Which is what we do in this hobby.
If all goes well, today should be the last day of my Lati Yellow Laches being on his huge SP body. I bought off the MP a Lati Yellow Bloody Moon Lea (I think that's what it was). It's not the fullset, but comes with a few extra "glove" hands and a skull cane, and a little coffin X3 so if the resin is even a close match, we'll be good to go. My Laches will be a fullset if I have to hunt down every little piece of him separately lol
Some day.
Also due to arrive this week is my Dollmore order (I was really hoping for today - but no). In it is Big Isis's new head - Dollmore Biwol. Over the weekend I pulled Isis out - I hadn't touched her since she had been dressed for the Western meet in September as a brothel whore. Yeah. That's how we roll here. I redressed her in some clothes and put her actual wig on her so she could wait to be beheaded.
Before I did all that, I tried two other wigs on her. Theresa's black wig (which oddly, is the same style as Isis's hair, just black), and then Gabriel's red wig. I had kind of thought of making her Gabriel a few days ago - I just can't find a sculpt I like these days. Girls are so hard >.<
I already know I like Fine, and even better I own her lol
I have to say she looks great as a red-head. I mean really great. The downside is that Gabriel is like 6 foot 5, so I'll need a taller body....she can't share with Isis like Theresa.
Also coming in my DM order are flat feet and normal hands for Mini Isis - who I have yet to photograph because of her whole shoe thing. Once she can wear shoes (her white heels don't count) you may actually be able to see her. She's also getting a pair of those pleather leggings I keep on Mini Alex all the time. Since I always give him everything, I figured I could use two pairs.
Macchi will be getting a new shirt, Vanilla is getting flippy-flop feet, high-heeled feet and the ballet hands (though I'll miss his claws), he's also getting new cat ears. I've given his to Des since they're NS and I want Vanilla to have WS to match his hair. Des looks so much better with real ears instead of the fur ones. I need to get a pic of him, I love his outfit! He's completely what I wanted Soshi to be, so my take-2 on a MNF Shiwoo is perfect.
I ordered some clothes off Etsy, mostly to see how they are....they were really inexpensive but looked so cute. So hopefully they're nicely made. Or at least worth the price. I really need better clothes for certain dolls. Right now Big Isis is #1 on this list (somehow Mini Isis has plenty of clothes. I didn't have to buy her anything! O.o) as I hate most of her clothes. Sometime next year I will be giving her a wardrobe re-vamp. Nine9Style has a lot of clothes right now that I think she needs.
Java is #2 since I have nothing for him at all. I really wish he was on the single-jointed body. It's so much easier to deal with. But I guess that makes him different from Mocha....so it's fine. Until someone sells a Dark Chocolate single-jointed RS boy and I buy him just for his body. lol
I'm really nervous about Isis's new head. I hope she works out. I'm already set on Fine moving on to a new character.
And, I don't think many people noticed, but Dollmore discontinued a lot of their sculpts recently (again). Among them was Thinking Kara Klum D: D: D:
I'm a little freaked since I moved 2.5 to my "Mod Pile" to be modded even more. True, I'll still have two others lol but if I mess up 2.5 I won't be able to replace him!! D:
Oh well. I can't mod the others, so he's it. I'm still a little freaked.
So now that they've done this twice with no warning, I have learned. If I even kind of want a head I'm going to get it. You never know when it'll be gone.
So anyway, because I'm waiting on so much I'm lame today and don't have pictures of anything. It rained all weekend so all I did was dress dolls - so I don't have much excuse for that....but whatever XD
Hopefully when Laches new body arrives I can get a shot or two of him with the rest of the group. He really needs a name.
In completely non-doll related news, I'm going to see Marilyn Manson when he's here in Feb. I'm so excited!!! NEW SHIRT!! My old one is about to fall right off me it's so decrepit. I have to dust off my frankensteins so I can see over the crowd....
Monday, November 24, 2014
Monday, November 17, 2014
Seven in the Snow
Ok, I realize I've posted a lot lately....sorry^^'
The last post was a little depressing (though things do need to be said)
And I have pictures of Seven. Outside. No shit. Not in my office at work, OUT-THEFUCK-SIDE.
