Friday, December 11, 2015

All things coming and going.

I wanted to wait until everything was here to do an entry since I had a lot of stuff shipped at the same time - or close to it - and since it's all accounted for now; stuff!

I touched on my plans for the MNF Karsh I got in a trade - he got here, broken ear and all - last week. I restrung him, gave him a good cleaning then sanded off his little elfy ears so he's a peoples now. I haven't actually thought to photograph the mod, but I think I did a good job.

Anyway here is Nightwing, or Dick Grayson, former first Robin, current spy and kind of adopted son of Bruce Wayne. Someday when he's got his costume I'll have to get a shot of him with Batman....but for now he's in street clothes. Which is weird thanks to the permanent mask.


Still need eyes for him, and a better wig. I kind of butchered this one (hence the hat) and I'm out of black fur because everyone under the freaking sun has black hair.  I like him. I am driven insane by the chest of the MNF body (as usual) but if I can suede him, he'll be fine. I had to get him new hands too, he came with the girliest hands MNF has. Seriously. The hands were at DDE so they've already yellowed some, but they need more yellowing. This poor thing is not new. Lol

Also newly showed up on my doorstep - a last minute (and I say last minute because the actual negotiations as it were, were fast and we shipped the next day XD) trade! Yesterday I received a LTF Shiwoo boy, which is so fabulous....because poor Chibi Bats was actually on a girl body. A quick switch and now I finally have Catwoman in doll form. Chibi doll form....but still!!

She's also no where near finished. That wig doesn't fit her (and again - no fur), the hat and goggles are a temporary fix for her costume, she needs eyes, boots and a more feminine faceup so she actually looks like a girl.

Originally I wanted a Mio to be Selina in LTF form, but I need a LTF boy to switch with Batman's body (and I only intend to own three Chibis - got the two, three is on the way. Well he's ordered. He'll get here eventually.), so I figured I'd just use this one temporarily until I can get ahold of a Mio....but Shiwoo's eyes are a great shape, so she's staying. I can make her look girly!

Chibi bat and cat

She kind of reminds me of the Selina from Gotham.

Finally, Ringdoll shipped my K head already! He also arrived this week (busy busy) and I have to say, if this guy had a body already I'd probably be ignoring all other dolls right now. I am totally in love with this head. I mean LOVE.

I've always been a fan of the ones that aren't model-gorgeous, and I tend to roll my eyes when people go on and on about how realistic Iplehouse is....because they're only realistic in a world where not one person has any flaws, they all spend their lives in a gym and are sickeningly perfect :P
Like in a romance novel.

This is the doll I have wanted. If he were real I'd want to lick his face. Or roll on him. TMI? D:

I've named him John Doe for now as I'm...only kind of sure what I'm doing with him. I have drawings, mostly scribbles. I have had an inability to draw since the spring and have had a notebook for the last several months I've been doodling in...mostly a nameless guy (which is where I got John Doe) who looks just like K's fullset minus the cleric clothes. Which is why I was so blown away when they showed their pictures of him for the first time. And why I had to own him, even if I could only get the blank head.



Cheekbones omg


 Lookit that profile!


I'm already mentally going through my dolls, trying to figure out what I can part with to get money to buy him a body. Everyone else just got moved to the bottom of the list.

Still waiting on LTF Pongpong. It's been about a month I I probably have at least three to go. Which is killing me. I want him so badly right now lol

Ordered two stands, a pair of pants and shoes from Alice. No word on that. 

That's it. Not too exciting.

I feel like I've sold a lot of dolls this year, and I'm really considering others right now. It's kind of a big decision because I've had them for years, I have a lot of accessories for them I have spend $$ on, and I had all these plans....

But I think I have to sell my Puki's. 

Ok, I don't have to sell anyone. Ever. But they live in a bag....and I don't think I've touched them all year. Not even at Halloween which is when they usually come out. 

I'm almost afraid to do it though. It was hard to get them all together and the way I want. It took time, money, patience.... I'd get rid of all of them and everything except for Alex (Chichi) who I'd keep. And whatever FPs I have that I can use for him, his clothes, and accessories......and really that's it. Everything else can go. The only reason I haven't sold them already (or at least put them up for sale) is because I'm really scared I'll regret it.

But then again.

It's been a year at least since I touched them last. I don't even look at them. 

I started collecting this size by accident (for reals), oddly related to MNF Karsh who I seem to have issues with too lol, and the only reason I've gotten so many and so into it is that I have problems with Alex existing on his own. But since getting Chibi Alex for my birthday in 2013 I feel like that's changed. I have gotten rid of most of my Mini versions of the characters -right now all I have left together is Alex and Wyn. Kimi is destined to become Robin and David is in pieces, Aishe is just a head and Uriel is gone and Isis is both Catwoman and Harley Quinn- leaving Alex by himself because Wyn will fit in with my other Mini group perfectly (and i'm not selling him) so I don't worry about him. I like having just the one group of them in SD form. I should just sell the Puki group.....and move Puki Alex into the Halloween crew. He'd work with them. I'm sure he and the Alexcorn will get along XD

 I also might end up selling my WD Werewolf cub, simply because I've still not given him a faceup!

But that leaves me with just two in that size....and I'm not sure I like that number.

But for sure I am putting up my Soom Flint. I feel like it was just a matter of time for him. Another one I might regret. Then again, my AS Kimo and Soom Afi hybrid are still unsold, so I may end up having to keep them all!! Maybe I can offer all three up for a trade or something :/

The other big one I'm waffling over is Mini-David, my Migidoll Mir/latidoll hybrid. As I mentioned, I have issues leaving Alex alone in his doll-world, but Mini David is just not working for me. I don't like the Lati body and it is literally the only one in existence that will work with that head. I would have sold it already if he'd worked on either the Grando body (which has been sitting on my self headless since I got it) or the Iplehouse one would have worked, but I would need to mod more off the head for either of them, and they still aren't tall enough. The head is visually too big for everything else. I might see if I can get him on a Soulddoll Vito body (I have a friend who owns one)....but I think it will be too childish for that monster. It really needs to be a more masculine head.

My other option is to sell him as a full doll and just get a SD Vito and try to make it David.

