Friday, June 29, 2012

Wu, Won, Whut?

I mentioned a post or two back that my Migidoll Owen, slated to be a female character named Maggie, was too huge and had to be sold. I was also selling my Dollzone Renata head since I just didn't need it anymore due to Moon being fabulouser.

Deciding on a new head for Mags was easy, I wanted an Elfdoll Tasha...I figured she was masculine enough without being a huge bobble for a shorter girl body. I did a search and found a couple on the MP, and while I was looking I came across a few other heads I liked, Vivian and a head I kept calling Won. Won is a guy, and might be too big again, but I don't think they're as huge as MD so I was still hopeful.

Yesterday I got an offer for my Renata head of an ED Reminisce June...not a mold I wanted, but when I looked at her I decided I could do something with her, if only attempt to open her eyes (I've never done it before). I accepted and have been waiting for the seller to pm me pictures. During the wait, she decuded she wanted my Owen head too, and offered me an ED Wu. I went in search of Wu and realized....I wanted Wu, not Won. The head I'd seen on the MP was Wu, and I was just (stupidly) calling it Won. :\\\\\

So of course I said yes. As soon as she gets me pics I'll delete all my sales pages, but I'm good with the trade, so hopefully the new Maggie will be on her way home soon. Wu is a nice, pretty, guy head with a certain Oweny-ness too him (Wheeeee! Buffy, I channels you!!) that will be perfect as Maggie. Assuming he's not huge like Owen and will work on a girl body XD
If not I'm going with Tasha and NOT CHANGING MY MIND! For reals.

In the meantimes, my acquired, on permanent loan ShinyDoll Kanagi got herself a character last night. Her name is Sayuri, and she's a witch, and Maggies (soon-to-be deceased) girlfriend. Maggie and Yuri are the only two dolls I own who's characters are dead in the future, where most of my dolls's weird. Theresa will join them in death as soon as I get her. Half my girl dolls is deads lol. That's so weird. If I don't get all weirded out by them, in the future I might go for Sandalphon. Then again I doubt I would ever get her as a doll, she'd be too hard. She'd have to be taller than Metatron and look very similar too a Kara Klum. Since that's what Azrael is. 

And here's crappy cell pic of Mini! And his hair of giant poof :D

mini at work

He's on my desk at work today keeping me sane(ish). Look! You can see his chibi-plush in the background XDD
I loves me some mini. I wish I had Mini-David a body. And I wish Mini's clothes I've ordered him forever ago would get here. Seriously, it doesn't take a week for anything in the US to get to me...I bet she never sent them. Or their lost in the mail. I'll be so pissed.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

What'd I do?!

As some of you know, waaaaaaaaaaaay back in 2010 I bought a Saint from Dollshe. The Damn thing took more than year to get here and if I'm honest, I don't like him. Part of it's the wait, part of it was the horror that was dealing with Dollshe, part of it is Saint. I love him in other peoples photos, not so much in person. He's so....blah. It's probably just mine, like he needs a new faceup or wig or both or something, but whatever it is, it's there and I can't overlook it.

I even bought him a new head intending to sell the Saint head (no point in trying to sell the whole doll, I'd get nothing for him. He's WS and the market is and is about to be seriously flooded with Dollshe resin), a Leekeworld Kyou in WS, that I thought might be a good replacement....I like LW molds, they're getting rid of their basics and this is my only chance to make sure I don't want one so I jumped. It's not here yet and already I'm having worries. Mainly because I started lurking in the DS discussion thread again. Looking at them made me reluctant to get rid of mine. Why are they so pretty when everyone else has them!! Normally my dolls are my favorites of their molds...but not Saint. :P I don't even call him Israfel, because I don't feel it. He's just not.

Kyou might work. He might. He might not have a chance. Stupid Dollshe went and released their old molds today. So I went to their website...almost completely on a whim and before I realized what I was doing...and bought a Hound head. >.<

Arg. I mean ARG.

To be fair, in the last year of looking at DS in an attempt to get excited for and then bond with my Saint I realized the only mold I really really love of DS is Hound, and that his small smile would work better for Is than the expressionless look of Saint. But still. Did I really just buy a head KNOWING full well that it will be another freaking year before I get it?! DID I?? I have the dumb.


Yeah. I am going to try really hard not to whine about the wait. Last time I signed on for a 5-6 month wait and got 14. This time I know better, it's taking at least a year, probably more, so the shock isn't going to kill me. In the mean time, I have the Saint and Kyou heads to play with as Israfel, who is as much to blame himself as a character as the dolls are since I can't quite decide who he should be - or none of this would have happened in the first place. I won't sell either of them...Both heads will difficult to get again if I regret it, and it's easier to just keep them in the head box (or on the body...which will need a head for the year+ he'll be waiting to be a Hound) than it will be to want them back after they're gone.


