Well, it's more like the past since she's not a new sculpt, but I've never seen her. And she'd make a great Gabriel, especially since Michael will likely end up as a Migidoll as well. Woo!! FUTURE DOLLS!!!
And by future, I mean next actual year. I still plan on spending as little on dolls as I can the rest of the year. Though I'm already planning on trying not to buy another Resinsoul boy. I wanted one more to add to the Mini group I'm currently obsessing over, there is one available I can use, but I'm waffling on it for several reasons. Right now it's for sale for a price that I'm pretty sure is more than they cost new even with shipping, if not right up there with - and then it's plus shipping. And even more then, it's modded...in a way I"m not thrilled with. Also not my first choice in sculpt.
So why do I want it? BECAUSE IT'S THERE!!! And I'm 100% sure I could make him work and then I'd maybe like him more for the making of him work. I am fairly sure that was a non-sense making sentence. EDIT: Ok I bought him.....pretty much everything from here down 5 paragraphs is pointless now lol
I think my first choice would be a Dark Tan RS Mei boy. This one is all those things but Song not Mei. And the elf ears were modded off. No. Elf. Ears. This is blasphemy. Seriously. Forget that I did it once (modding the points off of a Vampire Ryu is not really modding elf ears off anyway. Right?!), it kind of drives me nuts when people do this. Elf ears are adorable!! Nuff said.
Anyway if I did get this doll I'd mod elf ears back on, open the eyes a tad and smooth down the nose and possibly chin area to hopefully get a younger, softer looking Song. As I want him to be Mocha's younger, softer looking brother. So I'd have to mod a dark tan doll in the face which is generally frowned upon in this hobby because, well for good reasons. It'll leave horrible discolorations on his face. BUT I think I could blush it back to decentness if I had too.
But there is the price to consider. It's more than I want to pay.....and then of course the seller went and put the price as negotiable on the thread today. Ugh. If she's willing to go down I might not be able to resist. If I order from RS I might be in for a long wait, but I could get fun things like the doll I want, plus heeled feets and different hands. All of which would cost more and I don't want to pay. Lol
Of course I could always get nothing and spend my money on cat ears and tails for Des and Vanilla (hey did I mention I figured out everyone's names?! Didn't know that, did you!! HA HA), and maybe some parts for them as well depending on where I order from.
It will all depend on how much money I have left after paying for my plane ticket (DOLLISM!! I'M SO ON MY WAY OK NOT REALLY YET BUT SOON!!). And if that doll is still available. I keep thinking it'll sell....but with my luck it will be there for another week tormenting me.
Whatevs, on to dolls I have.
So, the names. I gots them. I figured out a solution by dropping my most favorite (Cinnamon Dolce) out of the running and making Mocha, Frappuchino. Which is his last name now as he'd never had one before. So Java Chip is his brother. Which is why I need a new doll. The character was in my head when I started making this story up for the three I had (before Latte showed up and Des/Soshi came back), but not as Mocha's relation, just a friend of Vanilla's. Once I decided he should be Mocha's brother, everyone fell into place. I love it when a plan comes together.
So anyway this got longer than it was supposed too....here are the players!

Name: Mocha Frappuchino
Other names: Just Mocha
Species: Kangaroo Rat
Back Story: Private Investigator, and very private person. He's the brains of the operation. Pretty much all the operations. Has a pathetic (non-existent) love life.
Doll: Resinsoul Song
Customs: Faceup, body blush
and wig styling by me
Other: I may try to either
find him different eyes still, or bevel out his sockets because I swear no eyes
fit in him. I'm debating doing his faceup over too....it's been a few years.
Other names: Just Latte
Species: Rabbit
Back Story: Latte is a
mystery. Also a private investigator with Mocha. Never says a word and never takes off her mask. She's not as young as she looks.
Doll: Fairyland LittleFee
Rose Fullset Steam Bunny
Customs: Leekeworld bunny
ears (not pictured), wig made by me, everything else Fairyland
Other: Not a lot. I kind of
like her as is....she may get blushed someday.
Other names: Desee or Des
(or Soshi)
Species: Cat
Back Story: Former stripper/escort, current private investigator with Mocha and Latte. He is the muscle, and ok with that. Is a hopeless romantic.
Doll: Fairyland Minifee
Shiwoo on a Dollzone 003 body with Doll Chateau Youth boy hands
Customs: Nose lightly
modded. Faceup and wig by me
Other: would love to
remake his wig, get him resin cat ears instead of the plush ones he has, a tail....and
give him a good body blush (and possible restringing)
Other names: Nilla, Nil,
Diamond Sparkles and Sparks (he hates that)
Species: Cat
Back Story: Dancer, singer, fame-seeker. Buys a wish to become famous and loses his freedom. Before becoming a star he worked in a dance studio.
Doll: Dollmore Kid U-Jee
Customs: Faceup and
Mani-Pedi by me
Other: He needs a good
body blushing and a tail. I would also love to get him some high-heeled feet,
extra hands and other fun stuffs from Dollmore, and dance shoes. All the dance
shoes. And fabulous clothes. All the things.
Other names: Macchi, Miracle
(Mir) and Captain Sparkle-pants MacFloof (only Des calls him that)
Species: Unicorn (last of his species)
Back Story:No one knows where he came from, but he was about to be sold off to the highest bidder when he was rescued by Des, Mocha and Latte
Doll: Unoa L-bi with
Decadent and Lusis Yawn face plates
Customs: Faceups by me,
unicorn horn and tail by me, Leekeworld hippo ears
Other: Body blush for
sure, colorful mani-pedi, I really want some fabulous resin wings for him, and
for god’s sake, a wig I like. Possibly more face plates too. I’m totally
aaaaaaand not quite a doll yet:
:D <--- that's his picture
Name: Java Chip Frappuchino
Other names: Java, some
stage name I have yet to come up with
Species: ?? Not sure yet. I
may want him to be a hybrid of some kind….a dog or another mouse.