Or just not own a Mini-David anymore (which is really looking to be my #1 choice). If Alex can't survive on his own.....I'll turn him into an extra in my Batman-verse. XD He can complain a lot and wear a mask or something.  If that doesn't work I'll work on mini-David version four. Ugh.

Well, tying all this out has kind of decided me on all fronts I think.  I have a lot of sales pictures to take this weekend. My shelf might finally be empty enough to move all my DC guys (and girl) so they can sit together instead of all over the place. Which will be nice.

EDIT: I tried adding a cut to this so it didn't appear so long....but as usual it didn't work. I don't know why mine never does - maybe because I use Safari on a Mac? A lot of internet won't work right for me because of that.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Dawn of Justice

Interrupting doll talk to throw some thoughts of Batman V Superman.

So who's watched the new trailer for Dawn of Justice? I've watched it a few times now and I'm a little.....worried? I dunno. On one hand, I feel like any movie that has Batman and Superman going at it is going to be great regardless of how bad it is. And also Batman.

On the other hand....

Well. Lets look at the actors for a second.

Henry Cavill.
What can be said? He's Superman. (though I wish they'd just give him contacts already. Superman's eyes are blue.)
I grew up with Christopher Reeves as the Man of Steel, and I will admit to owning, watching and loving all 10 seasons of Smallville, so if it's not Reeves it's got to be Welling....but Cavill does the job. He even looks a little like Welling in some shots so double yay!

Ben Afleck.
Um. Um. Well, it's tough for me to be biased here. I've pretty much hated him for years. I love Batman.


Seriously though I'm all about giving him a chance. Gone Girl was good. Lots of people like him. I love Batman. Batman can be anyone under that mask, so why not Ben Afleck? He didn't make me want to run screaming in the trailer, I actually liked him, I can give him a chance and I stopped hating him a while ago when I also stopped hating Vin Diesel because I now hate Channing Tatum and can only have one actor on my hate-list at a time. And it's Channing Tatum. Probably forever. HATE.

So Batfleck is a go. Hopefully.

He can't be worse than George Clooney or Val Kilmer. I mean that, he really can't. So by those standards he's already won. GO BATFLECK!!

Gal Gadot. No idea who she is, nor do I care. I was kind of disappointed by her promo shots, but in the trailer she looks kinda/more Wonder Womany, so yay. Honestly, I don't care. It's Wonder Woman.

As a woman, I probably set feminism back by saying this...but I like to watch men in tights hitting each other in superhero movies (and "professional" wrestling), and that's mostly why I read comics. I could care less about the girls. Unless they suck (Halle Berry I am looking at you). I don't really get the whole THERE ARE NO STRONG WOMEN IN COMICS thing. I grew up reading X-Men. Seriously, those women will kick your ass without thinking about it. Half the team was always women (after the original 5), and other than Psylocke they were mostly clothed most of the time. Now Marvel is turning all their heroes into woman and I am reading DC exclusively for the first time ever in my life.  :\

So yeah. Wonder Woman. Don't really care, as long as she doesn't suck.

Hey, speaking of suck.

Jessie Eisenberg.

What. The actual. Fuck.

Was that?

That was supposed to be Lex Luthor?

This is Lex Luthor

 This is Lex Luthor

This is Lex Luthor

This is Jim Carrey as the Riddler in Batman Forever. batman-superman-lex-luthor-jesse-eisenberg1-570x285

Wait, it isn't?! 
It's....Lex Luthor?? 
I swear my first thought seeing his performance in the trailer was "what is the riddler doing there I don't get it?!" then "OH WAT NO"

No. No. No.


Now, I've seen/read the ....rumor? Fact? Who knows for sure, that he's actually supposed to be Lex Luthor Jr., not Sr. Or....whatever not-Sr. is.

Ok. Maybe. But still no. Because Lex Luthor is one of the best villains ever (after Joker he's my most favorite, followed at a big distance by Venom and then Magneto and Catwoman....both of which I don't really count as villains), they should have him in the movie. 

Now, there are two ways this could maybe possibly be good. Or at least passible. 

Alexander Luthor Jr. was a character in some other DC earth (3 maybe?? who knows) who showed up in the regular earth and got killed by the Joker. Sooo if at the end of the movie we have Jared Leto show up and shoot him in the face, I'm cool with that. Goodbye Lex Jr.!! Annoy people in the afterlife!


Wasn't there a storyline, like a million years ago or so, were Lex Luthor II, Lex's son, was actually a clone of Lex with his brain so he was actually Lex Luthor I pretending to be his son?? But really himself? Because he died some kryptonite related death? That could work. He could act like a total annoying, loony, duchebag to throw off any possible suspicion that he might actually be the real deal and then at the end be all bald, megalomaniac Lex as he should be. Because that could be good. I really hope that's the case. Or I'll be watching the whole movie waiting for Jared Leto and his acid-spitting flower of doom to show up for some face shootage.

So there we go. I am trying, really trying not to hate Eisenberg as Lex but I think it's seriously going to depend on the story....and the rest of the movie....and if he meets a horrible death at the end. Because ugh.

I won't even touch on Doomsday....I can't decide if I even care that he's in it or not. Or, if you believe hopeful rumors, that it's not even him. It's just another big "we'll see". 

Good thing Star Wars comes out in a few weeks. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

More new dolls?

First, some Peter Venkman (Doctor).


He looks cute. He's evil.



After Buzz, Rocky and Gozer I finally have a "real" kitten. HE IS A HARBINGER OF DOOM! DOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMAH.

He's destructor cat. Even though that's actually Gozer's name. He ate my laptop cord and cost me $80! He's lucky he's so damn cute. He attacks everything and everyone. I am covered in claw marks, the dog and Gozer are afraid for their lives....he's a mess. He's also a clingy baby who wants to be held, carried around and asleep in a lap all the time. Good trade-off I guess XD


I have said a bunch of times now that I do not want anymore dolls this year (yeah I know the year is damn near over already), but every time I say that I end up with more. :/

Ringdoll K blew me out of the water when his promo photos were released, like no other doll since Alex. I'm still kind of sad I could only get his head, but I plan on getting him a body asap (next year) so I kind of count him as a full doll. Not sure how I'm going to handle him.....since he's not really a character of any kind, just scribbles in a sketchbook.

