Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2014 to 2015 and Beyond!

This got long....sorry^^;;;;;;;

I really hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday, and since there is more to come, ditto for the future!

I have to say that while it wasn't the best of times, for the most part, 2014 wasn't a bad year! I had a lot of goals that I didn't even come close to making, but whatever. I didn't post them here, so they obviously didn't count. Right??

A few doll highlights:
For me, it was really the Year of the Floating Head. I got WAY more heads this year than full dolls, and while a lot of them were for bodies I already owned, a lot of them were not...and my head box is full. I will need either a second one, or a larger one when the last two heads get here.

It was also Year of WTF why do I need so many eyes?! I bought, for the first time, urethane eyes, and they're so pretty and they fit so well I wanted more...and it's really prompted me to get good eyes for those that don't have them. I don't mean good-expensive, I just mean eyes that actually fit, and in colors that I chose as opposed to what I had in the box. Plus a lot of my dolls eye sizes have either gone down a number or I'm getting heads that have just tiny eyes, and I don't have those sizes laying around.

I got a lot of work done, mostly on a few of my Kara Klums, which is nice because they always need work. Now that I have a spare I wasn't expecting, I have just as much to finish (Seven and II, plus the Mod, plus none of the others are ever really finished)

Dollism, which was the greatest doll thing ever.

Doll-A-Kon, the other greatest doll thing ever.

The year of course started out oh-so-lovely with that disaster of a trade, which dragged on for a month before it was finally over and it did end up happy as I have Macchi <3
Who will stay forever if only because I couldn't bear to make him have yet another owner :(

Gambit and Jean stuck around, making them my longest running "fan dolls" ever. Finally I got it right!

Someday, after the couple dolls I have for sale sell, I will have moved almost entirely into Mature Minis and will have only two non-matures left. Pretty amazing to me....

Goals for the New Year!
• Find clothes for the dolls I have a hard time finding clothes for 
My top several are: Both Isis's, Java, Metatron (and Sherlock and Khan) and Ryuji, who will be getting his new body hopefully soon.

• Reorganize the doll area. My wigs can no longer fit in that tub...
This is a must. I am forever trying to reorganize how I store stuff, and it never seems to be the "right" way. :\

• Try not to buy a zillion dolls. 
Maybe just bodies for some of the heads that need them. Also, stick to actual wishlist and try not to get any just cause they cutes.
As usual, I really want to work on what I've got....meaning I don't want new ones. Pretty much any doll I get from here on out isn't going to be a character I have a doll for, which means I have to make a new character up for it.....and I don't want any more D:
Which of course means I have to go through my "wish list" and make sure I have things on it I really "need".

• Learn how to make Angora wigs myself so I can make the 5 or so I need. 
Ugh. The block of time I need for this doesn't exist in my future...but I really want to do it.

• Start my giant hybrid/mod project. Seriously. 
So I'll need to mod the head more, find it a body, then find it fantasy parts which will have to be modded to work, PLUS the scary paint job getting it to all match.

• Maybe a photostory or two
I've come to the conclusion that photo stories with my largest group of dolls (What I call the Forgotten Children group) will just never happen. First I think I'm too close to that storyline to have fun with it, and I think omgthisissoserious photo stories are kind of.....lame. Second, the whole thing takes place in a very industrial future....and I have no sets or props or anything that I can use as a background, so I've pretty much given up hope.

However, I have at least 5 other "groups" that I can use to make up stories with now that aren't related at all to the main storyline, and, if I get enough elves, since that takes place as a "side" story and can happen in Faery, I might be able to get something out of that too. So, if I do stuff with those dolls, I won't be so hard on myself to be perfect. I'm at least excited to try.

• Better photos. Somewhere not at work. 
Yeah. This.

• Finish Boo
So, the problem here is the Reiko head I bought to be Boo was damaged when I got it. I didn't know until I removed the company faceup, and when I tried to fix it it proved to be unfixable - so all I did was totally mod the poor thing. I have to make both sides of the face match now, because it's horribly uneven....and I haven't had the heart to do it. I don't have anything in mind as a replacement, so I either have to fix this one or try to get one secondhand and hope it's not too yellowed.