Back Story: Dancer at a Burlesque club where he met and befriended Vanilla.
Doll: Coming soon: Resinsoul Song in dark chocolate. I'm thinking he wears a lot of white and lacey rufflies. Or something. Will have mods.
Now I have to work on a group shot. And think of a name for the PI service (in keeping with the coffee theme I'm thinking Cafe Noir, but that's a little silly? And it's Alex's name. He's not involved damnit.), the city they all live in - some furtury place, that's always lit up and super fast and busy and obsessed with money and fame a little like Tokyo only not (because I don't think Tokyo is obsessed with money and fame but I could be wrong and besides it's all fictional!!).
Now that I've got my thoughts for the weekend, I'll be off. I may start modding heads tomorrow. It's supposed to be rainy.
Have a good weekend!!
Now I have to work on a group shot. And think of a name for the PI service (in keeping with the coffee theme I'm thinking Cafe Noir, but that's a little silly? And it's Alex's name. He's not involved damnit.), the city they all live in - some furtury place, that's always lit up and super fast and busy and obsessed with money and fame a little like Tokyo only not (because I don't think Tokyo is obsessed with money and fame but I could be wrong and besides it's all fictional!!).
Now that I've got my thoughts for the weekend, I'll be off. I may start modding heads tomorrow. It's supposed to be rainy.
Have a good weekend!!
They're all looking so great together!! You need to do a group shot when Java comes home,I think you chose perfect names for them all too :D
ReplyDeleteRE: Future - this is why I have to be so strict with myself when I get money for dolls in, or I end up buying something that I wasn't strictly after but, yah know was there and was cute.... Also - agree about the Elf ear 100%!!
Thank you! I really love them as a group. I want to do a shot of them now...but depending on how things go today Java may be on the way soonish. So I could wait....lol
DeleteFor real. I do very little actual impulse buying (believe it or not), but sometimes my sudden want for a new doll coincides with it's availability a little too easily. And if I have a stricter plan it's easier for me to say no! Sometimes anyway lol
yeah I always think it's sad when elf ears get sanded off. Especially dolls like MNF Karsh and RS Song. Those are the best part!! It will always bother that FL made the F60 Karsh without the ears....that's not Karsh IMO. I'm happy I kept mine. So freaking cute.
Yay for getting their names sorted!! And now I will have a handy reference sheet in case I forget! That's really neat that they're all private investigators. They will be the most adorable team ever! (Though perhaps they would not appreciate my saying that XD)
ReplyDeleteDoes resinsoul generally take a long time to ship? That's unfortunate. You could always keep your eyes open in case someone else puts what you want up for sale? Do they have any dealers who might have some dolls in stock already? You've probably already checked or considered all these things. I"m just ... attempting to be helpful I guess? XD
Well I think RS waiting times are anywhere from a month to a couple months? Or longer or who knows. I don't think dealers ever carry the "special" colors - dark tan and dark grey. They only get the normal (if like, green and blue can be normal lol) colors. So I wouldn't be able to get one anyway....
DeleteIt actually doesn't matter anymore however, I bought the one off the MP. I had some money left over and she lowered the price enough so that I was able to buy it. I'm kind of excited to do the mods, it'll make him more "mine". Or I'll destroy him by accident D:
Thank you!! lol I think they're adorable, so I guess they have to deal with it! XD
Ooh okay well that's good that the price was lowered enough that you were able to get the one you were considering anyway~! And that is a good point--doing modding work can sort of aid the bonding process! I am excited to see how that goes!
DeleteMe too lol having never sculpted elf ears before, that especially will be interesting...
DeleteWhoo Java Chip is finally dollified! ahem.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, they modded his ears? :< I love RS/BB elf ears...okay I'm a sucker for most elf ears, but my first 'real' doll was a BB Sprite so I'm biased as hell, heh. Excited to see you bring them back tho - and the rest of the mods. Sound like they're gonna be awesome, the evilness of working w/ tan resin notwithstanding.
He is! Or will be when he gets here. Someday. He won't ship until later this week....then he's coming from Canada. Which you would think would be fast, as we're neighbors and all. It's not.
DeleteYeah I'm biased too. I had no idea I had a thing for elf ears until I got into BJDS and saw a B&G Sapphira for the first time. Now I see elf ears and it's totally a deal maker. I will buy dolls I had no intention of ever owning just cause they're elves lol
Which includes pretty much all my elves lol
I'll definitely love to see that group shot. I love all the names you came up with for them. My favourite is the Java Chip one. I am curious to see what this doll will look like.
ReplyDeleteAnd congrats on getting the new RS doll. I think I saw that modded one but I can't remember. I like looking through the MP listing as I tend to get a more realistic image of the dolls (minus all the frills of company shots).
I'd love to take the group shot! and have it turn out lol
DeleteThanks, I'm actually happy with the names now, I think they fit the dolls and characters the way I want them too now. And I get to use most of the words I wanted XD
You might have. He was up for a few days....I must of viewed it 150 times from the second it was posted (I was already stalking the MP for a Dark Chocolate RS doll XD). I do that too! Sometimes it's dangerous...but for the most part it really gives a good idea of what the doll looks like irl.