Have some Alex. The only doll I don't tear my hair out over on a regular basis (anymore D: )

smskelly t

You know, Kara Klum - my favorite mold on the planet - is totally expressionless too. So why do I love him and not the Saint?! D: I dun know.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Moon Progress

Because I'm bored and haven't posted any photos lately

This is my Dollzone Moon on Renata's Vine body. I have yet to get further than this, and her arms, vine arms and legs have no color on them so far...but here she is.

smwillow 3

smwillow 5

smwillow 2

I just liked this one even though it's no where near focused

smwillow 4

I got that far and have had no time to do ANYTHING I needed new pastels in darker browns and greens (got em) and I could use more MSC. That I don't have. I'll have to check the hobby store this weekend.

She's an odd one. I have to have green in her because of the whole plant thing, but I also don't want her totally covered, so I'm kind of winging it. I think I'm going to do brown into black for the thorns and her horns, and just add some green to the vines (not a ton) and her it's not weird with no green. She has a little bit of green on her lower torso, and freckles on her back and butt.
I have to go back over the ones she has with some brown...they're really pink! lol

Her wig is deep red, and I'm not sure how she'll dress since her arms kind of deter clothing lol
I have one outfit she works well in, but I need to keep an eye out for more.

Star is still blank XD But he's rocking Lucifer's old eyes. I may have to ask for opinions on how to do him...I have a plan, but no way to execute it. Like with Moon, I don't want full coverage, so I don't know how to make him look the way I want. Or at least resemble who I want.

Monday, June 25, 2012

More stuff.

Gotta couple more heads for sale!
My Migidoll Owen isn't going to work out *sadface* I bought him to be a her but she's just too big for any female 60cm body. I'm a little depressed because she's PERFECT for her character. Now I have to resort to back up heads :P
Even worse, the dreadlock wig I ordered will be here I'll get to see what she would have looked like if she was small enough for a body :((( I hate it when dolls just don't work.

Also selling my DZ Renata head. I like the Moon, it's sticking around on the body so I don't see a point in keeping the other head.

If you're interested, check out the Sales page for infos :)

I acquired a new head this weekend. She's living on my Shinydoll body until I decide how to handle her. She's not Theresa or Maggie, so I'm not sure what she is. Right now she's got a black wig on that would be Theresa's if I had her, and wearing my black Fer and it's just not her. I think I'll put her back in Maggie's temporary wig when I get home. She looked better in that. She's a great mold, so cute and feminine...way different from my other girls. I'd like to make her work, but the body she's on is for Theresa (who's head I will probably get if I can sell my MD Owen - who was going to be Maggie :P) so even if I end up keeping her forever (she's kind of on a permanent loan atm lol) I'd have to get her a new body. :\

What I really need to be doing is saving for BJDC. So many clothes....*drool*

TMP will be there too...I'm looking forward to maybe seeing a Willow in person. I'm hoping I don't like her as much lol so I don't want one.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

MP weirdness. And not MP, but still weird.

So. Anyone out there frequent DOA? Maybe just the MP? Or even not, this has been happening to me on DA as well.

People are trying to get me to buy their dolls. Complete random people out of nowhere. I got a note on DA from someone I don't know and have never talked too trying to get me to buy some BJD they had. I wasn't looking for it (I don't even know what it was, I'm not sure they did either because they called it "my bjd" instead of it's mold name), nor was I in the market for anything at the time. I ignored it and they never contacted me again.

I always get oddball and totally not what I want things offered to me as trades when I have FS threads up on DOA, but this year (2012) has been the worst...when I was looking for David and Marcus's bodies (what I wanted were Dollstown and Granado - DT I just broke down and bought, Granado I held out for and did get end up getting in a trade)...I specified a height and color - around 63-64cm in Volks NS or Volks WS...and people were offering me tiny little barely 60cm bodies like Delf and ringdoll - which is environmental resin btw and wouldn't match anything I own - for things worth twice what they were offering. I ended up editing my trade threads something like twice a day to be more and more specific. =_=

Then someone tried to get me to buy their full Latidoll Blue Rei. I had a couple sales threads up and listed a LD Blue body in them, but couldn't actually buy anything until some dolls I only wanted the body as I already have a Rei head. They also just pmed me and was all "BUY MY DOLL"
I declined...then of course sold two dolls and put up my WTB for the body only. Which of course no one wants to sell me.

Today I got one that might have been directed to someone else and sent to me by accident...if not I have no idea what's going on. I was offered a fullset Dollzone mini in response to my WTB/WTT thread.