• Finish Little Boo
I wiped him in anticipation of doing a faceup on the big one, so he's been blank this whole time...just waiting....

• Redo Baby Alex's faceup and blushing and redo sleeping Baby Alex's faceup and do his blushing.
Since I now have a sleeping version of BB Alex, they both need to be redone.

• Finish all my Kara Klums. All of them!!!! All of them. *dies*
Again. this.

• Sell stuff when I decide I don't need it anymore.
May not happen. XD
Selling clothes and wigs and things is such a pain on DOA...I just hate doing it.

• Organize my damn flickr and delete all the crap (maybe DA too)
Yup. Time consuming as anything ever. But needs to get done.

• Don't buy a body for #8. He does not need one. He doesn't. Omg I'm totally going to do it. NO!!!! I won't! *determined* 
Pleasegodno he's just an extra head incase I ruin the one I'm modding....no more bodies D:

• Eyes! I need to figure out who needs new eyes and where I can get them. When all my dolls suddenly had teeny eyes I have no idea...but it's a pain.
pretty much all my floating heads and any incoming dolls and heads need eyes. Plus some others like Metatron who lost his eyes when I decided to sell him....now he's wearing 16s which are at least a size too big....

• Wigs. I need a lot of wigs.

• Anna
Anna is my Peakswoods Goldie who was one of my Dream Dolls. I've totally fallen out of love with her....and it's only because her faceup is old and I hate it and I hate her body blushing and she might need a new style or something. I want to fix her, because I still love the doll...
thing is I have Cassiel too - and even though she's not the PW I had in my head when I wanted one....I like her a lot and she's a Goldie too. So having Cass makes me kind of think I don't need Anna....and I think I'd regret it if I sold her.

• The List of Doom
I've sold so many dolls and not updated my To-Do list...so that needs to be redone.

• Organize my Profile/Doll list
I keep this pretty organized and up to date, but I think I need to rearange things somehow....stupid floating heads and body-sharing fux shit up.

On The Way
Not too much.

Withdoll Werewolf Baby Coco - still not shipped.
MODOLL - 1/3 Size Sherlock Holmes Benedict Cumberbatch BJD Head - Yes I did. I do have a plan for him....and I just hope it works.
F60 Soony - the trade for the Heath head is a go!! Hopefully we'll ship out this week, and I'll have it....who knows. I never seem to trade with anyone local....everything is way overseas and takes forever. That's ok...it'll get here eventually.
Soom Super Gem body - for Ryuji!! He was not bodiless for long! I got the trade offer right after I posted his body for sale. It seems to be taking it's sweet time getting here, but I haven't had time for it anyway. I just hope his head fits. I did no research on this body at all, the color should be a match, it's kinda buff but not too, and it's the right height (65cm - which is the largest I am going from here on out).  Hopefully it'll be easier to deal with him now.

Future orders
Dollmore Kid boy body - for Little Wyn. With some sales and the trade I have the money to get a body for a head and he won by a landslide (I didn't really consider any others XD). With this order I'll be getting a few items of clothing, some parts and a second Dollmore Fine head (don't even ask. This is a whole new entry waiting in the wings). EDIT: OMG!!! I won the photo contest on Dollmore....so that's more $$ I get to spend! :D Holy carp. Must shop.

Small order from MOC - A couple shirts I want they happen to have in stock.

AliceCollections - I need three wardrobes for Metatron now that he's staying. His, Sherlocks and Khans. Oddly, I have a few things that are very Khan (from the new movies. Sorry if you're fan of the originals - I am too...but Khan was way hotter in the newer ones....for that matter everyone is....) already so that's how he's dressed...even though the head isn't here yet XD Pretty much everything I want for that BC head they sell at AC. Only in sizes that may not fit the DM Glamor Model body and it's uber-broad shoulders of doom. Pants are another worry since, like all DM dolls, the legs on him are a mile long....So I'll get a couple things and if they fit, I'll do another order later. Hopefully I'll get stuff someone else (Gambit, Marcus, Israfel or Ryuji) can wear if they don't fit....