In the snow. *freezes*
it is different from my usual Alex (the eyebrows, he's not glaring at every single thing on the face of the earth), and really different from my usual faceup period as I NEVER go that pale on anyone. It was hard. I did it twice before I was happy. Still not sure it's 100%, but I like it. He needs eyelashes though. And even though I already glossed him, I still feel like I could do better on his lips....
It was snowing when I did his faceup (so look for a ranty post about how it flakes off later lol), and it snowed again while I took these (at lunch. Don't ask), which is appropriate for him - he looks kind of like he's been out in the cold. The wind was blowing his hair all over the place.
Hee hee photoshop smoke XD
I do think I succeeded in making him different from the others. Unfortunately I may have ruined II in the process. Again, don't ask. *sigh* that doll. I swear. Maybe he was due for a makeover anyway...It's like I can't have them all looking nice at the same time. Someone has to self-destruct.
This one needs his hands blushed. Like burning. I think he might need some tightening too, he's a little rebellious (translation: he will not stand, the jerk).
One more!!
More fake smoke XDDD
EDIT: So I realized I never actually said what he was for the odd person that may not know...Seven (aka Alex) is a Kara Klum, pristine and amazingly fabulous from Dollmore. hessoprettifulsilovehimomg
The last post was a little depressing (though things do need to be said)
And I have pictures of Seven. Outside. No shit. Not in my office at work, OUT-THEFUCK-SIDE.
In the snow. *freezes*
it is different from my usual Alex (the eyebrows, he's not glaring at every single thing on the face of the earth), and really different from my usual faceup period as I NEVER go that pale on anyone. It was hard. I did it twice before I was happy. Still not sure it's 100%, but I like it. He needs eyelashes though. And even though I already glossed him, I still feel like I could do better on his lips....
It was snowing when I did his faceup (so look for a ranty post about how it flakes off later lol), and it snowed again while I took these (at lunch. Don't ask), which is appropriate for him - he looks kind of like he's been out in the cold. The wind was blowing his hair all over the place.
Hee hee photoshop smoke XD
I do think I succeeded in making him different from the others. Unfortunately I may have ruined II in the process. Again, don't ask. *sigh* that doll. I swear. Maybe he was due for a makeover anyway...It's like I can't have them all looking nice at the same time. Someone has to self-destruct.
This one needs his hands blushed. Like burning. I think he might need some tightening too, he's a little rebellious (translation: he will not stand, the jerk).
One more!!
More fake smoke XDDD
EDIT: So I realized I never actually said what he was for the odd person that may not know...Seven (aka Alex) is a Kara Klum, pristine and amazingly fabulous from Dollmore. hessoprettifulsilovehimomg
Sunday, November 16, 2014
I Support BJD Artists ~ #proBJDartists
Because today is Pro BJD Artist day,
and I am 100% against the making of, buying, selling
and owning recasts.
Please support artists by buying legit dolls.
If you can save up for a recast, you can save up to buy a legit doll from an actual artist.
It makes me sick to think of the artists who pour their heart and souls into the sculpting and making of these dolls, only to have them stolen by the selfish assholes who buy recasts simply because they are selfish assholes, none of whom give a shit about anything other than themselves.
Recasts will destroy this hobby. It's ruined the second-hand market already, and it will ruin the rest as well. Real artists are closing up shop, others will follow.
It makes me sick to think of the artists who pour their heart and souls into the sculpting and making of these dolls, only to have them stolen by the selfish assholes who buy recasts simply because they are selfish assholes, none of whom give a shit about anything other than themselves.
Recasts will destroy this hobby. It's ruined the second-hand market already, and it will ruin the rest as well. Real artists are closing up shop, others will follow.
Please do not support recasts, SUPPORT ARTISTS INSTEAD.
And don't forget the "s" at the end of #proBJDartists, like I did XD ^^;;;;;
lol no undo when you write by hand *fail*
lol no undo when you write by hand *fail*
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Tiny Unicorn
Just some pictures.
