet and bought it. lol bought it....
It's a white, white-blondish wig, for Alex (duh, who else would get a 100+ wig) and I seriously can't wait to get it. I have another eclipse21 wig I'd bought for him a couple years ago. I had saved up and got a spot on the pre order, waited several months and when I finally got the wig realized I'd totally ordered the wrong color. It was a golden blond, and since I refuse to have too many blonds, no one else has ever worn it (well, when Gambit was Raziel for a while he wore it) so it was a huge waste. It's a gorgeous wig, but useless for me.
This new one should be exactly what I should have ordered! I'm so excited. It's supposed to ship tomorrow, so I should have it by the end of the week (or not, the postal system has been shit to me lately). There will be pictures. I have to try it on I, II and 2.5, I know they're the same mold but I swear different wigs look better on each one. I'm hoping for I because he's the one I bought it for....
My Tata's order is MIA...I've contacted her three times, this last better get an answer or I'll do a PP Claim...It supposedly shipped three weeks ago and hasn't moved at all. I'm not sure it was actually shipped.
Still no shipping on my LTF, DT elf body or DZ Carter :P
I haven't had time to do any work on my dolls......it's been boo.
That's about it. Very excited about the new wig though :D
Have a good week!!
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