28) Post a crazy/silly pose!

Sweep the leg!! (from a really long photoshoot on why you should wire DMK legs... He's not wired or sueded anywhere else.)
Alex: am I done yet?
29) Show us where your dolls live!
I can't. It's too messy >.<
Basically they sit on shelves in my room....the MSDs have a shelf, the Bunnies (tinies) have a shelf, the three tinies that aren't bunnies have a shelf, the SD Alexes have a shelf, my smaller SDs (I call it the girl shelf even though Aishe and Wyn sit on it too. Still works.) sit together, my larger SDs sit together, Thomas takes a shelf on his own because he has to lay down since Iplehouse made the most non-functional body on the planet, and my Chiwoo, AiL Elijah and Saint have to sit on a table until I find them room, because I'm out. I need more shelves.
30) Have you ever been to a doll meetup, did you enjoy it?
In my area the group I am friends with has a meet every second Sunday of the month. I have been trying to go to them every month since July 2008. I love them. The people are awesome, there's always tons of dolls and usually new ones and dolls I've never seen. We generally have a good time and it's lots of fun. Plus it's great to have a group of people who actually like to discuss dolls to talk to!
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