He has tiny wings now >3< and this accidental wig I'm in love with. It was supposed to be an 8\9 from Licht but they sent the wrong size. I was going to ask for the correct size, but I made the mistake of putting it on Macchi and now it's his. It would probably look better if I'd bothered to fix it first...He has so many wigs now. So many...
Obviously I need to spray (and then glitter!! TONS OF GLITTER!) his wings. They're way too shiny. Because glitter won't make them shiny AT ALL :B
Extreme close-up of his eyeses. Which are also new (and from Oscar. Like all the rest. I am obsessed)
He's wearing a Wimkut/Foxy Browny outfits, I think he needs more. He is reminding me very much of cotton candy right now. I bought an oversized fluffy sweater from Dollmore in my last order. Someday it will come in, and he will be even more a pink flufferball of doom...
He has tiny wings now >3< and this accidental wig I'm in love with. It was supposed to be an 8\9 from Licht but they sent the wrong size. I was going to ask for the correct size, but I made the mistake of putting it on Macchi and now it's his. It would probably look better if I'd bothered to fix it first...He has so many wigs now. So many...
Obviously I need to spray (and then glitter!! TONS OF GLITTER!) his wings. They're way too shiny. Because glitter won't make them shiny AT ALL :B
Extreme close-up of his eyeses. Which are also new (and from Oscar. Like all the rest. I am obsessed)
He's wearing a Wimkut/Foxy Browny outfits, I think he needs more. He is reminding me very much of cotton candy right now. I bought an oversized fluffy sweater from Dollmore in my last order. Someday it will come in, and he will be even more a pink flufferball of doom...
Monday, November 10, 2014
Invasion of the Body Sharers. And Seven.
I got my Fairyland Nanuri 12A last week. This is the doll I decided would be Sages Twin, the Elf formerly known as Kael. I changed his name to Rowen becasue it sounds better and makes more sense with Sage. The faceup "he" came with was fantastic, and by some miracle, it matches the wig, so I'm keeping it. The only thing I did was pull out the eyelashes, because FL Chloe is the girliest girl in history and mine is a boy. So he needed a little less fluff. He's gone and stolen my El's body becuase it's the only one I have that will work unless I steal Aishe's, and Aishe has earned his right to keep his body dammit. So Adrien is already a head in a box. He won't stay that way - I just ordered him some truly fantastic eyes.
So with Rowan home, and Sage and Wyn I have all my Elves but Shae. Still. I decided to go on and search for a head I could use on another "borrowed" body, and was directed toward Miracle Doll's Lestat. Which happens to be a head I've admired many times since it came out and was only available on their blog. Head also happened to be on sale. Hells yes.
So many years after selling the B&G Sapphira I'll have Wyn's half-brother again. I have a wig he can borrow, but I'll have to get one for him permanently. I'll also have to figure out how I want to disfigure his face. Long story. I'm excited because Lestat is a head I've wanted before, he has an open mouth with fangs so I can use him to get inspiration for my on-hold-until-I-get-parts Kara Klum mod-project, and when Rowan was Kael I owned him for a time as a B&G LE Nailo, but never at the same time as Shae. So I'll have them all together for firsties. Wyn's gots a newish faceup so he's all good to be pictureated, and other than needing her hair tamed, Sage is ready to go. GROUP SHOT!! Yays!
Shae will share a body with whoever's body he fits (but I am hoping for the Granado. Why shouldn't half my dolls be on that body? WHY?!) because I don't need any of them as a whole doll forever I think. I dunno. We'll see. I really like Rowan on that Delf body. I might like him more on an F60 one. OH GOD THE MONEY D:
Also getting a re-shell is Isis. I ordered her new head last week. I am hoping to get her before my next Dollmeet *fingers crossed*. Her new self will be DM Biwol. A doll I thought was the perfect Isis since her release, but I already owned Fine. I mean really, if you had to work with Alex you'd look worried too. Trust me on this.