I don't have a WTB up for a DZ mini. I have four up that I know of, one for LTF hands, one I have to finish for some Minimee heads I don't want any more, a puki cupid 3 fp in WS, and one for a Latidoll Blue boy body or possibly a AOD boy body. And that's it. So yeah....Dollzone?? Fullset? Like I said I wonder if they accidentally pmed the wrong person. That's happened to me before too.

EDIT: dude I found another WTB thread to graveyard XD for a Soom Afi tail. I didn't get one but realized I should use my Ai tail since I wanted it to have a white tip anyway, to match Hopscotches ears...which were white that I blushed tan.

But that was all I had up. I for sure checked!!

I wonder if it's because I have a lot of dolls, people just assume I'll buy anything. Believe it or not, with a few exceptions that usually get sold later down the road, I generally have a reason/plan for every one. Tinies are the only thing I buy "just cause" and lately I sold a bunch of them that didn't quite fit in.

I also kind of wonder if it's not just me. People are bolder than they used to be...:\

Monday, June 11, 2012


So my Dollzone Renata and "Moon" were delivered Thursday.

For those not familiar with them, they are here and here

Renata was a doll I wanted from the moment she was released, she's so bizarre I just loved her. Moon was an adorable and strange thing I thought I would base off of Haku from Spirited away, since he looks very similar. I was planning on getting Renata, but not for a while, but when they discontinued Moment and Anson, and my BFF wanted an Anson, we combined our orders and got the free Moon.

Then 5-6 months passed. I totally fell out of love with both of them...I wasn't sure what I wanted Renata for and I didn't want Moon at all, I was seriously planning to have him for sale by now (I even said that in my last post lol).  So of course when I opened the box I was totally smitten.

First of all, he was huge. HUGE. I was expecting something smaller than a YO, about the size of an anthro. He's about two YOs together. His head is the size of Renata's, my DC Colin, and other slim Mini heads. His little claw hands are so cute! I have a fabulous plan for him suggested by the friend who's house I was at, and I feel so stupid for NEVER having thought of it considering what a huge fangirl I am of this thing, and I spent the next couple of days playing with him in the few spare minutes I had (seriously I was so busy this weekend it was sad).

Now when I first opened my "Moon's" box, the first thing I said (after, "he's huge!") was "this is the wrong doll". I was convinced otherwise, because Moon's paperwork was there (Renata's was MIA) and since I didn't have a picture of Moon to really compare them too I let it go. If I'd gone to the other room and grabbed my iPad, none of the mess that later happened would have happened, but I'll get to that eventually.

Renata. I should have known I didn't like her when less than an hour after opening I was already looking for different heads for the body. Her face is cute...but so immature. And the new Dollzone body is NOT immature. It seemed even less so with the vine arms. After a while I decided just to give Renata a chance, but I wasn't smitten. Her eyes were gorgeous though. Silvery glass.

So I was on DOA, joining both the DZ tiny and mini threads since I have both now, and at one point I suddenly realized I had been right, I had Star, not Moon. My order buddy contacted DDE for me since she had made the actual order, and informed them they'd sent the wrong doll. At the time I was a little confused, I had originally wanted Moon, but...Star was so cute in person! And I was attached. I figured DDE would tell us to send the head back and they'd order a Moon from DZ which would be another thousand year wait...I already decided I'd turn them down and just keep Star.

But when they emailed back they said Moon was in the mail and we should send back Star. D:

So I did what anyone would do in that situation...I offered to buy Star's head >.<
They were all for that lol apparently people do that a lot.

Moon came today and I knew right away Star was the one for me. I still liked Moon though and though I'd get him his own body, only a human one. He really is huge, so I tried him on Mini's body (Doll Chateau Colin) and thought it was pretty good, but oddly tall, which I didn't like. I started looking at DZ's new BB bodies which I really like, and thought I'd try it on the Renata's body because if it fit I could get a boy...

So now I have a new doll. Moon on Renata's body. I don't know why, it's so weird, but I LOVE it. Renata's head is in the box now, she's done lol


 Those are the eyes I liked so much in Renata. They belong to Moon now XD
I'm not sure how I'm going to paint And I sure don't know what it is, but I put a deep red Kana Long wig on and it's amazing! This head is actually more mature-looking, with smoother cheeks and a wider mouth, so it doesn't squick me out like she did before, and with the hair it's so ethereal. I'm excited again! I can't wait to figure her out. Though I still don't have much clue...

And both this crazy Moon and my Star are SO's so daunting. I really need to think about them before I jump in and start blushing. Until then I'm very much enjoying them both blank <3

And even more important all of my lingering buyers remorse is totally gone! :D

EDIT: here are some more piccies

RAWR!!! Star, who's name is 'Zilla.