I have a LTF Pongpong on order after swearing I not only don't want any more YO sized dolls but want to get rid of some of the ones I have (two are up for sale and I am seriously thinking the third might have to go too - no more bunnies, only Boo)

And now I have a MNF Karsh also on the way as the result of a trade.


Another Karsh.

It's been a while so it's more than likely not too many people even know that this will be my third attempt at this doll. I have owned Karsh twice before and sold him both times. Both times he was an elf, a friend of Mocha's sort of worked into my pseudo-storyline that failed to get off the ground which is why Mocha has a new story in a new world. his name was Jen and he was a kinda-colorful, emo thing. I never did anything with him, but Karsh is easily my favorite Fairyland mold (which might be obvious since I scrambled to pay over $700 to get the SD version and do not regret.) so he sat around being cute until I hit this period of FL hate and sold off all my MNFs. Which I then bought again over the course of several years :\

My second Karsh looked exactly like the first and I don't think I took one photo of him, so I sold him off as well a couple years ago.

Fast forward to now. Or maybe a month or so ago.

I had recently gotten Bruce/Batman (IH Owen) and was kind of thinking I'd like to try one of the sidekicks. Dick Grayson and Tim Drake are my favorites, and I was trying to come up with a good mold for either of them. I dragged out my poor MNF Celine boy (who is still nameless) and stood him next to Bruce and found it good. He'd make a perfect Dick Grayson/Nightwing....were he not tan.

So I looked at all the MNFs and had a couple in mind that might work, but after looking at owner photos wasn't a fan of any of them. Except Karsh. I thought he would work, on the muscle body (which I hate) and his ears sanded down (which I hate). So a doll I've already owned twice with characteristics I'm not even a fan of was on my wishlist (the invisible one I keep in my head).

Then I got offered a Karsh on a muscle body with a broken ear in a trade.

Fate telling me I needed a new doll? Possibly! He'll be here Thursday assuming nothing happens in transit.

Since his cute little elf ear is already broken I will have less issue sanding them off (I really don't like sanding elf ears), and as this Karsh will be 110% different from my other ones I think he might last.

I don't know if I want to do Dick Grayson, Spiral spy(?) or Nightwing yet, so I'm going to have to figure that out. Visually Nightwing will be way more fun, but he'll have to have a mask painted on so I can't change my mind. Maybe I need two heads! Cause that works all the time.

Now for Pong. My newest DC related doll group isn't my fault, or even mine really. My roommate got ahold of my Lil' Batman graphic novels and decided she wanted to turn all her YO sized dolls into Chibi versions of the characters. She actually ended up doing the Justice League (currently she has Green Arrow, Black Canary and Harley Quinn, with Superman and Wonderwoman up next) and left me with Batman (because Batman) and the Joker (also because Batman). I was only kind of playing at doing it because I can't change any of my surviving YOs, and then I sold two dolls in one day and could suddenly afford Pongpong, who was my #1 choice for Chibi Joker.

Sadly this meant Chibi Bilbo was sacrificed. He's so cute, I have plans to remake him, but for now....he's Batman.

Chibi Bats-2

 and he is the Night.


He still needs work, but what a fabulous start! I'll probably stop with the two of them, though I'd really love Catwoman, but I have yet to get Catwoman in any size, so we'll see how that turns out. Batman is technically on a girl body, so I'd love to get a LTF boy in a trade and switch them. BUT again, we'll see if it actually happens.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

In Which VampireAngel13 Creates the Frankendolls.

So. My Hound on the Classic (re-release) Dollshe body arrived on Monday.

I was very excited about this, as in my head, I was still kind of planning to use one of these bodies for the IOS Jaguar head, the other for the RD Norman, and my Hound would get boxed up until sometime in the future when I would buy yet another DS body and all would be well.

Yeah, that didn't exactly happen.

Immediately after pulling him out of the box I knew he was smaller than the Pure Hound (who was at the time, not a Hound at all but a Ringdoll Norman Dark I call Joker). It was like holding my third Kara Klum - I knew just from touching him the body was smaller. Standing them next to one another confirmed this - the Classic body is much smaller/shorter than the Pure. I had sworn I'd seen photos of the Classic and pure together and they were the same, so that much have been the Old version - mine is the new....probably made from a cast of the old one, since I thought the original molds were destroyed or damaged or something. Who knows. Regardless, the size difference kind of threw me.

Size or no size I was going to keep this thing so I pulled him apart and restrung him a bunch of times until I had it right (because unlike most dolls, Dollshe has to be speshul and not use s-hooks) before doing a little head-swaping.

I put the IOS Jaguar on the Classic body and was surprised to find that it actually fit the neck the body is not only more slender and shorter, the neck is thinner as well! Good for those of us who have to mod, but....looking at the overall proportions of this head on the Classic body, it would never work. The Jaguar head is too big. His features are huge, making him seem bobble-headed even though he's not much different from the Hound heads.

Off with his head, and back on the Pure. I put the Ringdoll head on the classic thinking that if the neck was smaller he'd fit better on it.

I was right.

No neck mods needed!
Movement is better, and it looks nicer.

RD DS classic 

This was...a little disappointing, and I can't say why exactly. I liked him better on the Pure body - it was taller and better posing - both pluses - though I like the shoulders way better on the classic, and really, Joker can be that's fine. It was just something I wasn't crazy about.

Side by side with the IOS Jaguar on the Pure



So here are my problems with these guys.

I like the torso and arms of the Classic body a lot. I can deal with the bottom break popping out - I hate that on dolls, but it's not horrible on him. The shoulders fit the chest better and it looks good.

The joints on the Pure body are a million times better. They lock in place, are easy to get out and he's a rock sitting or standing. The Classic joints are ok, but nowhere near the Pure.

And I like the legs better on the Pure. The ankles are more slender, the feet are nicer and they're longer. And you know how I love long legs. *coughDollmorecough* Plus better knees.

What I'm sayin'

DS Pure-Classic Feet

Left is Pure, right is Classic.