I'm nervous about her becuase her eyes are so small - 10mm I think - but hopefully it won't be horrible next to David and Alex (who are 12s and 14-16). With Isis's recent character development I just don't see her as the Fine so much anymore, so I decided to go on and take this plunge. *scared*
And with all the new and incoming dolls I have recently, what do I do? Fall back into my usual obsession. A million things to do and work on and all I want is to play with this one.

Luckily he needs playtiems, as he is still blank. *fail*
If I'm going to be honest, since he's too pretty to mod into disasterage, I am sort of at a loss as to what I want for him. He's been wearing that vest since I bought it at Dollism, so I'm thinking this is his style. I have all these clothes I buy for Alex I just don't see him wearing or I just never put on him (like all my Anotherspace stuffs)...this one is going to wear the clothes. All the clothes!!! And wear this wig I mangled several years back. And the two wigs I have had planned to make but never did because I don't see the current Alex's wearing them.
He's slowly becoming a doll. Or at least becoming more than the doll sitting on the Alex shelf cowering because apparently Alex I is a bully. Not sure why that should surprise me.
He has the expensive eyes (Enchanted Doll Eyes, also from Dollism). I had him less than 24 hours and he took all the shit I bought. Lol. Alex.
I just love him. Seven of the same stupid doll and he never gets old for me.
I am having trouble deciding what kind of faceup I want on him however.
I - Somewhat natural, pretty.
II - Looks like death (not the entity, the concept.), still natural
III - Is the most "Alex" Alex.
IV - Is actually Azrael, who is Death. The entity.
Skullface - Also Azrael. Also Death. Looks it literally.
2.5 who is now 6 - getting wiped and modded, but has the "glam" faceup
7 - Blank. Boo.
I feel like I've covered the bases....but in order to justify him he needs his own look.The good thing is, Alex being 500years old, I have pretty much everything under the moon to choose from...he gets bored. He's probably done it to himself. It meaning everything. XD
I could go:
Emo-Goth - which I don't have unless you count Azrael who's totally goth (dammit)
A different natural than Alex's I or II. No idea how I would do that tho...
A less cray version of Visual Kei than Adrien (or is that just Goth??? OMG I DON'T KNOW!! too many styles)
I have no idea.
What I know
Alex has:
Naturally white-blond hair
Blue eyes (cornflower like the flower or possibly the crayon.)
Pale, pale skin - which is also natural thanks to the hair but also, vampire.
Black eyebrows. Yep. Don't ask.
So other than that I can really do anything...no tattoos, but scars and piercings would work as both would eventually heal. My only character hang-ups are his laziness - he's not a super-high-maintenance person because he wouldn't bother, and would only half-ass do anything so the current dyed hair is a lot of work for him - and he doesn't like to emphasize the fact that he is pretty. So sometimes I don't think it's right to put "makeup" on him. I do it anyway (2.5/6) because I like it, but I feel wrong doing it.
Hair I've got planned. This wig, another dread wig - all dreadlocks this time, and one of alpaca that looks like it's been half shaved off - the precursor to his green-purple style of looks-like-it's-been-cut-with-a-weed-eater. I also have to make a new Green and Purple wig X2 for reasons out of alpaca hair. Assuming I can make anything at all out of alpaca hairs. I have the stuff, I just have to do it. Someday.
But the point is, hair I have covered. And eyes. And clothes.
I just need a faceup. Urg. I should go look at faceups for inspiration. I just don't want him looking like I and II. Here's hoping. I need to work on updating my doll list. So many body-sharers atm and it's getting confusing. I think this is the Year of the Floating Head for me. :\
So with Rowan home, and Sage and Wyn I have all my Elves but Shae. Still. I decided to go on and search for a head I could use on another "borrowed" body, and was directed toward Miracle Doll's Lestat. Which happens to be a head I've admired many times since it came out and was only available on their blog. Head also happened to be on sale. Hells yes.