I don't have too much want for dolls or parts atm. I'm still trying to clear out what I have that I don't do anything with!
I can't start buying things for the Mod, as I don't know what body I have to work with yet.....so that's out for the moment. I need to go though my heads and determine who should get what body and in what order before anything - which will probably either be another 65cm boy so I don't have 3 heads sharing one body, or the F60 Soony who actually has a character I want a body for soonish. There aren't too many bodies out there that will fit the character I have in mind however...so I'll either have to pay through the nose or settle for something that will be too tall. Then I guess Sage will need a taller body. It never ends. Which, I guess, is part of the fun? XD

On to 2015!
Happy New Year! 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Murry Chrissmiss

Something I did for the holidays. And I'm not really sure why XD

1Isis-text copy

2Its pretty but-text copy

3too much cheer-text copy

4he needs this bow-text copy

5whatrudoing-text copy

6ihateu-text copy

7dammit-text copy

8thissucks-text copy

*the reason to own Jointed hands*

9FU xmas-text copy

Starring Mini Alex and Isis (Doll Chateau Colin and Dollmore Judith Zinna)
Mini-Isis's debut, and because of this story she is officially in more photos than any other Isis XD
SAD. Sorry if you've been exposed to this already - I posted on Flickr and DOA too >.<

Anyway, Mini-Alex and I share opinions of the holiday season, and I'll be out of town for-fucking-ever, so I really hope everyone has a great christmas (or whatever else you celebrate!)!! *hugs*

Friday, December 19, 2014

Into the Holidays

Because they're here.

A few things first:
My cat brought me socks last night. It was a clean pair, lol that I had folded up in the other room that had fallen to the floor and I was too lazy to pick them up....so my cat brought them to my room and left them by the bed. I wore them today. They're Christmas socks.
Dog is worthless, Cat brings me clothes.

I was very disappointed by Maleficent and Anchorman 2. They should have been better and really really weren't. Maleficent was worse....Jolie's acting was horrible, the story was ridiculous and it wasn't even worth watching for the sets and costumes. That was my movie review for the year.

I'm totally obsessed with Drag Queens right now. Sharon Needles, Adore Delano and Alaska should come live with me so I can be fabulous just by being in the same room as them.

Marilyn Manson shipped me something yesterday. No idea what it is since I only ordered his album - not due out until January 2015. Like, the end of January. Mystery Marilyn Manson package!! Yay? XD

Now onto dolls!

My Miracle Doll Lestat head showed up, the same day that the Kid Delf Yul head got here. BECAUSE I NEED MORE HEADS!! Both of them were beyond what I'd hoped for. Lestat is amazing, that mouth omg. I haven't had any time to do anything with him, but maybe I'll manage a photo before I'm done typing this.

The Yul head....I can't even. It's so perfect I want to cry. It's Wyn!! I have him borrowing Vanilla's Dollmore Kid body right now and it's the one I want for him. Which is awesome, because that other head I bought to be him didn't fit on it at all - Yul is perfect. PERFECT. I even love the faceup which is good because it was fucking expensive. He's so cute. I could die. No photos yet....I'm kind of afraid to move him. And it's not his body and he has no clothes. :\

Maybe I'll dress him up in Isis's holiday skirt and see about getting a Christmas photo....

No Withdoll yet, though other people keep getting shipping notices so I am hoping for one any day now.

And I'm not sure I mentioned this...but I have an 8th Kara head on the way. He was shipped, but on the slow boat...so god knows when I'll get him.

I know. I just got Seven. But this is one of the Thinking ones - Dollmore put the rest of what they had on sale after discontinuing him and I couldn't not. It cost me $70 including shipping!! Now I have a spare for when I ruin the one I'm modding.

So with the holidays I'm honestly not sure I have time for anything - really I don't think I have a spare minute until long after Christmas is over :(( Plus I started drawing again....after my holiday art I immediately started on something else...and since I've done nothing almost all year I'm going with it.