Also, I had to concede that the Jaguar head is not fitting on either of these bodies. It's just not going to happen. To much modding, and I still think he's too big, even for the larger Pure body.

IOS Jaguar-Dollshe

Atrocious fit is atrocious. 

No big. Hound could have his original body back, Joker would get the Classic and I would just have to deal with him being shorter and thinner and less awesome-posing. Boo. But dressed he still looked fabulous, so it was ok. 

Except...when looking at them side by side, I noticed a small problem. 

"Hound" (who's name is actually Israfel, and who was still Jaguar) had Joker's hands. Which sucked because A. Joker needs Joker's hands and I would have to wipe them and redo them on the classic unless I switched, but Dollshe hands are strung on not hooked, and B. I had already restrung that stupid body four times. Four. Times. In one evening. 

Restringing a fifth and sixth (because I'd have to do both) time didn't seem as bad as wiping and redoing, and the hand sculpt didn't change - they're identical, so I resigned myself to pulling them apart again.

Then I got my brilliant idea. Which was to switch their legs. Because that's sane. But hey, I was restringing anyway, why not go all the way?!??! WOOHOO *unstrings dolls*

This is when I realized that Dollshe doesn't really mark their once I had them all over and mixed up it was really really really hard to tell them apart. And since I didn't bother to be smart and keep them separate, not only from left and right on each body...but from the Pure to the Classic (I tried, I did. I just failed)....and despite the fact that one looks yellower in photos, they're actually the exact same color and almost impossible to tell apart. Yeah. Oops. 

So this took way longer than it should have. Plus I had "help" from both cats. Kitten help is really the anti-help, just so you know.

However I found s-hooks for the hands. Big plus. And

Success!! Leg swap!

DSPure-Classic legswitch1

You may wonder what the point of all this was. Well I'm not really sure. Other than the fact that Joker now has the better legs. And seems more proportionate to me - but again, I love long legs so that could be why.

And they are the same height now. Which bothered me a lot and I don't know why. I like it better this way.

Joker be like "Screw this shit. I want out. To do bad things. Bad, bad, stabby things."

DSPure-Classic legswitch2

The closer they get to the left wall, the yellower they seem. You might have noticed it was the Pure body that looked yellower in the first batch XD

Thus ends my crazy frankendoll episode. As far as posing goes, I don't see a difference at all even though I think the Pure legs are a little thicker in the ball area. They still fit, and he obviously stands fine, and has no problem sitting. They are both strung well (though really they could both use new arm string. too bad I have none) and I'm happy with them. Much happier.

Joker is back in his one outfit (his pants fit better now that he no longer has that giant Pure body ass. Thank god, that thing is a pain. Wait, I still own it. Dammit!), and Israfel is naked because he has a large wardrobe I have to sift through before dressing him. And he needs a new faceup since I wiped his old head and this is the faceup that came with this one. It's a good faceup, but, no.

Since this actually took me two days to do, I also did this in between


Shinies in the bg for something different! I have a lot of shinies in my office for some reason. This was when he was on the unfrankened Classic body. He's a good cm taller now. Not that you could ever tell from this photo.

I really love this guy. I just wish I could have gotten the other one off the ground too, but I would really rather wait until I have a better idea of what he'll fit. Or I'm suddenly rich and can afford all the bodies. At least Israfel is a doll again! So he can go back to never being photographed. Poor guy. lol

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

DC Villains Unite! And Batman.

I have literally been preparing for the Superhero themed meet for months. I wanted all my Mini DC Villains and Batman to be as ready as possible, because if not for that meet, when? With both myself and my roommate working pretty much non-stop Saturday, we did it. The meet was Sunday and it went fantastically!! Several people dressed their dolls up, which was awesome. Mine are the only ones who are "full-timers", but before them I still had Gambit and Jean, so I was always ready for this meet lol.

Here is the whole (Mini) group!

superhero meeet

Poison Ivy isn't mine, she's my Roommate's Unoa Lusis (I did the faceup on the winking plate as Ivy). Their props nearly did me in. I had to paint Joker's cane (it's the Tonner Joker's cane, which for some reason was green), make Batman's utility belt (it's not great), and Harley's Mallet. The hardest of all was Riddler's stupid staff, which has been done for awhile but keeps breaking. No glue holds this thing together, I swear. It broke when I got there, and after the host of the meet glued it back together, it broke when I was packing up! Ugh.

Also present was Giant Joker v1 and his new Harley.

superhero meeet-9

Don't even get me started on how much I love them. She might end up with Version Two (Jaguar) because she's very stylized and while he is too, not quite as much as her...but for now they make a great non-couple!

His cane I made from "scratch". I mutilated a BTAS Joker by pulling off his head and gluing it too a dowel rod XDD I seriously feel guilt for destroying an action figure, even one I already own. My other Joker action figures are now living in fear....but not too much fear. They're all safe. 

I managed to grab a few decent pics of them in front of the backdrop I bought with all these DC guys (and girls) in mind after I got home from the meet.

 There's that cane....#actionfiguredeath

She stole Alex's wig. And then ruined it by coloring it. I don't think he'll be happy.
She also got a pair of his old eyes. Eep.

Big Harley is kind a trashier version, mixing the New 52 and movie versions, since Mini Harley is more classic, pre-new 52. She's also a boy mold, with zero expression at all. I had to draw that smile on her so she'd be more Harley-ish. This is the head if anyone is interested. So anyway she's the reason I'm now broke as I bought two dolls pretty much back to back. Technically I bought an IH Amy, which will go to my roommate since it's what she wanted anyway....but still. Lots of my $$ sliding out of my hands. I think she's worth it. Especially since I don't have a girl who looks like this....with the exception of Isis all my girls are short and a little stocky or proportioned different. Even Isis has small boobs. I totally needed a busty, slender, tall girl. Well, taller. She's tiny next to him. Which is how it should be, he's pretty tall.


As much as I adore them, the most important thing that happened was of course



As I thought, Owen makes a fantastic Batman. He's perfect, the only complaint I could have is that I still think his head is large in comparison to his shoulders....but that's on IH not me. I have to figure out a better way to make the belt, and probably his gloves too, but for now I'm very happy with him. And totally intimidated because I had been thinking of all kinds of photoshoots I wanted to do and now he's ready and I actually have to do some!

