Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Why I shouldn't wear white. Ever.

Wear white dress to work; immediately spill coffee on it.
Then stab thumb with pen (wat?) and bleed everywhere (not on the dress luckily - but still...).

The good thing is, I now get to wear a band-aid that has FUCK printed all over it. Yay!
I wonder if I tattooed a purple smear on my thumb...? Does that happen? I guess I'll find out when it heals.

Good news! Dollmore shipped the U-jee head and I have a working tracking number!

Noppin also shipped my Unoa parts! :D Tracking number does not work yet, but it will eventually, so they'll probably get here a day or two after the U-jee.

So many faceups I'll have to do D: I need to make a list.....

I have no idea what I want to do with U-jee. He has no name and though I know the style I want for him, I don't know what faceup I'll do or what color eyes he'll have. I'll have to think about it for awhile I guess.

I do have an idea of how I'll redo Mir's faceup at least. He'll be a little easier, though I'll have to do it three times >.<

More good news (but it's a secret!): I'm getting a Dollzone Carter for my birthday!! MANY YAYS!
I've loved Carter since his release -- I have his clothes, and he's often been on my trade list. Now he gets to come home! I know exactly what I want to do with him, he's finally going to be my everyghost. The doll that represents Alex's ability as a medium....I'll do a ghostly faceup on him and he will have the black and pupilless eyes my Volks girl had in her short time as a ghost. He'll be perfect for that! I have been trying to make a ghost doll since my first year in the hobby and it's going to happen, I don't think there's a better mold out there than Carter and all of his creepiness. :)

Really, I'm not supposed to be getting new dolls this year.....so I have a ton of dolls coming in D:

I got the wig in for my super-secret doll project involving the Dika Doll Aqua head. It's amazing....if I can pull him off he'll be so awesome. He needs a body. For what I need him for he may be able to borrow Alex's but then I want Alex whole and with me the whole time, so that could be a problem....I need to think about it more....

I wish Thomas would sell. Then I could buy bodies for the two heads and be done with it.....boooooo....

Friday, February 21, 2014

Feeling the Dollmore Love

As if I need more reasons for them to be my favorite company....

So I was a little bummed yesterday after losing the doll I was bidding on on ebay (Dollmore Dollpire Shiloh). I've really been wanting another Dollmore Kid for some reason (I go through phases. It's Dollmore Phase time again) and I've wanted Shiloh specifically since it was released, so I kind of got excited only to literally lose in the last second.

So I compensated by contacting Dollmore and begging for a sold-out head XD

And they sold it to me!!  :O

Even cooler, they made an entire order page just for my head, which sold-out the second I bought it.

So anyway, I will be getting a Dollmore U-Jee :3
I was really saddened when they discontinued that doll, I had actively been planning to buy one the second I came up with a character that would fit (luckily I have a whole new storyline to play with, so characters aren't so necessary anymore when it comes to minis I like) and then one day it was just gone, along with a lot of their older molds. No warning. Just gone.

I saw a couple come and go on the MP, but I didn't have the $$ so I didn't bother to even try to buy one....and then they were just gone. No more anywhere.

My bff decided to buy her Souldoll Kid a new body and was going to sell her DMK mtf mod, and instead gave it to me....I wanted it (I get weirdly attached to bodies....I'd done the mods on that one and would have been sad to see it go), and she didn't want to bother selling it. It's old, from 2006, and roughly the same color as Alex I who is the older DM resin. So with a body stashed away I started looking for the one DM head I wished I had, U-Jee.

I tried WTT and WTBs on DOA and nothing. I looked on ebay and a couple other places...nothing.

I was playing around on Dollmore and went to the head and part section only to find that U-Jee was still listed as able to buy as a head....which I figured was an oversight...but it got me thinking.

I was able to beg them into selling me a Thinking Kara Klum head (Alex II) when they didn't sell heads separately.

When I bought my Miso head, she shipped the day after I paid, and is the old resin...so she'd been in stock for who knows how long, waiting for me to buy her...

So I thought maybe if I asked nicely, they might come up with a U-Jee head that was just laying around...possibly for a long time, not able to match a new body but maybe one from 2006?

I really did not expect a yes, to the point that when I read the answer I had to reread three times before I realized they weren't saying "Good luck finding one second-hand!!" and were actually saying "Hey we found one!! Buy her here!"

It's made not only my whole day, but week (which was pretty crappy.).

I'm already tossing around ideas of how I want him/her to look.....I'm thinking white hair with a color palate of off-whites/creams/tans and vintage lace. I want to get a corset from Raouken, and possibly give him the cat ears I've been hording away forever, along with the Dollpire hands I never sold. He'll hang out with Mir and Mocha and if I ever get another MNF Shiwoo, Soshi. I'm toying with having them join my circus of three....I dunno....

Anyway, I'm all kinds of doll happy right now! :D

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Waiting Game

*Insert annoying game show music*

I don't have a real update, so I thought I'd post some stuff I'm waiting on!

I ordered a couple wigs, one for a super-secret doll project I'm working, and one for my Volks Michele, because it's almost exactly the wig I originally envisioned him in.

Still waiting on my LTF Rose. I'll be waiting for at least another two months, as she's only half paid off XD
And as everyone knows, FL is not speedy....

Doll Parts
Super-secret doll project head --> Dika Doll Aqua. This is cool, because I did a post on DOA looking for a doll I didn't think existed, and someone suggested Aqua....it was love at first sight <3
I only bought his head, I'd like a less defined and more hydrogenous body for him....kinda like an SD10 body or something. I ordered in the pale white, so it shouldn't be too hard to find him a body when it comes to that.

This was my post on DOA (I'm addicted to the Visual Concepts threads)
I'm in the market for a sculpt that has a dreamy look to it. I would love half-closed eyes, or completely closed if that's the only option. Thing is, I would love it to have an open mouth, even if it's only a tiny bit. Teeth are awesome, and I need more of them! (well not me, but my dolls for sure)

I'm being both really open and very picky about this:
I don't want something super-stylized
I don't want something super-realistic
Nothing to mature looking or child-looking -- something frozen in between would be great
androgynous is yay
pretty is ok, but quirky is better. Quirky and cutes.
Nothing too smiley though a little, wistful smile is ok. Smirky is not.
It HAS to come in WS (damn you Dollmore. Make more WS dolls!!!!!) Pale blue or green would be ok, but other than a few Soom Dolls I don't like, I don't think anyone has colors like that....so WS only.
Has to available as a head only (I'm not looking to buy a whole doll atm)
I'm hoping for something in the SD - SD13 size range. A little bigger might be ok, but really around 60cm is best. If the perfect mold is a mini I will definitely keep that in mind.
Since I only want a head for now, no environmental or french resin. Matching that will be too hard down the road. I would like to stick to urethane only.

I really want something I don't have or haven't seen before. I love Dollstown, and will probably settle for one of these if I can't find anything else, but it's not quite what I want...Dollzone and Doll Chateau would be perfect (full lips and droopy eyes are love), but I like their Minis better, and they're a tad small. Something with that aesthetic would be great only in SD size >.<
I have no idea what I want really...this is why I need help!!

Aqua is pretty much all of the above! :D
I am keeping an eye out for other molds fitting the criteria, but I'm also good with Aqua, so I probably won't need anything else.

After Noppin did the Unoa pre-order, they opened up again for parts. I couldn't pass that up! I got Mir some fisty hands, the L-bi Decadent face and the Lusis Yawn plate since I've always wanted one.

Possible dolls
I am...bidding on a doll on ebay. It's a decent deal and I really want it! I'll only pay up to a certain amount though so I'll probably lose it....but I gotta try!  I'm a little freaked because I don't think I've ever bid on a doll before, or even bought one off ebay not new from a dealer. Cross your fingers for me!

That's it! Way more than I should be waiting on, since I am supposed to be saving for Dollism...but still kind of fun :3

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Project Wolverine: another stage

I haven't updated this in a awhile, because there really wasn't anything worth updating, but here is what I gots so far. This is long btw...sorry....

Earlier posts about Wolvie: 1, 2
The thread I started on DOA
A lot of deciding happened on that DOA thread...it's been very helpful.

The parts
1. Dollzone Cosmo head
Been holding on to the head since November waiting until I could afford the perfect (or only) body for Wolvie -- Mirodoll 60cm. Luckily it's the cheapest body on the planet XD

2. Eyes
This seemed easy as I literally grabbed the best pair of eyes I owned that fit the head...only thing is, they're blue, which is a color I was unsure about. So, I had to do "research" on what color Logan's eyes are. Meaning I had to read comics. WOO HOO! What did I find out? Marvel colorists have no idea what Logan's (or James') eyes are. I found grey, brown, blue and black. I keep going back to one specific mini-series for references, and in that one, his eyes are blue, so I'm going with it. Though I'm still on the fence with the size...I feel like they could be a little smaller.

3. Hands
Regardless of what body I would end up with (Mirodoll is really the only option due to the shape and size of it...but whatevs) I would need either fist hands, or jointy hands for Wolveroonie claws. Since he has such odd proportions, I wanted larger than normal hands. I found a pair of NSP 70cm Dikadoll hands on the MP fer cheaps so I grabbed 'em.

4. Hair
Er. Maybe. I ordered some black fer on the nets, but when it came I was less than pleased. I'm not sure how it'll work out. I'm going to use it anyway, at least for draft #1 of the crazy mess Logan calls hair. Hopefully it'll work...there's a lot.

5. Body
I was set on using the Mirodoll body because it's only about 60cm and totally beeftastic, so next to my taller version of Gambit, Logan will be on the short side (hopefully), as he should be. Bonus for price, which is affordable. Unless you're me in the last 6 months. Then nothing is affordable. However, I did manage to scrape up the change required last month, and ordered! Of course this was right before Chinese New Year (which I hit every year it seems, with a doll order lol), and because I've been planning this since early November it seems like I've been waiting for always and all eterrrrrrnity (if anyone knows where that is from you get so many internet cookies). I've been obsessively checking Miro to see if my status has changed, and...nothing :PPPP

But I found out today that it shipped!!! :D
And it shipped Friday! So it could be halfway here already! I have no idea, because Miro updates with order #s in the waiting room thread on DOA (wat?), and so I have no tracking. It could be anywhere. It...could be at my house RIGHT NOW! D:

omgoa;dsikgva;orhgo;rwhG'LAKENFGKEnrg IT'S BEGINNING!!! Finally!

Up Next
We see if the head fits the body. This is #1 on my DEAR GOD I HOPE IT WORKS list.
I was thinking I might need to mod the neck shorter, but in some photos, it looks pretty short already so that might not have to happen *crosses fingers*.

#2 on the list is the hands. Supposedly Miro has oddly shaped balls and sockets for wrists and hands. The hands I have are huge and round, so modding will have to be done somehow. I will have to compare what I have and see if I can rig something somehow without totally rescuplting the wrist sockets. This is the second scariest part of this....head is the first scariest because if it looks odd, I don't have a backup head and will have to start from scratch on the mold...and I really like Cosmo as Wolvie.

head and hands


The giant hands that sorta match are his...the little hand is Alex's (he's no longer using them -- I got tired of jointed hands and missed his real ones). I'm glad I went big, proportionately I like them better than the smaller ones. They look like they'd belong to a massive yet short guy XD

So, assuming the head fits, I have to make him hair. I already have a good idea of how it will be done and attached so I'm more excited than worried about this. It's been killing me not to go on and do it, but it's easier to make a wig for a doll that has a body, and I don't really want to do it and find out that he won't fit :P

Faceup. Shouldn't be too hard. I'm good at natural, I have the mock-up to look at, and I have thought about it to death. Only problem is the weather -- single to negative degree temps and a shitton of snow (dear god when does it stop?!) do not help with faceups.

If you never saw it and don't feel like clicking the link to past journals, here is my original mock-up

logan mock-up1

That's the goal! I can do it...I can....

Body blushing. Hurrrrrrrr. Due to conversations on DOA about body hair, I have decided to give it a go. I wasn't going too, but I think I can do it so it's not too gross, and if it is, I'll just get rid of it! I was originally going to avoid it, but seriously, if one is ever going to attempt body hair on a doll, it should be on Wolverine.

Claws. Urg. I have thoughts. Again, thanks to DOA I have a few suggestions I think will work. I would be happier if I had fist hands to use that I could permanently mod claws onto, but I can do temps for now.

Wardrobe. Somehow I need to get a small wardrobe together for him. I'm not planning on doing yellow and blue spandex (though someday there might be a variation of that ala my Phoenix outfit for Jean), but I do want -- Jeans, white wife beater, cowboy boots, cowboy hat, plaid shirt, leather jacket.
I have found most of this stuff here and there on the nets, but want to wait until the body is in hand and I can try stuff on it and see about sizes before buying anything. I'm pissed about the plaid shirt more than anything...I used to have one that would probably fit and I sold it *headdesk* it was perfect too, unlike other ones I've seen since.

As you might be able to tell from the amount of wordage I have here, I am a tad excited to get started.

So that's the grand scheme. I really hope I can pull this off!

My current X-Men AU lineup: 
Gambit - Volks Heath on Granado 64 body
Jean Grey - Luts Delf Claus (boy)
Jubilee - CP Delf Dark Elf Soo

On the way: 
Shogo - Fairyland LTF Rose
Wolverine - Dollzone Cosmo (hopefully) on Mirodoll 60 body

Mystique - Some sort of Mirodoll sculpt. I found out the make the perfect blue for her, started thinking about it and now I'm obsessed!! Only I'm not super-crazy about any of the heads, so I'm holding out until they come out with one that's more Mystique-like XD
Mika might work in a pinch though...

That's it! I was really set on Storm, but I decided she doesn't interest me as a character along with the group I have...so unless I get more random SD sized dolls in a trade, I'm stopping with Mystique.

Yay! *runs in circles*

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Updates, Sales 'N Stuff

First off, I am selling my Iplehouse EID Kamau LE. He's listed on DOA, DA and here under the sales tab.

I'm open to offers, but keep in mind to buy him new will cost almost this much (if you take away all the extra stuff and do the split prices...then you don't get all the extra stuff), and soon, he'll be discontinued so you won't be able to buy him at all. Just sayin.

I am also looking to trade things for a Dollmore Kid Ujee head. I'm not looking for a damaged or modded head, and I only have a couple doll heads and clothes/shoes/wigs for trade, but if you know anyone willing to part with one, let me know!! I have a body, it needs a head. I want Ujee.

That's all the sales I'm going on about.

However there's nothing really to update. I can't see my followed blogs again (thanks for that, Blogger. You suck.) so I have no idea what anyone is up to. Hopefully you're all doing well!

I don't have the $$ for new stuff, and I can't do anything with the old stuff because the 4° temperatures of late have me not wanting to do much but sit there and shiver. I don't even bring dolls to work in this crap. We have apparently gotten more snow than Alaska this year. Yay us.

So I sits here in dolly limbo. My Mirodoll body has not shipped, I'm halfway through my LFT layaway and I have nothing else coming in other than eyes for Mir which may not even fit him >.<

Speaking of Mir:
This is what he looked like when I first got him. Not too bad, but I wasn't crazy over the faceup. Plus every time I looked at him I was reminded of all the dramacrap. So I wiped it and redid it....


A quick faceup later

 unoa2 unoa1 

This is not a faceup I'm 100% happy with. It's not awesome, and my pictures are so bad you can't see it anyway...but it has glitter!! :D I tried to glitter that stupid horn I made (Mir is a Unicorns btw) but for some reason it wouldn't stick...so it's just white with gloss now. And yes, his resin color did completely change when I took off that faceup...it was blushed that dark. O.o
Now his fp is the same as his body.

Mir has worn about 5 pairs of eyes as none of what I had fit in his tiny self, but over the weekend I grabbed a pair of glass from a dollmeet that fit much better, have pupils and are a mint green :D which is my favorite color atm (EDIT: hurr hurr I said pupil but that's not what I meant -- iris, pupils are just black...). So he looks a lot better right now. I've also added to his faceup since this photo. Eventually I'll try to get an updated shot of him. He needs clothes. Him and the rest of my dolls. EDIT2: I also would like to make him a better wig, but this one is good for the temps. I didn't do a horrible job on it, and it stays on with no help. That's all I ask of my wigs lol.

Oh, and Mir stands for Miracle. My friend name him lol
I usually don't let people name my dolls, but it fit.
He also goes by Captain Sparklepants MacFloof. I don't know why.