However I do have photos! To continue this post, the annual "embarrass Alex" Christmas photo.


 I heard from several people that it's my best yet. And I thought I couldn't top Dick-in-a-box!! In case you're wondering about his comment, there was a Festivus table where dolls were "airing their grievances". That was Alex's. I don't know what his problem is...he has whiskey. My favorite thing here is that I can actually see his eyes. And those fur boots. The puffball "Rudolf" nose is glued on. Luckily his blushing was already chipped or this wouldn't have happened....

Horrible shot, but this is what I have of the new Isis - Dollmore Eve Biwol.


And a group shot of my roommate's dolls and a couple of mine - she made all their XMAS sweaters. Out of socks from the Dollar Store. They are awesome.

I have a few more from the Holiday meet, but haven't edited them yet....and might not ever lol

The theme was ugly xmas sweater. Our dolls rocked that theme. I dressed like Alex III - we matched pretty damn well. I only dress like Alex during Christmas and Halloween, and only for meets. I don't think we've gone out in public matching....


sm2014HOLIDAY alex 

 Inspired, of course, by the doll's outfit XD
I'm all about naked reindeer this year.
I'm quite proud of this as I haven't drawn anything all year......

That's it! I have a photo story I made on a whim that I want to post, but I'll do that later......

Have a good weekend and don't get too stressed with Holiday crazies!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Unoa Butt-tabs are my Nemesis.

I'm not kidding. I think they exist in the world simply to annoy the shit out of me. Other than that they serve no function at all!! URG! They have to go.

Saturday the package containing a Unoa body and Fairyland MNF Juri 14 head arrived at my door!

It was in the exact condition that was specified - perfect other than one thing.

The previous owner lost one of it's arms XD
She was able to buy a new set of arms, but they're in a different color than the body (I'm guessing it's Fairy skin - I'm almost positive the body is the same old normal Macchi is.), so right now it has one WS arm and one NS arm. Honestly I barely notice it...though I've kept the thing clothed the whole time lol

I ended up with it in a trade - several faceups, and a few future faceups for the body, three arms, the Juri head and the Unoa head back (which for me was a happy surprise, I didn't realize that was part of the equation).

I had very little free time over the weekend, but I managed to string it up, and wrestle the Soony head onto the body so it had one whilst I decide what to do with it. Because I really have no idea. None. I tried on all the fur wigs I have that even kind of fit, I've dressed it in several outfits, tried a bunch of eyes in it....I got nuthin. I don't even know if I want it to be a boy or a girl. Boys fit in with my group better, but up until now it looked like a girl to me, even dressed as a boy....and the body is a girl body. So everything is up in the air still, and for once, I am really stumped.

What I've got so far:
This was the first look - at the Holiday meet over the weekend. It sat at the Festivus (Sp??) table and aired a grievance. Which is what I'm told one does!

holiday meet-soony 

Next was this - I was still trying to make black hair work - but this wig just doesn't fit no matter what I do. This did nothing for me...But, Elf ears!!


Currently we're here, which is the look that inspired me the most so far...



Crooked glasses are crooked. I dunno. Still a work in progress....maybe a faceup will help (but it's really cold and I have no time). Lol the poor thing. No part of it matches any other part of it XD But I kind of love it for it's patheticness. And the proportions.

I have several options to play with here, when it comes to this thing's identity.
1. Soony stays on this body and becomes a boy (it has no chest, so it can work).

2. Soony stays on this body and becomes a girl...since it is a girl

3. Soony goes to a new, undetermined body and the headback that came with it goes to this one, and I have a second Unoa to do whatever with, and will be....either a boy or a girl and any mold. Omg. The options D:

4. Unoa headback becomes a hybrid, something I've wanted to do many times, for many years. I'm thinking either Dollmore Kid or Doll Chateau. And i have no idea what faceplate, other than it won't be L-Bi.

Then I have to decide what storyline it gets worked into. Forgotten Children (or Alex's world), or Mocha's world (tentatively called Star of Fate...because that's the song I was listening too when I thought of it) - as those are the two Mature Mini "worlds" I have split my minis into (which don't count the three that exist in the 1/3 FC universe).