Gambit and Jean also went to the meet (thanks to me and one other BJD owner DC characters outnumbered the Marvel characters a lot to two XD) and Gambit got to try out the glowing eyes I've had for a year and never used....but their unruly hair really drove me nuts. I need to do better with real wigs.

superhero meeet-4

Jean's tattoos are chipping, which makes me so mad. But they were fairly easy to do, and I can probably fix the one on her back, but the one on her shoulder will have to come off and get redone someday. I'm going to add her to my list of nine million things my dolls need done.

Speaking of, my IOS Jaguar head showed up Monday. 


I'm totally in love with it (I knew I would be), but he presents a new problem I didn't really see coming. He fits on the Dollshe body even worse than the RD Norman head does. :P

I was planning on modding the neck of the body a little to get Norman to fit better (which is why I bought a new body for my Hound), so I figure I'll wait until I've got that done and try him on it again to see if modding will even make a difference. From the front it looks great. Amazing. It's just what I'd want. From the side it's horribly gappy and any movement makes it worse. Mods would be a must, I just don't know how much. So at least I don't have to spring for a body just yet. Especially since I have already bought two dolls this week. Yes. This week.

Regardless I've been thinking of what I want for him....I was really into the idea of the Dollshe Rhythmos body (which I swear I spell differently every time I type it), because it has the same shape as the other two, but no details, so I think it would be great for this stylized guy. But after hearing how badly the thing poses, I'm not sure I want to deal with that.

My #1 of all time choice would be Doll Chateau Adult....but not only will he not match at all, but that will cost me a fortune and be a good 9 month wait I do not want.

Dollmore Model would be perfect, if they sold their bodies in WS. WS being so limited I'd never find one and probably end up paying more for it than the DC body. Plus even yellowed it would be whiter than this head, which is pinkish.

So that's where I am. With all of these WS Dollshe bodies floating around I really want to get something for Spock, but until I decide what I'm doing with Kirk, they get to wait. I've been tempted to try and get a Dollstown 18 for Benedict, give the Dollmore body to Kirk and buy Dollshe for Spock. But that's a lot of money lol. I need to make sure everyone will fit on everything first.

This entry has gotten way long, so I should probably stop now :P
Have a great day!!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Waiting, wishing and acquiring

I don't think I can sit here and list the heads I have that need bodies right now if I tried. There seems like so many...ugh. That might have to be my only goal next year - to do some serious body shopping.

I dd however, manage to get one crossed off my list today - I grabbed a Dollshe SA Hound on the new old body (or is it an old new?). Which will serve two purposes. I've wanted the SA head for a second head for Israfel for a while, so he's got an extra head, and now I have a body, either for him, or Big Joker version 1. Who may just keep the pure body. I don't know. I won't until I have them all together and try on clothes. And since one body will have to be modded to fit the Ringdoll head, my decision will be a permanent one. EEP! MODS!

Ring doll confirmed my purchase of the K head (yay!) a week after I paid for him XD
But better late than never! He's "in production" now according to them. I doubt that. But I'm hoping he'll be fast, since I just ordered a blank head. I freaking love this mold, I can't wait to see him IRL. I hope he's exactly what I want.

No sign of IOS Jaguar. He's still in freaking Russia. Since Oct 28. I'm dying. I wanted him here before this weekend, just so I could have him tried on bodies....I'm thinking the DS Rhythmos for him, but I don't know if I want to go that stylized. If he was here, and I could try him on the other bodies (ok, so I don't have one of them yet), I might have a better idea! *rage*

We're having a Super-Hero themed meet this weekend. Which I am stoked for. I don't really have a lot of heroes tho lol, mostly villains and one anti-hero. Meh, who needs good guys anyway.

Stuff what needs to happen.
Batman is tentatively getting his costume this weekend.
Big Harley Quinn (lol) will get some quick clothes so she can make an appearance at the meet this weekend.
I have to dress Jean in her Phoenix outfit and switch Gambit's eyes out with the glowing ones because I've had them a year and never used them.
Finish Harley's mallet and see about making Big Joker his cane.

Find all my props for all the comic-inspired dolls so they can rock their super-hero-or-villain-ness.
Figure out how I'm going to set all of them up. I wish I had 1/4 scale furniture. I have nothing. It sucks. Stands suck too. Why are they always white??? Why not black? My dolls don't wear white ever!

And really, Evil Peter (which is what I call the Kitten's bitey, clawy and totally crazy alter-ego) keeps me up at night so much that I'm now exhausted and want to do exactly nothing when I get home....but I have all this doll stuffs to work on and a trip to Joann's to make before any of it can get done in time for Sunday's meet. At least I can sleep in tomorrow. Unless Cats. Which usually happens.

So, speaking of mods ( I was. Way up there), I have a few that really need to get done.
1. Boob removal of Wyn's new-to-him body
2. Neck sanding of a Dollshe body for the Ringdoll Norman head (big Joker version 1)
3. Arm mod for Dollzone Carter (First Joker) - I am kind of hoping I can saw his upper arms in half, and then he'll have a swivel joint. Scary. Good thing I have an extra pair of arms!! OH YEAH. I've been wanting to do this, because he could really use more arm movement, and since my roommate is selling her extra arms.....I'm gonna try. It can't hurt! Unless I injure myself. Which is totally possible.

I may need to do an entry of the re-organizing of my dolls. I have a few bodies floating around, some heads that may never get bodies at this point, and a falling interest in some that needs to be rekindled before I decide to do something I'll regret and sell them. Plus I have this fabulous Mature Mini body - the Granado one - that I need to figure out soon since it's just sitting on my self naked and headless. Ugh. I mean really, ugh.

That's all for now. I'm hoping to get some fantastic photos this weekend, but who knows. XD
Have a good weekend!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Joker got BIG


He turned out pretty damn fabulous. 

So it's a good thing I was already planning on keeping both RD Norman Dark and IOS Jaguar, because trying to choose may be hard. This head is freaking amazing.