So many years after selling the B&G Sapphira I'll have Wyn's half-brother again. I have a wig he can borrow, but I'll have to get one for him permanently. I'll also have to figure out how I want to disfigure his face. Long story. I'm excited because Lestat is a head I've wanted before, he has an open mouth with fangs so I can use him to get inspiration for my on-hold-until-I-get-parts Kara Klum mod-project, and when Rowan was Kael I owned him for a time as a B&G LE Nailo, but never at the same time as Shae. So I'll have them all together for firsties. Wyn's gots a newish faceup so he's all good to be pictureated, and other than needing her hair tamed, Sage is ready to go. GROUP SHOT!! Yays!
Shae will share a body with whoever's body he fits (but I am hoping for the Granado. Why shouldn't half my dolls be on that body? WHY?!) because I don't need any of them as a whole doll forever I think. I dunno. We'll see. I really like Rowan on that Delf body. I might like him more on an F60 one. OH GOD THE MONEY D:
Also getting a re-shell is Isis. I ordered her new head last week. I am hoping to get her before my next Dollmeet *fingers crossed*. Her new self will be DM Biwol. A doll I thought was the perfect Isis since her release, but I already owned Fine. I mean really, if you had to work with Alex you'd look worried too. Trust me on this.
I'm nervous about her becuase her eyes are so small - 10mm I think - but hopefully it won't be horrible next to David and Alex (who are 12s and 14-16). With Isis's recent character development I just don't see her as the Fine so much anymore, so I decided to go on and take this plunge. *scared*
And with all the new and incoming dolls I have recently, what do I do? Fall back into my usual obsession. A million things to do and work on and all I want is to play with this one.

Luckily he needs playtiems, as he is still blank. *fail*
If I'm going to be honest, since he's too pretty to mod into disasterage, I am sort of at a loss as to what I want for him. He's been wearing that vest since I bought it at Dollism, so I'm thinking this is his style. I have all these clothes I buy for Alex I just don't see him wearing or I just never put on him (like all my Anotherspace stuffs)...this one is going to wear the clothes. All the clothes!!! And wear this wig I mangled several years back. And the two wigs I have had planned to make but never did because I don't see the current Alex's wearing them.
He's slowly becoming a doll. Or at least becoming more than the doll sitting on the Alex shelf cowering because apparently Alex I is a bully. Not sure why that should surprise me.
He has the expensive eyes (Enchanted Doll Eyes, also from Dollism). I had him less than 24 hours and he took all the shit I bought. Lol. Alex.
I just love him. Seven of the same stupid doll and he never gets old for me.
I am having trouble deciding what kind of faceup I want on him however.
I - Somewhat natural, pretty.
II - Looks like death (not the entity, the concept.), still natural
III - Is the most "Alex" Alex.
IV - Is actually Azrael, who is Death. The entity.
Skullface - Also Azrael. Also Death. Looks it literally.
7 - Blank. Boo.
I feel like I've covered the bases....but in order to justify him he needs his own look.The good thing is, Alex being 500years old, I have pretty much everything under the moon to choose from...he gets bored. He's probably done it to himself. It meaning everything. XD
I could go:
Emo-Goth - which I don't have unless you count Azrael who's totally goth (dammit)
A different natural than Alex's I or II. No idea how I would do that tho...
A less cray version of Visual Kei than Adrien (or is that just Goth??? OMG I DON'T KNOW!! too many styles)
I have no idea.
What I know
Alex has:
Naturally white-blond hair
Blue eyes (cornflower like the flower or possibly the crayon.)
Pale, pale skin - which is also natural thanks to the hair but also, vampire.
Black eyebrows. Yep. Don't ask.
So other than that I can really do anything...no tattoos, but scars and piercings would work as both would eventually heal. My only character hang-ups are his laziness - he's not a super-high-maintenance person because he wouldn't bother, and would only half-ass do anything so the current dyed hair is a lot of work for him - and he doesn't like to emphasize the fact that he is pretty. So sometimes I don't think it's right to put "makeup" on him. I do it anyway (
Hair I've got planned. This wig, another dread wig - all dreadlocks this time, and one of alpaca that looks like it's been half shaved off - the precursor to his green-purple style of looks-like-it's-been-cut-with-a-weed-eater. I also have to make a new Green and Purple wig X2 for reasons out of alpaca hair. Assuming I can make anything at all out of alpaca hairs. I have the stuff, I just have to do it. Someday.
But the point is, hair I have covered. And eyes. And clothes.
I just need a faceup. Urg. I should go look at faceups for inspiration. I just don't want him looking like I and II. Here's hoping. I need to work on updating my doll list. So many body-sharers atm and it's getting confusing. I think this is the Year of the Floating Head for me. :\
Dollmore Kara Klum,
Miracle Doll,
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Behind again. But Success!
As it seems to go these days it's been awhile since I updated anything. I haven't done much with my dolls other than make a few wigs and snap some crappy pics of a few new arrivals and such, so I guess there's not much to get excited over. I would love to get photos taken of a lot of the current crew, but I'm sick of taking them at work...which leaves me with not a lot of options.
Also I'm attempting Nano again this year (which hopefully won't be indefinitely postponed by sickness and death like it was last year. No one wants that.) and it's taking up time (I should be writing - but I'm actually a head for once so it's ok. right??) and a lot of energy.
But I do have photos!
Fiirst is the little guy (technically a girl, but y'know. No.) I won at Dollism for coming in second in the faceup contest. He's a Doll Family A JiMing (it took me forever to remember the mold name, and then I sort forgot I had him. *shame*). I had NO idea what I was going to do with him. He looks a lot like DK Aqua, which is the head I'd used in the contest, so I was stuck on him being that doll smaller - but that doll is nothing right now. No character or even a body, so having a small version of him was totally unappealing. He's also a sleeping mold which through me off even more. I stuck him on my shelf and thus my forgetting I owned him. Then while I was looking at photos of some Withdoll Tinies, in preperation for my own eventually getting here, I saw the cutest thing ever, and was told it was a DF tiny.
This caused me to remember I had one. And when I realized it was Lati Yellow/Pukifee sized I got excited because I was still expecting the AB Cream, I had Ebils and had just ordered that Werewolf baby from WD... So really the DF would fit right in. And on the spot I came up with something for him. His name is Morpheus, or Morph for short, but I call him Sandy, cause he's the Sandman.
The Sandman who needs practice. He's always putting himself to sleep >.<
That wig is like, three times the size of his head. I have since made him a new one...but he's wearing a dreadful outfit right now as someone else had to take that one....
D'aw, Ebils. He never fails to make me happy with his sinister cute and weird little self. Ebils still refuses to wear the clothes, even though I have been happily collecting a wardrobe for these guys.
I have realized why I didn't get along with this size the first time around. Both Jethro and Circus never changed. They wore the same outfit (sorta) and just sat there. I never had a problem with Ebils being nekkid but the other two I had no interest in because I did nothing with them. Sandy changes clothes. So he's already been fun. He's a little tough to deal with though...I'm used to Ebils being a posing dream - I had to suede and wire poor Sandy half to death and he's still not right. I'll work on him some more late.
The day before Halloween this happened.
The day before. Halloween. The day before. I'm still laughing. One more day and his "birthday" would have been freaking Halloween!! lol YOU FAIL BONES!
AngelBattle surprised me by including their current free gift - a pumpkin head which I love to death, and 3 extra pairs of hands I was unaware were included! So I was especially happy to open him - you may not have noticed this but I obsess over extra parts like a cray. I have boxes. I want them all.
Right now he's got a fist hand and a ROCK! hand going on. I love them. And that face!! I had a hard time choosing between all of the Dark Chocolate band members but I'm really glad I went with Cream. I never thought a boneface could be so expressive.
His elbow and knee joints aren't fantastic but he must be really well balanced because he can stand all over the place and with his arms and legs everywhere. I love the head/neck jointing along with the pelvis/spine joints. I just love this guy! He's on my desk right now, looking extremely happy. XD
So one last yay of the day. Last week I got a response to my WTB for the Lati Yellow Laches, the one I was so sad to have passed on at Dollism. It didn't come with it's fullset, and was on the SP body (which is the larger one), but I jumped on him anyway. I don't think he was popular at all, so there may not be too many out there....She shipped him Saturday and he got here in record time on Monday.
I regret nothing.
That's the face I fell in love with!!
He has the default faceup, which I'll be keeping for now (I like it, no desire to change a thing yet), and the eyes, which I also like. I made the wig and he stole this outfit from Sandy because, on the larger body, it's the only thing I have that fits him.
Ultimately I would like to get him the smaller body, but I'm happy to have any right now. I don't care for how tall he is next to the rest....but I'm in no massive hurry. I was kind of hoping to get a Luts body for him, but it's a dreadful match. This is his true-to-life color - I have yet to find another tan that orange. I'll put a WTB/WTT for this body for a regular Yellow one, and if that fails I'll buy another full tan doll and switch heads. Which is probably what I'll end up having to do.
I calls him Fang, though I can't think of a real name for him....Bones is Mcoy from Star Trek, and I have the Sandman, and Sterek is incoming (Teen Wolf for those who don't know)....but for some reason I'm blanking on vampires.
Anyone else find that sad? I mean really :\
Of all the things.
I'm debating trying to get a vampire Noa as well, but if that doesn't happen it doesn't happen...other than a possible Noa, I don't really want anymore of this size. Fairyland just doesn't do it for me at this size, and Luts hasn't grabbed me yet either (though I bet they will - I don't put fangs past them at all) and I'm happy with my current little monsters. Or I will be when Sterek gets here XD
In other doll news, I put several of my Puki collection up for sale. I'm keeping my most favorites and that's it. Two have already sold (I have to update that!!), but there's still a couple left.
My LTF Rose - Latte - might be gone for awhile, or forever. I gave her body to Baby Alex's sleeping head. And I like it. A lot. I was looking for a body for him anyway, something cheap, and since I had this one already that's about as cheap as it comes! And truthfully I wouldn't have wanted anything other than LTF anyway.....and as much as I like Latte, I always kind of thought I'd end up selling her. This is better.
I modded the eyes on my Little Wyn head, they're not as crooked as they were, and bigger and more Wyn-like.
I think that's it. Not much else. I would really like to come with good photoshoot for Alex. I need to get a shot of his tattoos before they get ruined. Because they will, it's Alex. My 7th Kara Klum is still blank (and being tormented by Alex I) because I don't want to just do any old thing to him. I got the alpaca hair I want to make his wig with but I've yet to touch it. Someday I'll get everything to a point when I can work on that....someday...
Have a great week! <3
Also I'm attempting Nano again this year (which hopefully won't be indefinitely postponed by sickness and death like it was last year. No one wants that.) and it's taking up time (I should be writing - but I'm actually a head for once so it's ok. right??) and a lot of energy.
But I do have photos!
Fiirst is the little guy (technically a girl, but y'know. No.) I won at Dollism for coming in second in the faceup contest. He's a Doll Family A JiMing (it took me forever to remember the mold name, and then I sort forgot I had him. *shame*). I had NO idea what I was going to do with him. He looks a lot like DK Aqua, which is the head I'd used in the contest, so I was stuck on him being that doll smaller - but that doll is nothing right now. No character or even a body, so having a small version of him was totally unappealing. He's also a sleeping mold which through me off even more. I stuck him on my shelf and thus my forgetting I owned him. Then while I was looking at photos of some Withdoll Tinies, in preperation for my own eventually getting here, I saw the cutest thing ever, and was told it was a DF tiny.
This caused me to remember I had one. And when I realized it was Lati Yellow/Pukifee sized I got excited because I was still expecting the AB Cream, I had Ebils and had just ordered that Werewolf baby from WD... So really the DF would fit right in. And on the spot I came up with something for him. His name is Morpheus, or Morph for short, but I call him Sandy, cause he's the Sandman.
The Sandman who needs practice. He's always putting himself to sleep >.<
That wig is like, three times the size of his head. I have since made him a new one...but he's wearing a dreadful outfit right now as someone else had to take that one....
D'aw, Ebils. He never fails to make me happy with his sinister cute and weird little self. Ebils still refuses to wear the clothes, even though I have been happily collecting a wardrobe for these guys.
I have realized why I didn't get along with this size the first time around. Both Jethro and Circus never changed. They wore the same outfit (sorta) and just sat there. I never had a problem with Ebils being nekkid but the other two I had no interest in because I did nothing with them. Sandy changes clothes. So he's already been fun. He's a little tough to deal with though...I'm used to Ebils being a posing dream - I had to suede and wire poor Sandy half to death and he's still not right. I'll work on him some more late.
The day before Halloween this happened.
The day before. Halloween. The day before. I'm still laughing. One more day and his "birthday" would have been freaking Halloween!! lol YOU FAIL BONES!
AngelBattle surprised me by including their current free gift - a pumpkin head which I love to death, and 3 extra pairs of hands I was unaware were included! So I was especially happy to open him - you may not have noticed this but I obsess over extra parts like a cray. I have boxes. I want them all.
Right now he's got a fist hand and a ROCK! hand going on. I love them. And that face!! I had a hard time choosing between all of the Dark Chocolate band members but I'm really glad I went with Cream. I never thought a boneface could be so expressive.
His elbow and knee joints aren't fantastic but he must be really well balanced because he can stand all over the place and with his arms and legs everywhere. I love the head/neck jointing along with the pelvis/spine joints. I just love this guy! He's on my desk right now, looking extremely happy. XD
So one last yay of the day. Last week I got a response to my WTB for the Lati Yellow Laches, the one I was so sad to have passed on at Dollism. It didn't come with it's fullset, and was on the SP body (which is the larger one), but I jumped on him anyway. I don't think he was popular at all, so there may not be too many out there....She shipped him Saturday and he got here in record time on Monday.
I regret nothing.
That's the face I fell in love with!!
He has the default faceup, which I'll be keeping for now (I like it, no desire to change a thing yet), and the eyes, which I also like. I made the wig and he stole this outfit from Sandy because, on the larger body, it's the only thing I have that fits him.
Ultimately I would like to get him the smaller body, but I'm happy to have any right now. I don't care for how tall he is next to the rest....but I'm in no massive hurry. I was kind of hoping to get a Luts body for him, but it's a dreadful match. This is his true-to-life color - I have yet to find another tan that orange. I'll put a WTB/WTT for this body for a regular Yellow one, and if that fails I'll buy another full tan doll and switch heads. Which is probably what I'll end up having to do.
I calls him Fang, though I can't think of a real name for him....Bones is Mcoy from Star Trek, and I have the Sandman, and Sterek is incoming (Teen Wolf for those who don't know)....but for some reason I'm blanking on vampires.
Anyone else find that sad? I mean really :\
Of all the things.
I'm debating trying to get a vampire Noa as well, but if that doesn't happen it doesn't happen...other than a possible Noa, I don't really want anymore of this size. Fairyland just doesn't do it for me at this size, and Luts hasn't grabbed me yet either (though I bet they will - I don't put fangs past them at all) and I'm happy with my current little monsters. Or I will be when Sterek gets here XD
In other doll news, I put several of my Puki collection up for sale. I'm keeping my most favorites and that's it. Two have already sold (I have to update that!!), but there's still a couple left.
My LTF Rose - Latte - might be gone for awhile, or forever. I gave her body to Baby Alex's sleeping head. And I like it. A lot. I was looking for a body for him anyway, something cheap, and since I had this one already that's about as cheap as it comes! And truthfully I wouldn't have wanted anything other than LTF anyway.....and as much as I like Latte, I always kind of thought I'd end up selling her. This is better.
I modded the eyes on my Little Wyn head, they're not as crooked as they were, and bigger and more Wyn-like.
I think that's it. Not much else. I would really like to come with good photoshoot for Alex. I need to get a shot of his tattoos before they get ruined. Because they will, it's Alex. My 7th Kara Klum is still blank (and being tormented by Alex I) because I don't want to just do any old thing to him. I got the alpaca hair I want to make his wig with but I've yet to touch it. Someday I'll get everything to a point when I can work on that....someday...
Have a great week! <3
Doll Family,
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