Moon and the rejected Renata head, which sadly probably will go up for sale renata moon head

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Just an update on doll stuffs!

My Dollzone order should arrive today. One Renata, one pair of human arms for Renata, should I decide I need her human, and one Moon. I'm not sure I'm keeping Moon. He might go up for sale soon. I have a doll meet Sunday and I'll probably take him for sale, and if I still have him after....I'm just not excited for him anymore. I'm not excited about Renata either, but I want to try and make her work. I dunno...I have a lot of things I'd rather have right now, and Renata isn't a character and therefore low on the list of priorities.

I ordered a head from Leekeworld yesterday...despite swearing back in 09 that I would NEVER order from them again (even though I ordered Baby Alex's Bunny Suit he wore on easter from them last year - it doesn't count, it was for Baby Alex!!). Their changing the way they're going to run their company spurred me into action. I have always kind of wanted a Miheal, but he's not really a sculpt that I feel would fit into my collection. I have AiL Elijah, and they're kind of similar, so I'm good with that, but Miheal was always there in the back of my I ordered Kyou. Eh?? Well...Kyou is another sculpt I really like....and I think he's going to be the new Israfel. Cause I'm sure the Saint isn't going to work out. I tried and I just don't like him. I am sure if he'd come to me during the height of my excitement for him things would be different...but

14 months. I can't get over it.

So I bought the Kyou, who has a little more of the expression I think I need for Is, in what passes for their WS and I'll be putting it on the DS pure body, because I think those LW heads are way too big for anything under 65cm, and I really think they need 70. Plus Is is 7' tall, so he needs the giant.

I have my Delf body on Layaway which means Uriel is a floating head...Sorta. He's still on the body atm but he's close to floating (THEY ALL FLOAT HERE D: ). I am set on getting him a Souldoll body, but it's so tall. I love the old one, but the height might bug me, he'd be as tall as David...and that doesn't work for me. So I think I'll be going with the new one. I hope I like it. Poor Uriel! I sort wish I'd left him the way he was, but then I wouldn't have James...I can't give him up lol he too cutes!!

Still looking for a body for Mini-David. I kind of thought I'd have one by one wants to sell their Latis!! Or AODs apparently. I have money peoples!! Sell me things!! I'm thinking of just grabbing a Souldoll body for him too but I have to find out how tall the old one is first...if he's not over 45cm it's a no-go.

Someday my Migidoll Owen will get here, and I will need a body for her too. She's easy and hard at the same time...I want an AOD body because I think the shape is perfect, but it's got to be Volks matching NS and the small breasts, so I have to order it new...which knowing them will take forever. I guess it will be worth it to have her the way I want. Some day I will own a girl with a large chest lol all my girls are so small XD
When I get Supia Rosy (who will be my last girl) she's getting the large chest just so I have one.
I am excited to have another Migidoll head. I only seem to be able to own 2 at a time...but I have Ryu and Miho, and they're my favorites, so maybe it'll be ok. Plus Owen will be a girl. A girl in a style I don't have yet, and those tend to work out for me...Plus I get to make more dreads!! (this is the chick who dreaded Alex's hair for his dread-wig)

And now I will add to this wall of text with a picture

alexes Beware....beeeeewaaaaarreeeeee

and for those who care, from left to right:
Azrael: Cold Heartbroken Thinking Kara Klum
Alex III: Cold Heartbroken Kara Klum
Alex II: Thinking Kara Klum
Alex I: Kara Klum

Tween: Liebe Klum/Zaoll body
Bob: Jungatoy Skull

All faceups/blushing/etc. by me. Az, III and II are going to a circus themed meet this weekend and are dressed for it...Though Azrael is wearing his actual clothes^^'
They are a Freak master, Ring master and Freak. Alex I was going to stay home, but now he's wearing a shirt with skeleton's having sex on it, so he might go just to be annoying.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Looking for...

A body for my Lati Blue Rei head. 

I have some rules. It must make him over 45cm tall and be mature. A lati body is ideal, but hard to come by, so I have other options...

Latidoll Blue boy body in NS is my first choice

AOD 1/4 boy body in pink NS
the NEW Souldoll double in NS I might consider the old one if you can prove it's tall enough.

So far that's all I know might work...if anyone knows of other tall mini boys, that would be awesome.

I can pay now, so asap.

If you know anyone who is even thinking of selling let them, know! I'm in a hurry lol Mini David wants to be born XD

No yellowing
No mods
No damage

I'm going to want to see pictures.
I reserve the right to say no.

Pass it on! <3333