He's being Arkham Origins Joker, since the clothes are similar. And it's all I have lol

I don't know what it is about me and redoing characters over and over in dolls. It's like an addiction...His faceup is so much fun I seriously can't wait for the other head to get here so I can do it again on a different sculpt. I guess he can hang out with the many many Alex's. I've already been asked if I'm planning on doing Harley, and I'm not. I'm kind of wishing I could do a big Batman, and maybe Catwoman...and for sure if I can get that l'Armoire de DanDan Harlan Gore head there will be a Two-Face. The only reason I am considering Catwoman is because I can get a body easily enough in SD size....head might be tough, but I bet (sadly) I've got one somewhere I can use. Regardless, Harlan isn't available anymore, and I am not buying anymore full dolls this Catwoman is the only one who might happen. Maybe. EDIT: I should never say never about anything. It's possible Harley already happened. Oops.

Until then, I'm stuck needing bodies for all these bigger guys. I love this one for Joker, but it still belongs to my Hound. Right now on the MP I pretty much have my choice of Dollshe bodies, which makes it harder. I want the old one, and the Rythmos and I don't know which head I want on which body. Which ever one goes to this head will have to be modded a tad, which is why he can't share. I don't really want to mod the body that goes with my Hound....though if I get an old Hound body for him, I'd be ok with that.

Spock and Kirk also need bodies. So that's two more 70cm monstrosities I have to get my hands on. So not happening that soon, unless something happens and I become rich or sell off half my dolls or something.

One more of Big Joker


So the little crew is not going away or getting neglected. They're still the "main" group...the SD one is just for pretties!

So far I have Joker, Harley, Riddler, Penguin and Scarecrow mostly finished.

Riddler-2 OE Joker-1
Penguin-2 scarecrow2

I really love how they're all coming together. 

I have a couple more things coming: a purple shirt, black shirt and black tie and some eyes. I am working on Harley's over-sized mallet.  Scarecrow just got eyes and shoes, which pretty much completes him. Joker has a whole mess of guns he can now hold since his jointed hands came in. 

and the best thing ever: I found and bought a freaking hat mold so I can make hats!!! HATS OMG! The very thing that has eluded me since I first got Alex, who wears hats. Something I've wanted for Azrael and Skullface and pretty much all my dolls and now actually NEED for Riddler and Joker who are hat-wearers. Now I can do it. Myself. 

In theory. I'm really excited to try, but totally expect to fail a lot before I end up with something I can use.

In any case I am really close to being able to do a group shot with them, which is terrifying. Joker is fine with just Harley but with the whole group he tends to start the doll dominos of doom and take out everyone. Harley and Scarecrow are almost impossible to stand...and Penguin and Riddler are fine - what do you expect from Unoa bodies? XD

I am dying for Batman to be ready, but his outfit isn't started yet, so it'll be awhile. I keep thinking about it because I'm making the belt and know exactly how I want to make it...but really have to wait for the batsuit to be done first. Someday. He has better eyes now at least. I'm not happy with his eyebrows...but what can you do. 

Next I want Catwoman. I fully intend to use Mini-Isis's head and just replace her body with a new one. I have always adored Catwoman and I keep waffling on which version I want to play with. I like the Injustice Gods Among Us and current version most....but I can't find a Judith body second-hand so it's not like I have to decide now!

Hey I have two entries so far! Go me! Maybe I can keep it up! Or spam everyone so much they run away screaming XD 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Happy? November!

And it's November.

Where did the year go?

I'm still alive (barely) though it's been a crap couple of months. I miss this blog though, and all of the blogs I read, and the people who write them, and I really want and need to get back into writing. Since it's November and my creativity seems to have suffered a horrible death, instead of doing Nanowrimo, I thought I might try to bring this thing back to life.

And I really have a lot of doll news.

First, my life.
Long story short, stuff happened. My car broke down, my cat died, other stuff that sucks and some stuff that didn't. My poor baby Rocky got very sick very fast and there was nothing that could be done. It was like, three days. He was 18 and a half and I was really not ready to let him go. I will miss him forever. And I could seriously go on about him forever, but I won't, it's depressing.

In order not be depressed forever I adopted a new kitten: Doctor Peter Venkman (because my other cat is Gozer the Destructor). He's a little ball of fluffy insanity and I'm so happy to have him. He made Gozer look like the most laid-back kitten in the world however - he's got to be watched and played with and loved pretty much all the time and I'm a little afraid to doll around him lol. My other cats never bothered the dolls, and so far he's pretty much the same...but he's really unpredictable. And he attacks everything.

This is Petey.

He's a little older now, and slightly bigger, but still this cute. Today is his third week with me.

Wow. I need to update the hell out of my profile. I have sold a lot, put more up for sale, had a few acquisitions and am waiting on two heads. My DC comic group is slowly taking over, they're more fun for me right now than my own characters, and seem to be eating up several of my other dolls at this point.

My Unoa B-El, formerly Clover is now the Riddler full time.
Isis, my Dollmore Judith who's body was sacrificed to Harley Quinn is going to be Catwoman if I can ever find another Judith body for her (Harley gets the current one. It's hers now)
The Unoa Chibi - Mini Kimi - is probably going to turn into a boy and be Robin.
My Hound just lost his body....long story.

I actually did something I've sworn a million times I wouldn't do and bought another Iplehouse doll. I got tired of looking for an Owen head and I also became paranoid that none of the hybrids I had planned would I just ordered the full doll. He's been here for weeks now and I was very pleasantly surprised by him. He's not a perfect poser by any means. He's got the horrible hidden double-joints I hated on the EID body, and the same crappy ankles, but on the smaller scale it's so much easier to deal with! He stood right out of the box, sits nicely and slouches, so I'm pretty happy with him.

He's going to make a great Batman! :D


I actually managed to get that OE Dollzone Carter head for Joker, so now he's got two heads. 
His normal self

purple pants 

 and the "Battle-Damaged" version. Batman, why you so mean?