Since I have given the poor thing several looks in the barely 4 days I've had it, and nothing is coming to mind, I decided today to start with a name. Since I don't know if it's a boy or girl or what universe it exists in yet, I have two separate name groups.

The FC storyline - Gender ambiguous names (like Sage and Rowan lol) since who knows what it is:
Winter (my favorite)

The SOF storyline - already gender ambiguous:
Cinnamon Dulce (back for round two! Ha ha!)
Hazelnut Toffee (or just Hazelnut or just Toffee)
Chestnut Praline
Frappe (or a combo of Frappe and Cappuccino)
Or, seriously a combo of any/all of these. Pumpkin Hazelnut Praline would be awesome XD

I figure if I can get it a name I'll eventually come up with a character and be able to figure out look and everything else eventually. Chances are it'll end up with Mocha and the rest - I can't think of anyone in FC who needs to be a doll and isn't atm. And I really don't need to be adding more characters.

In other crazy news, regardless of what body this Soony head ends up on, I want the MNF neck piece for it, for the easy. Right now the poor thing is filled with hot glue, and held on by a metal bar that used to hold a Zaoll head back on. It's a mess (but works!). I went to go put a WTB up for the part, and the very first post in the MP was for a neck key!! Of all the things. Fastest transaction ever, later, I have one on the way already. Amazing luck!! Which I need more of....the seller I bought the KDF Yul head from has disappeared....so I am worried. It's only been a couple days, but her communication was really good until I paid. Now she's not answering me and I never got a tracking # like she promised.

The eyes I got in the trade for the Volks body came in yesterday however, and they're just gorgeous! So that's one more good thing to outweigh the (potential) bad?.

And random fist-bumps from total strangers are awesome. Just sayin.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Stuff what's happening.

Whelp, as usual, I have fallen behind.

Last week was Thanksgiving holiday here in the states, and I spent the day at my Mom's, with her and my Uncle. We referred to it as her "First" Thanksgiving, as she's been retired since early this year, and she used to work every single holiday for years and years. It's been forever since I celebrated a Thanksgiving with her on the actual day. I dragged some dolls over, so there are pics. Sorta. lol Her lighting is worse than mine!

Anyway, what's going on:
I've put a lot up for sale recently, in an attempt to "clean house". Sadly not a lot is moving out :\ but I think we've lamented on the status of the second-hand market enough (it will never be enough! NEVER!!) so I won't whine anymore. Maybe.

What's left of what I'm selling is
Dollzone Mo3B head with COA blank $100
Dollzone Fei head with COA and custom faceup $100
Dollzone Ro head with COA and custom faceup $100
5Star Tong Tong head (no horns) with COA $50
Doll Chateau Youth Boy body, NSP, Modded and light damage/Dollmore hands $400
Popodoll 68cm boy body WS $400

Full Dolls
Angel Region SOLD OUT Cien w/ custom faceup and fl eyes $275
Dollmore Catcher Ripley Days LE10 Fullset (minus eyes) small damage on face up $800
ElfiNdoll Pet Bunny WS Default faceup $170
Fairyland Pukipuki Madeleine NS custom faceup $160
Youth in the Dark Warriors Bory Fullest $450

Newly added today (so no DOA thread yet) is Ryuji's Popodoll 68cm body. I have decided it's going. Someday I'll find him a shorter one to live on - 65cm should be adequate enough. Hopefully something without a hip joint as I have decided they are the devil. NO MORE. Unless they either don't move, like FL, or move well, like Dollstown.

As usual, I will consider offers on all, and I will always consider trades. Especially for bodies. Holy crap please. I have somehow ended up with about a million floating heads this year D:

Which brings me too....

On the way
...my newest floating head XD
I will soon be in possession of a Minifee Juri 14 - or the Elf Soony. Which is way yay! As I was not interested in that sculpt at all until it had elf ears. Elf ears make everything fun. I want all the elf ears. No idea who he or she will be or what freaking body it will reside on (probably not MNF).

I got it with a Unoa body in need of a little TLC (more to come on that) in a trade for faceup work (cause, TRADES!!! :D ) and I am crossing my fingers for a Saturday delivery. I have a dollmeet Sunday, I'd like to tote it along to check out bodies if at all possible. 

Also nearly on the way (lots of yays here) the Luts Yul Satyresse head!! 

Someone finally contacted me with the head, unfortunately it was off for a very expensive faceup. I was going to decline the sale -- it was just way more than I wanted to pay -- but when she sent photos of the faceup....I couldn't do it >.<
It's on layaway now, I'll be paying it off tomorrow and hopefully the real Little Wynners will be on the way soon! To find that he has no body waiting for him. Boo. 

To make things worse, I'm not sure I want to sell the "temporary wyn" head I bought. It's cute, and I modded it....so it may stick around. Maybe it can be Soony's friend. XD

Add to that all the other bodies I need and I'm overwhelmed by floating heads D:

Still waiting on my Withdoll Werewolf and Miracle doll Lestat head (OMG MORE HEADS).
Withdoll is selling the Macaron dolls again. Which is killing me. I really wish they'd waited until next year. I would love a Sweet Green one (Teeny Frankenstein!) but I just can't order from them again until I see my first one....and he's not even close to shipping I'm afraid. Plus I don't want to spend even more money on dolls this close to the holidays. 

As of today my Volks MSD body is on the way out the door. I will be receiving 3 pairs of urethane eyes I'm excited about (Gumdrops and Makoeyes) in her place.

Speaking of urethanes, I ordered two pairs of eyes from Candy Kitten on Etsy for my El. Two pairs came this week....but one was not the pair I ordered. I contacted her but didn't hear back for a couple days....so I did it again yesterday honestly thinking that maybe the first message didn't work -- I can't find where I sent it. So hopefully she'll respond to the next message. I guess I'll have to contact Etsy if I continue to hear nothing. In the meantime I'm not using either pair of eyes in case I have to send them back.....which sucks. They're nice-looking eyes too....I would order from her again, but after this mess I'm thinking not. 

Other than that, most of my crew (ok not most, but several) are dressed for the Holiday meet this weekend in their Christmas themed attire - Alex is of course wearing a robe. Since he'll be nearly naked as usual XD 

This years "outfit" is so funny I laugh thinking about it. I just wish I had better shoes for him. He may have to borrow Azrael's feet this weekend....which will be really funny if he has to take his shoes off.

Alex III is wearing this. I am so fucking happy. He looks like that!!! Even the wtf string around his neck! It's awesome.

Because everyone is in Christmas garb I have had Macchi and Ren (ha ha!! Laches has a name now!!) to keep me company. Ren has found a hat and boots so he's even cuter than ever, but I forgot I was going to photograph him at lunch so no pictures. 

Except for these! Taken at my moms on Thanksgiving!


The whole Teeny Crew (as I've been calling them). They got a shopping cart. There goes the neighborhood. 


 They accosted my moms centerpiece....I have no idea.


I also don't know why Ebils is in a boot. O.O


The newly-named Ren on the Lati Yellow body he stole from Lea (the grey-haired one now on the SP body. She's not staying - I'm gifting her away for Christmas...). The color is way off, and I was a little afeard I wouldn't care for him on the smaller body but aoiehfawehro;ytiohweryweiryoiheg I love it!!! LOVE IT!! He's so freaking cute he kills me. His cute rivals baby Alex (not quite, but a little) in my eyes.


And Seven, because Alex.

There's a few more on my Flickr, but I won't overspam. None of them are great anyway. I will say I am highly enjoying my second try at this Lati Yellow size. It's actually depressing - give me monsters and I'm happy XD
Something more creative and cute I get bored....oh wells. I hope WD ships out the werewolves soon. I need a Sterek to play with my other boys! And wear some of the clothes! I have clothes!! The others aren't changing D:

Oh crap Sterek won't wear clothes at all....he has fur. D:

Anyway I hope everyone has been having a good week, and a good Holiday for those who have and are having one!