  Battle-damaged Joker4 

 this was... A lot of fun. And it led to all sorts of bad. I kept thinking that all this ouch would look so much better on an SD sized head. This is not the first time an SD sized Joker has occurred to me. Way back in the day when I saw IOS Jaguar I thought he'd be a great Joker. We discussed it in the comic thread of DOA - Ringdoll Norman Dark Side was also mentioned as a good head. This was the first time I thought about it seriously though.....and I found a Jaguar head on DOA. I clung to denial and didn't buy it, but I found Ringdoll Dark Norman on eBay.....and things just tumbled downhill. I went on and bought Jaguar (he's on the way), and bid on Norman, and actually won (I never win eBay auctions) SO I essentially have two SD Joker heads. Norman has been here a few days and is on the Hound body (he's NS and my Hound is WS lol) and I'm hoping Jaguar arrives this week. 

I was planning on figuring out which I liked best and using that one. And to be fair, having different versions is rarely actually my idea. My mom suggested it this time....she liked both heads. So do I. Norman is phenomenal, and Jaguar is a head I've always wanted. I need a bunch of 70 cm bodies anyway. I just bought Ringdoll K's head too. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with him, I just really love the mold. And there's more but he's a whole entry himself. 

So that's a rundown of what I've been doing.  I may go into more detail about some of it in later entries. Norman is an amazing mold, I can't wait to get him together, and when all the rest of my stuff on order gets here my DC group needs a group pic. Thanks to the efforts of my roommate, they look amazing. 

I really hope everyone out there has had a better couple months than I have! I'm over this year lol. I am ready for 2016 already. Incidentally I should get an additional week of vacation as I will have my (omfg) 15 year anniversary at work. OMFG.

Happy November! If anyone is doing a real Nano, I'd love to know and live vicariously through you!!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Bodies, bodies everywhere.

So one of the main reasons I put a crap-ton of my dolls\parts up for sale was to make some room and thin out the herd, so to speak. But I also seem to need a bunch of bodies for heads and dolls that just needed an upgrade.

EDIT: Ooh I'm so excited - Wyn's body shipped, Kirks head just shipped!! I hope Kirk works. I have an outfit planned for him already so I need to get him a body. *crosses fingers*

A quick rundown of who needs a body:

Spock (Minimee)
Kirk (ok, he needs a head too. Still.)
Anna (FL F60 Sionna)
Gabriel (Supia Ariel)
Final Alex head (used to be 2.5)

Sage - I'd like to get her a new body, then give her F60 Moe back to Anna
Wyn - Sold his body, he needs a new one
Mini David - Bought him one already since Granado had a two day sale and I had no choice.

I think that's it. Seriously I need so many bodies D:

Mini David - Migidoll Mir - has been on a Lati Blue body, but I've decided I hate it. I spent a lot of time looking for something as tall...and i've decided it just doesn't exist. Something that is close was the Granado body however, and it looks really nice. They opened up for a very short time to sell parts, so I had to buy it then. So Mini David actually has his body on the way.

I sold Wyn's body last week and thanks to all the sales I've had, I have enough to get to get him a new one. I've been set on Dollstown, but I was unsure of which one. My choices were the DT 15yr boy, 13yr girl and 15yr girl, since all three are up for sale on the MP right now. After freaking out about it all day, I decided the 15yr is the way to go and pmed that person - sadly I'll have to get the whole doll and I don't need the head....but it's not like the 15yr girl is readily available, so I don't have much choice. I'm really hoping this works out. Wyn has been due some fixing up for years. It would be nice to have him perfect for a change.

Sage or Gabriel will probably be next on the list. I'd really like to have Sage taller and slimmer, and Gabriel has never had a body, so it would be nice to get her moving. Kirk needs to ship so I can see if he will work out before I think about bodies for him and Spock.

I probably won't be selling Mini David's Lati body. I have....tentative plans for it, even though I hate it. We'll see if they pan out.

Which brings me too


Carter probably has not been recast...but just in case.

Also, I really would like to buy a few Iplehouse JID heads: all in NS - Owen for sure
others I'm interested in are Daniel, colin, edwin or Asa, I, Amy, Cecile, Sierra

If you know anyone who is selling any of these, please direct them toward me! Or the other way around! Especially Carter-1. I'm dying to have another head for Joker.

Also also, what do you guys think about back drops? I've been looking at them on Ebay but I'm unsure about actually pulling the trigger...which is silly, I should just do it.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Meme-ity meme!

I was tagged AlasseCarnesir over at the Inn of the Wayward Misfits so I figured I'd give it a go!

1. Do you collect anything other than dolls? 
Comics. I used to be more into it than I am now...I spent so much money over the years that when I quit I could easily afford BJDs using all the extra money I had from not buying comics I've been getting back into it lately though. It's one of those things, I just can't stay away! 

I'm mostly a Marvel girl, but I also like Batman, so I do delve into DC some. Back in the day Image was also a favorite but these days not so much. I have a few independent artists I buy from, and what ever else is good that I want to check out. And sometimes covers that are fabulous and this is why I need to stop.

2. Why did you start a doll blog?

I'll be honest. I like to talk, use lots of words and go on and on about things I like (like BJDs!) and I wanted somewhere I could do so without forcing BJDs down the throat of someone who didn't want to read about them or see pictures. DOA doesn't really encourage discussion - especially about characters (and I love those!!), and I tried not to do much doll stuff on my DA page.

Also, I really wanted some record somewhere - for me mostly - of what I've done to my dolls and when I I've done it. It really helps to see progress, mistakes, and successes all in one place. And dates. Dates are good.

3. Do you have one particular doll that is the favourite in your collection? 
I have no problem playing favorites. Alex is my favorite...Even though I got through phases where I obsess over other dolls, I always go back to him <3

And of all my Alexes my favorites are I and III. And Baby. And Chibs and Mini. And the others.

4. Your favourite doll accessory? 
Hats and scarves. My dolls must live in perpetual fall and winter because they're always wearing hats and scarves...

5. Do you know exactly how many dolls you have in your collection (you don't have to tell the number of course)? 
Um. A lot. About 65 but as I was going through my profiles I realized they're all wrong and need to be updated. I'm selling a lot right now, and some of the dolls I have listed are just heads which I don't ever count. Plus I have a project doll or two I'm also not counting. And possibly one on the way in a trade. 

6. Do you play any instruments and if so, what? 
Nope.  I'm not musically inclined, all I can do is listen!

7. Where is your most favourite place you've ever been? 
I haven't really been to too many places, a lot of my traveling is for doll things. I love Chicago (I'm a city girl), and I love to visit Texas cause of my friends there but I really had a great time in Disney World and Harry Potter world this spring...I didn't want to leave! I'd love to go back. 

8. What is your most favourite thing about yourself? 
Bleeeehhhhhhhh I hate these questions. I guess my imagination. It keeps me endlessly entertained. I do think I have a decent sense of humor, so maybe that too.

9. Favourite book or movie? 
I can't choose!! I like them all! I read a lot, and I read the same books over and over, no way can I choose. I do love Pet Sematary tho - it was the first Stephen King book I ever read and it's the only book that really scared me. 

I also love movies. All kinds though I'm not one for certain kinds of comedies or chick flicks :P
Right now I really like the new Star Treks and all the Marvels, because comics. I'm looking forward to DC's impending doom....I mean movies. I'm keeping an open mind. Mostly.

10. If you could design your own doll, what would it look like? 
I actually started doing this before Doll Chateau showed up. The doll I started working on had a body almost identical to the DC K-02 (boy) body - including the jointing, only it was a smaller SD - around 50-55cm. The head was the Alex I tend to draw, with a slightly fuller face and an open mouth. I never did anything other than a couple sketches because I discovered DC and didn't need too XD

I'm not gonna tag, just request that if you do this, let me know!! I'd love to read them.

And, so I don't have to post this in a whole separate post - Joker got his new eyes the other day. I am a fan.

joker new eyes

He's got a more psychotic look to him, which is what I wanted! These are "realistic" eyes I bought from eBay - I'd never seen them in a stylized doll before so I was a little worried, but I love them! 

Hope everyone has a great week! What's left of it! :D

Monday, August 10, 2015

All the Villains

Remember how I said I was working on Harley Quinn?

Harley Quinn

 She's a WIP still - I need to work on or redo her faceup - it was done on a day I should not have been doing faceups and is messier than I'd like (some of the mess was done deliberately, some was not. XD). The wig she's wearing is a Monique Jojo in white blond (Alex's) in a 6/7 and I swear it's too small for her. I always thought Unoa's wore a 6/7, but thinking about it, both Macchi and Clover have on 7/8s. So maybe not. She needs new eyes (those are gappy) and lots and lots of clothes. Lots of clothes. I have a list of props I want for her too. they all need props!!

 She works great with Joker.


She's on my Dollmore Judith body (Isis is not gone forever - I'm definitely keeping her head...but while I'm on this DC kick she won't be making anymore appearances), which is a PERFECT comic book girl body. I mean perfect. I actually had said that the first night I had Isis, after taking her out of her elaborate full set and playing with her a little. Her head is the Unoa Sist Bully plate. I have a Lusis Yawn plate I borrowed from a friend she's going to use as well.

She's very camera shy. The first day I had her together I posed her and Joker all over the place...and they were great. When I got out my camera she refused to even stand next to him. That pic took forever and it sucks lol

Joker got an Arkham uniform (version 1) so he can do things like sit around incarcerated.


 Also the cards. Might be a tad small, but they're better than the alternative which are giant. Sad thing is, I don't believe this deck has an actual Joker in it :(


 And my photoshopping!


 I freaking love him. He's so much more fun than a super-expenvie action figure! 

 And he's spawning more.

 I've put up pretty much all the resins I intend to sell in the last couple of weeks - and it's a lot. I have a huge list of trades on each thread I'm trying very hard to stick too, and the very first thing I sold was a partial trade that included a Unoa FP and a Fairyland Minifee Mir head. Mir was the down payment and shipped last week. After he shipped, but before he arrived, I realized for sure that he wouldn't work for what I'd intended.... At the same time I was offered and turned down a trade for a doll not on my list, for another item I was selling.

I was looking at Dollzone's Benjamin, a very unique sculpt, and trying to decide if I needed one to possible be the Scarecrow....but I figured it would be a shame to cover that face with a mask....and he'd do better on a DC body. And omg realized what I'd done in turning down that trade only about an hour before.

So for the first time in my life I pmed someone and was all "I'm so sorry for changing my mind but would they still want to do the trade?" Yes I'm a flake. But seriously. This will be the prefect Scarecrow. PERFECT. And I didn't think about it at all until it was almost too late. *fail*

 While I was waiting to hear back from them I realized who Mir could be.

Anyone watch Gotham??


My camera hates him. Obviously he's even more a WIP than Harley. I am 100% sure he'll work out though - with the right faceup and wardrobe. And again, props (these villains need so many props!!! WHY?!). He's on a temporary body, but it might end up being permanent - it's an odd shape for him and he fits it weird. Mir has a very long chin and the head just eats all necks - even with the FL neck key (which I'm using). It works for this character however - he's a little on the awkward side. The body is also SHORT.


Joker towers over him, which is how it should be. Joker is also wearing his "at home" wig and looking like he crawled out of bed for this picture D:
EDIT: he also got his new eyes today!! I have to take some pictures....they're definitely different.

So with another hairs cut, better clothes, a faceup, (he's barefoot)...pretty much everything, I think Oswald Cobblepot will be a thing. I have glasses at home I need to look at - cause he needs some version of those too.

Since I'll have four of them I thought it would be fun for them to all have prison uniforms together....except I remembered Penguin has probably never been in Arkham...being sane and all. He'll have to settle for Blackgate greys. I'm sure Jonathan Crane will look good in orange.

Since I'm obsessed with these guys right now I haven't done much with my other dolls (other than disassemble some to sell - poor Wyn. He's a head in a box!!), but due to horrible weather it's not like I can. I have a few things on order: another possible Captain Kirk head, chattering teeth and eyes for Joker, eyes for another doll, an umbrella and a purple zombie lamb hat...but that's it. I am hoping to scrape up the money for bodies for Wyn and either Sage (yeah, another new body for her) or Spock or Kirk or Gabriel. Assuming Kirk works out when he gets here. Fingers crossed. I don't have a back up this time. D: