Wednesday, July 30, 2014

200th Post!! It's a Wimper, Not a Bang.

I seriously can't believe I posted in anything 200 times. I can't make any other blog I've ever attempted work, but this one keeps on kicking somehow. Oh wait, I know how....

Which brings me too

A massively huge thank you. 
I mean it. For reading, for posting, for caring. Everything.

If I could make that bigger I would, but that seems to be the limit to my size XD
I fail at doing anything fun like contests or what nots, cause I didn't notice I was so close to a big number, and I seriously can't make up my mind on contests. I've been trying to come up with one for about 2 years and I STILL HAVE NOTHING. I fail.

Now a few things.

To continue my week of suck, the soup I was going to eat for lunch is in a non-microwavable I had popcorn for lunch. It was fake butter flavor :P

My birkenstocks were delivered today. Yay!!

My cat Rocky is doing much better after I tried to maim him. He doesn't even act like he's hurt and he never bled. I have decided he's so old he no longer has feeling or blood. My poor kitty.

I went to play Korn's Love & Meth this morning and noticed the number 327 next to the song.

Three hundred and twenty seven. Times. I have played that song. omfg.
To put that in some kind of perspective, my most played song is HIM's Vampire Heart with 380. That's more, right? Except that song was released in 2005, and I got it the day it came out...and have been listening to it ever since. 

Love & Meth is on Paradigm Shift, released this past October. *dies*
When I obsess over something I do it right dammit!!

Ok, enough of my crazy, on to dolls! lol funnies.

Last week Java Chip Frappuchino arrived to join his coffee-named brethren. He had a faceup that was not him, weird and loose string, goo on his headcap, and glue in every joint. I have fixed all of those things, plus giving him an eye mod. He got his "real" wig, eyes I adore, and a faceup that makes him very different-looking from his older brother.

In all his fabulously, fluffy glory:


I've already forgotten what he used to look like. XD
The wig is pretty much exactly what I wanted but hard to tame lol

 He is very shiny and needs a blushing. And a tail. I am thinking he's a Raccoon Dog/Tanuki. I gave him dark eyes to hint at that, but ears and a tail will be better. The tail I suppose I'll be making lol. Ears I can find....someone will have Fox ears. That'll work.
The little dog is from Dollheart. His name is Biscotti (delicious...) and he needs a Prada bag to ride around in lol

Since he's a burlesque dancer, I would love some white lingerie he can run around in, but I have none, so this will have to do for now! He also needs a stage needs to be something jewel related, not pearl or diamond. I'll figure something out. More pictures!!

mocha and java2 

Mocha is having a good couple of weeks thanks to his brother. He's changed clothes twice (omg), been restrung for the first time since April 9, 2009 (which was his arrival date), finally has eyes I like (just uh, don't look at their positioning. I swear I cannot get his eyes right!!) and got his faceup updated to something a little more like my current faceups.

What's funny about this picture is that their heights are pretty accurate, and they're both wearing "tall" shoes XD I may wire or suede both of them in the future, but right now they're both working decently. Java stands with all his weight on one foot becuase he can't actually straighten out his leg. It has some kind of design flaw you can see, making it impossible for the leg piece to fit into the joint properly. I would attempt to fix this, but it would be very visible, so I don't care that much.

Omg Mocha was standing on my desk and just fell over XDDD
I guess he was done.


mocha and java1 
lol you seriously can't tell I modded Java's eyes at all!I didn't do a lot, because I was afraid to do too much, but really, they look the same. I swear I modded them open more....
All in all, I'm happy with them. Really happy. Happy I stuck with Song, because I know I love that mold. Happy I didn't mod him too much because with a faceup they look different but still alike.

  Java: You're taking my picture now?! My hair is a mess!

 Mocha: Goggles on? Off? I can go either way...

I wish my photos were'nt so boring. I need to get some backdrops or something.
So yay!! I have all the dolls I want related to this new "storyline".  Someday in the future if I ever feel like having random dolls I might get one of the ponies, but they're so not important that it would literally only be because I am kind of dying to customize a doll to be a pony (not an MLP lol, just another animal in their universe).

Not the most exciting of 200 posts...but at least there's pictures! Right? Right?! faaaaailllllllllllll

If I make it to 300 I'll do something cool. XD


Monday, July 28, 2014

Non-BJD related Rant.

So today has kind of sucked.

First, last night I accidentally cut my poor cat while trying to get some matts out of his poor hair. He's old now, and not so great at grooming. He barely even cried, which kind of made it worse....I wish he would have at least hissed at me or gotten mad. Instead he came over purring so could hold him and cry because that's what I did. He seems to be fine. It never bled and he's been 100% normal. Still, I don't think I have ever felt so bad in my life.

Then, I get into work this morning and my fish is dead. He was also a million years old...but I wasn't really expecting fish-death.

I'm locked out of my Dollmore account. My ID and password stopped working last week out of no where, I emailed them and they gave me a new password last night, which worked, but when I changed it to a different password I got the same thing. I'm locked out.

I didn't bring the dolls with me to photograph becasue I was going out for lunch. There's a restaurant in Forest Park called Boathouse, which is a nice-looking place on a small lake that allows dogs in outside seating - so my roommate met me there with the dog to eat. I got there fast, she was already seated and we ordered. The appetizer came out fast, and we ate and looked at the ducks, fish and turtles in the water while we waited, and waited.....and waited

And waited some more for our food to come out. Which was ridiculous considering what we'd ordered.

We had ordered a Chicken Salad sandwich and a house salad, just one, that were going to split. Each of these cost $8.99, so we were expecting a decent portion. And, y'know, a wait that was under an hour.

4o minutes later the waiter comes to the table to tell us the food would be out soon. To which I answered, "bring mine to go" since I wouldn't have time to eat. When it was 12:50, I left, because any longer I wouldn't have time to get back to work.

So my rm had to pay for both our foods.

Want to know what we waited so long for?

A tiny scoop of chicken salad with a few lettuce scraps on bread that looked like normal sandwich bread you can get at the store. It wasn't toasted, I don't even think it was fresh, there wasn't any tomato on the sandwich....nothing. The potato chips were also generic store-quality (probably Krunchers).

The salad is equally small, and so covered in oily dressing it's almost inedible.

That cost $18. I don't think I've ever eaten at a restaurant that was so completely a rip-off. I tossed half of my half in the trash because I could have made a better sandwich at home where my refrigerator is broken and I don't have any food, and I can't eat so much oil on my lettuce. Sorry, salad.

The only good thing imo was the app was decent (spinach and artichoke dip) and it was a gorgeous day to sit outside (and have little kids throw food at me because they couldn't be bothered to get up and go to the water to do it. Nice parenting.) and Willow (dog) enjoyed it (she loves to look at things. She's not a barker ((thank god)) so all she does is sit and look).

Needless to say, I don't think the Boathouse in Forest Park is worth any money, let alone what were charged. I could have bought a much better sandwich and salad at work for a fraction of the price! Without my discount!! And people complain about our prices....

So that's been my day (with a few other crappy things I don't really feel the need to go into). I had a couple good things - my new Korn CD (Which is really just the rerelease of the old one with some new songs) for my car, my Tervis came in Friday so now I have an Alex cup to drink from at work, and my Birkenstocks shipped today (yay! new shoes!)....but it's still been shit day and I needed to vent. And complain about the Boathouse. Really really not worth the money. Fuck you Boathouse.

Sorry for the crappy non-doll, no picture entry!^^;

EDIT: omg I just realized my next post is going to be #200!! I should do somethings.....but I don't know what... D:

Friday, July 25, 2014

More Coffee Please.

EDIT: because I don't have pictures for a new post.
So I wiped his faceup, modded his eyes, beveled them out some (not enough, but it's better than it was, meaning better than Mocha lol), got him the different eyes I was wanting to try, his wig came in Friday (yay) so he doesn't have to sit around in a temporary wig, cleaned out all the hot glue, restrung him (and Mocha who has had the same string since he arrived a million years ago and I restrung him) and gave him a faceup. It was so humid over the weekend it might not last lol but he's got a face! He also got a dog, making him my first doll who has an actual pet. He looks like someone who would have a fluffy white dog he totes around though so it works. I gave Mocha they eyes Java has in in the below pics and I think that's finally it. Mocah is good with eyes. *dies* We've been working on his eyes since day one lol he's a tough one.

And Java's a weird one. He looked nothing like Mocha with the old faceup, looked just like him when he was blank, and now is back to looking nothing like him. Just for that strangeness alone, I am really happy I brought him home instead of going with a new and different mold.

It's rained during my lunch so I stayed inside intending to read my book and then play with dolls. I started reading, and only had ONE PAGE left of the damn thing. FUCK. I hate it when there's like, 12 previews of the next books in the back and I don't realize it!!

And I don't even have the next book yet, so now I have nothing to read!! Which is totally untrue, but I want the next book!! I may actually have to go to a store to buy it now. Two day shipping is not fast enough for me.

Anyway because I had no book (one freaking page), I got some pictures of -(dramatic pause)- JAVA!! He showed up last night (making me feel guilty for being all suspicious of my seller - she obviously sent him Friday, what with that being the date on the package and all). My pictures are actually kind of crap(ier than usual), but they show the important stuff.

Here is his adorable self wigless.


ok, a little bit of talking here. You can see where his poor elf ears were sanded down. Not quite human-looking, but certainly not elfy either.

The faceup is technically good and pretty interesting up close (he's scarred and beat up), but not for me. Maybe on any other character/doll I own lol, not Javs. He's the exact opposite of rough, tough and boy-like. First thing I'm doing tonight is wiping that faceup.

Second thing I'm doing is opening his eyes a tad. Not a lot, but a small bits. At first I was all I'M GONNA MOD THE HELL OUT HIM!! Then I panicked due to the (gorgeous) dark tan resin and thought I had really better start small. Or not at all. I finally did a quicky mock-up and decided that yes, a small amount taken from the bottom should be ok. I might try to sand his nose a little...but I'm afraid the discoloration will be too I may chicken out.

Now there's the matter of the ears.

I have a small problem, as I'm not sure what animal I'm going to make him yet. Mocha was so easy back in the day, something about him just said "Kangaroo Rat" and it worked. Same with Des back when he was Soshi. He looked like a cat to me....and still does. Here's the problem. Mocha uses his elf ears as his "rat" ears. Everyone else has magnet on ears, with hidden human ones (except Des....I can't hide his human ears). I have no intention of cutting ears off, that freaks me out, but I'm not sure what the point of modding Java's elf ears back on is, if I end up getting him magnet ears later on down the road.

So anyway, I'm going to hold off on that for a few days. I figure I can do it even if he's got a faceup, since I don't blush ears (unless they're elf ears lol). A little plastic wrap to shield him from goo, and he'll be good to go. I just have to figure out the whole animal thing. So far I'm thinking of something rodenty to go with Mocha, like a gerbil, guinea pig, feret or some other thing...OR totally different like a dog, or Raccoon Dog (Tanuki). Apparently they can be white....and with dark eyes that might be awesome. But would require pointy, cat-like ears.
Feh. What do I do?!

More pics



He photographs better than Mocha.
This is a temporary wig while I wait for the one I ordered off ebay last week. It's long and white, and I plan on braiding it in one giant braid. If it doesn't work, or I don't like it (both of which I'm worried about) I have no back-up plan lol. And this white-blond color looks really good on him, which also worries me. BUT with the right faceup it'll be fine....right?!

And now, the big moment: Both of them together!!

mocha and java 

Mocha always photographs SO WEIRD!! WHY?!
This is the best way to view that Dark Chocolate color. omfg it's so nice in person. I want to eat him lol. I was the same way when I got Mocha....I don't know if it's because the colors are food, or I named them food or they just look yum, but for real.  Mocha looks so pale next to him lol

They also don't even look like the same mold. I know it's just the drastically different faceups and colors, but everything looks different. I should ask in the threads if RS changed their molds at one point. I'd love to see them both blank but I decided not to wipe Mocha....his faceup could use a few touch-ups to bring him up to date, but it's not bad enough to do over (at least I don't think it is).

Moving on to the RS Double-jointed body. Ugh. I think it's worse than the SJ one. But I've never been a fan of DJs that don't work worth a crap. The arms are ok, but those knees... D:

He's taller and slightly buffer than his older and more "masculine" brother (you should see Mocha's boots. He's kinda like Alex. Must wear the tall shoes...), which is weird, but not much I can do about it. I was never going to get a girl body and mod, and if I'd bought him new, I'd have gotten this body - AND the hands he came with (so yay!) - anyway, so I essentially got what I wanted.

He needs to be restrung like mad, and he's been glue-sueded in every joint. All of them. So that's got to come out. Maybe if he's got thicker (if I even have it!) and tighter strings he'll behave, but I bet it's going to take mods. I would love to try and drill out the channel in his thighs so he can move his legs better...but I is afeard. I'd rather do it Java than Mocha I might. But drills and I don't get along so well....

Mocha is still my favorite out of this group (don't tell anyone! lol) since he started it all by just existing.

He cutes X3


Oh I forgot about this little guy (that I've had over a year).

Mocha and chai 

I've decided to add him to the line-up as well. So meet Chai Tea. Not coffee, but tasty all the same. Someday I shall give him a faceup. I had dragged him out the other day to see about a possible match with Mocha for different hands, and I think his weirdness will be great with Latte. Plus, magnet parts! He'll make a great side-kick for her.

In certain lights the resin match between Mocha's old RS Coffee and the Luts RSB is perfect. Here it doesn't look nearly the same. :// I might try it anyway if the KDF hands fit him (I will be trying them out tonight). I hate the stuck-like-that hands poor Mocha has, and he matches NOTHING so it's not like I can get him new ones.

I also want to change his eyes around this weekend too. He might end up with the ones in Java (because I liked the lighter eyes in him) and Java might get silver (to match his white hair). I know I have some somewhere....It's supposed to be rainy, hot and humid this weekend OF COURSE so playing with wigs, clothes, eyeballs and stringing might be all I get to do.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Gripey Gripe

Fairyland is having yet another event that they will get insanely backed up on. I didn't care until I saw all the elf event heads. I WANT THEM ALL especially the Elf Rin and Celine. Rin is a cutie regardless but I didn't want Celine at all until I saw the elf version.

Stupid Fairyland. The event items are ridiculously expensive now, so it's not like I could scrape together the cash to get any of them even if I did want the stuff they're pushing (which I don't - no part of me wants an F60 girl of any kind except the one I've got) unfairs.

I guess in a year or so when all this stuff finally gets shipped out I'll be scouring the MP for an Elf Rin or Celine!  Booooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Monday, July 21, 2014

Lots of Stuff. Ok, just Some Stuff.

We had a dollmeet this weekend that was 80's themed, so I had some fun throwing together a few looks for my dolls. Isis, Alex (I) and Marcus went as Flashdance, random 80's punk and Jason from Friday the 13th, and my whole group of 8 (ok so not the whole group, I left one at home) mature minis went in 80's inspire garb. I thought they looked amazing lol and after I was kicking myself for not taking any photos at all. Everyone really went all out for this meet, their dolls looked great. And I didn't even bring a camera!! Such fail.

I really should try to get a pic of Isis and Alex together, maybe with Jason (Marcus) lurking in the bg lol.

Anyway, I don't have much to update Song was finally (supposedly) shipped this weekend, so I'm hoping he'll be here someday this week (but who really knows.). I managed to order the Migidoll River head (he's super-limited, so if you want one, go now!!), and I'm really excited to get him now because I have realized that I think he looks like a more realistic Volks Heath. Which means I might remake Gambit. It just depends on...things.

I bought him to possibly be Marcus, so I'll do that first.....but if he looks even remotely good with Jean I might even skip that and let Ell stay Marcus (I think he's just fine anyway) and do River up as Gambit. I'll have to buy much smaller eyes for him, but....who cares.

I'll have to hang on to Heath a while before deciding if I want to keep him or wipe and sell at a loss because no one wants that mold anymore (which is sad because I've really come to like it) and I didn't get any COA with him which means he'll be impossible to sell anyway.

I don't know what I'll do. Wait until he gets here I suppose, and see how he looks with Jean and David (and Alex) then go from there.

So now my wait-list has grown to:
Dollzone Carter (Still no word on this)
Dollmore Kara Klum (yay!)
Resinsoul Song (hope he's actually shipped)
Migidoll River (head only)

Regardless of who River ends up being (Gambit, Marcus or even possibly a second Michael), he will have to share with one or two of the other heads. So no bodies yet.

I have no issues with Jean if Gambit becomes more realistic, but Jubilee might have to go. Soo is a great mold for her, but not even remotely real enough with the others. I may just look for a new head for her, or sell her completely. And of course I'm still having issues with Logan....I might look for a new head and start over from scratch. Or sell the thing and just quit. Maybe all I really need are Jean and Gambit anyway (I love having them as dolls!).

Ugh. I can't decide what I want to do!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Alex is an Asshole.

EDIT: This is his response to my whining about him.

Alex: STFU bitch. Give me coffee. And buy me stuff. 

at least he's got clothes on now.


I am almost too exhausted to post this. Alex wears me out. And down.
I spent hours working on him....and in one ride to work in a bag he set me back hours more by somehow wrecking himself. I know he did it. I even had him wrapped, and he still managed to chip himself, get really dirty (I swear to god he's the dirtiest doll I've ever owned. I think he rolls in it when I'm not around), mess up his freaking eyes and do god knows what else to himself.

If he sat untouched on a shelf, never handled, in a clean room, he'd probably just fall apart because he could.

I shouldn't be surprised. This doll has defied all logic since I bought him. He has expressions, he changes positions, he has behavior.  I tend not believe that dolls can be possessed or hold souls or anything.....except for Alex. He's off somehow. And when I say Alex, for a change I only mean this one. The other Kara Klums are gorgeous and I adore them, but the first one is just an anomaly in every possible way. If dolls can absorb vibrations or souls or something, he's got it, and won't share.

Whatever is wrong with him, I managed to get some kinda decent pictures of him.
Beware, he's shirtless. I never photograph him sans shirt. Except for Christmas. It's tradition.

alex new tats1

So I have come to believe that I can't do the fun eyelashes anymore. It's impossible to see his eyes. You can irl, but not in photos...they disappear completely. He stole the Oscar eyes from Alex III (which was inevitable. I knew it would happen), mostly because they're smaller and easier to see. And you still can't see them. Bye bye eyelashes.

This is another new wig. It was a Monique Evelyn I got at Doll-A-Kon. Now it's an Alex-wig. I cut inches off the thing, and "styled" it , but it's Alex, so it's all over anyway.

I edited the HELL out his hand. Dollmore has the kind of resin that changes color to a point and stops. Dikadoll keeps on yellowing. His hand is so much more yellowed than he is it's awful, I only put the hands on him for this shoot so he could smoke, and then I cut the cig out anyway!!!

I still have to wipe and blush both pairs of hands and feet.

His tattoos went on fairly easily, it was just a lot of work and time consuming. I can't even express how much better they look compared to the old ones!

alex new tats3 

I don't think his back has ever been seen in photos. 

alex new tats2 

 Alex I has the least ink of all of them, as he's the youngest. He's missing the infinity thorns and crow (which I have yet to draw) on his left arm and the wings on his back. And one more I haven't done yet on his right hand. And there is still blank space on his rt arm that could have stuff. We'll see if I go there.

I did the ones on his back too large (which is how I roll), so when I do III who has the massive phoenix wings on his back, they'll have to be scaled down.

In case you're wondering what chipped, it was his lft nipple there....I fixed it in PS. Now I have to do it irl. Asshole. He didn't have to chip.....totally did it on purpose.  Now he's sitting on my desk (shirtless. Scandal!! :O) looking smug. He knows what he did.

There are a couple things I wish I could fix, but for the most part I'm happy and not doing anymore.
One more

 alex new tats6 

That's the eclipse21 wig I spent a fortune on. Cause he needs more wigs. If you had any idea how much editing I had to do just to barely get his eyes visible....D: D: D:

He's lucky he's my favorite!!

Monday, July 14, 2014

In Which I go a little Cray

Instead of the various mods I have to start someday, I defied the bad spraying weather and started Alex's tattoos. It was hot, humid has hell, and started to rain....and I did it anyway XD

Which, looking pretty much how I did all their this should go great. GREAT.

In any case he's nearly finished already and I hope to wrap them up tonight, give him a decent body blush (for once - he's usually my last-minute-crap-he's-going-to-be-shirtless-and-needs-blushing doll), and maybe drag him along to work tomorrow for some (hopefully) ok photos. Alex I defies photos, which is why I rarely pictureate him. He hates the camera like no ones business. Here's hoping I can tame his new hairs for a few shots.

Now that his tattoos are almost finished....I am horribly ashamed of Alex III, who is the last one who has the old ones (I never wiped him). It was my intention to not have to redo him before Dollism, but there's no way he can go like this. I'm either going to have to redo him or wipe him down before he goes anywhere. Luckily I'm still happy with everyone's faceup.

On to other thingses.

Java will hopefully be on his way this week. I have no idea how to proceed with him....I would love to do the mods I want to do (if nothing else I will attempt elf ears), but I really want to see how that dark resin takes to sanding before I get mod-happy on his cute little face. He's got a faceup I will have to's too masculine. I don't have a wig or eyes or clothes for him. All I know is that I'd like him to have white hair. That's...all I know.

In the meantime, Macchi's wig, the one that I kept saying was "out there somewhere" is home! At first I hated it...but I'm getting used to it now and don't hate it. I'm still on the search for his "real" hairs. But he can switch it up with this one and the other one for now. He also got a Mani-Pedi - with glitter! - like Vanilla did. Only his is multicolored with clear.... Cause, Unicorn.


It's really hard to see the clear glitter in photos, but it's obvious in person. That's his new wig. The tail part was really long, and I had always had the intention of cutting it off, but I got that far and liked it like that, so it's staying. He got a new shirt too.

This is also the Decadent face plate I've never photographed.


And not quite a group shot:

mocha macchi 

Mocha is really tall compared to Macchi XD
Which is how it should be.
He's also changed out of that Dollzone outfit he's been wearing since 2010.

mocha macchi2 

In his casual clothes he's still not much different lol
lookit that, I photographed two dolls at once.  And it didn't suck! Too much!! Even with that color diff. And they're getting all romantical and things (sorta). I'm pretty pleased. It would be nice if I had any kind of background to work with.....I'm not sure work would appreciate it if I started building sets in my office....

Friday, July 11, 2014

I have seen the future.

And it is Migidoll Jean.

Well, it's more like the past since she's not a new sculpt, but I've never seen her. And she'd make a great Gabriel, especially since Michael will likely end up as a Migidoll as well. Woo!! FUTURE DOLLS!!!

And by future, I mean next actual year. I still plan on spending as little on dolls as I can the rest of the year. Though I'm already planning on trying not to buy another Resinsoul boy. I wanted one more to add to the Mini group I'm currently obsessing over, there is one available I can use, but I'm waffling on it for several reasons. Right now it's for sale for a price that I'm pretty sure is more than they cost new even with shipping, if not right up there with - and then it's plus shipping. And even more then, it's a way I"m not thrilled with. Also not my first choice in sculpt.

So why do I want it? BECAUSE IT'S THERE!!! And I'm 100% sure I could make him work and then I'd maybe like him more for the making of him work. I am fairly sure that was a non-sense making sentence. EDIT: Ok I bought him.....pretty much everything from here down 5 paragraphs is pointless now lol

I think my first choice would be a Dark Tan RS Mei boy. This one is all those things but Song not Mei. And the elf ears were modded off. No. Elf. Ears. This is blasphemy. Seriously. Forget that I did it once (modding the points off of a Vampire Ryu is not really modding elf ears off anyway. Right?!), it kind of drives me nuts when people do this. Elf ears are adorable!! Nuff said.

Anyway if I did get this doll I'd mod elf ears back on, open the eyes a tad and smooth down the nose and possibly chin area to hopefully get a younger, softer looking Song. As I want him to be Mocha's younger, softer looking brother. So I'd have to mod a dark tan doll in the face which is generally frowned upon in this hobby because, well for good reasons. It'll leave horrible discolorations on his face. BUT I think I could blush it back to decentness if I had too.

But there is the price to consider. It's more than I want to pay.....and then of course the seller went and put the price as negotiable on the thread today. Ugh. If she's willing to go down I might not be able to resist. If I order from RS I might be in for a long wait, but I could get fun things like the doll I want, plus heeled feets and different hands. All of which would cost more and I don't want to pay. Lol

Of course I could always get nothing and spend my money on cat ears and tails for Des and Vanilla (hey did I mention I figured out everyone's names?! Didn't know that, did you!! HA HA), and maybe some parts for them as well depending on where I order from.

It will all depend on how much money I have left after paying for my plane ticket (DOLLISM!! I'M SO ON MY WAY OK NOT REALLY YET BUT SOON!!). And if that doll is still available. I keep thinking it'll sell....but with my luck it will be there for another week tormenting me.

Whatevs, on to dolls I have.

So, the names. I gots them. I figured out a solution by dropping my most favorite (Cinnamon Dolce) out of the running and making Mocha, Frappuchino. Which is his last name now as he'd never had one before. So Java Chip is his brother. Which is why I need a new doll. The character was in my head when I started making this story up for the three I had (before Latte showed up and Des/Soshi came back), but not as Mocha's relation, just a friend of Vanilla's. Once I decided he should be Mocha's brother, everyone fell into place. I love it when a plan comes together.

So anyway this got longer than it was supposed are the players!

Name: Mocha Frappuchino
Other names: Just Mocha
Species: Kangaroo Rat
Back Story: Private Investigator, and very private person. He's the brains of the operation. Pretty much all the operations. Has a pathetic (non-existent) love life.
Doll: Resinsoul Song (Coffee)
Customs: Faceup, body blush and wig styling by me
Other: I may try to either find him different eyes still, or bevel out his sockets because I swear no eyes fit in him. I'm debating doing his faceup over's been a few years.

latte LTF3  
Name: Latte
Other names: Just Latte
Species: Rabbit
Back Story: Latte is a mystery. Also a private investigator with Mocha. Never says a word and never takes off her mask. She's not as young as she looks.
Doll: Fairyland LittleFee Rose Fullset Steam Bunny
Customs: Leekeworld bunny ears (not pictured), wig made by me, everything else Fairyland
Other: Not a lot. I kind of like her as is....she may get blushed someday.

Name: Double-Shot Espresso
Other names: Desee or Des (or Soshi)
Species: Cat
Back Story: Former stripper/escort, current private investigator with Mocha and Latte. He is the muscle, and ok with that. Is a hopeless romantic.
Doll: Fairyland Minifee Shiwoo on a Dollzone 003 body with Doll Chateau Youth boy hands
Customs: Nose lightly modded. Faceup and wig by me
Other:  would love to remake his wig, get him resin cat ears instead of the plush ones he has, a tail....and give him a good body blush (and possible restringing)

nilla UJEE2
Name: Vanilla Spice
Other names: Nilla, Nil, Diamond Sparkles and Sparks (he hates that)
Species: Cat
Back Story: Dancer, singer, fame-seeker. Buys a wish to become famous and loses his freedom. Before becoming a star he worked in a dance studio.
Doll: Dollmore Kid U-Jee
Customs: Faceup and Mani-Pedi by me
Other:  He needs a good body blushing and a tail. I would also love to get him some high-heeled feet, extra hands and other fun stuffs from Dollmore, and dance shoes. All the dance shoes. And fabulous clothes. All the things.

Name: Caramel Macchiato
Other names: Macchi, Miracle (Mir) and Captain Sparkle-pants MacFloof (only Des calls him that)
Species: Unicorn (last of his species)
Back Story:No one knows where he came from, but he was about to be sold off to the highest bidder when he was rescued by Des, Mocha and Latte
Doll: Unoa L-bi with Decadent and Lusis Yawn face plates
Customs: Faceups by me, unicorn horn and tail by me, Leekeworld hippo ears
Other:  Body blush for sure, colorful mani-pedi, I really want some fabulous resin wings for him, and for god’s sake, a wig I like. Possibly more face plates too. I’m totally addicted.

aaaaaaand not quite a doll yet:

:D   <--- that's his picture
Name: Java Chip Frappuchino
Other names: Java, some stage name I have yet to come up with
Species: ?? Not sure yet. I may want him to be a hybrid of some kind….a dog or another mouse.
Back Story: Dancer at a Burlesque club where he met and befriended Vanilla.
Doll: Coming soon: Resinsoul Song in dark chocolate. I'm thinking he wears a lot of white and lacey rufflies. Or something. Will have mods.

Now I have to work on a group shot. And think of a name for the PI service (in keeping with the coffee theme I'm thinking Cafe Noir, but that's a little silly? And it's Alex's name. He's not involved damnit.), the city they all live in - some furtury place, that's always lit up and super fast and busy and obsessed with money and fame a little like Tokyo only not (because I don't think Tokyo is obsessed with money and fame but I could be wrong and besides it's all fictional!!).

Now that I've got my thoughts for the weekend, I'll be off. I may start modding heads tomorrow. It's supposed to be rainy.

Have a good weekend!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

What I did over the Weekend

Lots of stuff. Lots.

Saturday was nice, so I was able to get a few heads that have been sitting around done for someone else. Yay! Now I have a few more for yet one more person, and I'm done and can work on Dollism stuff!!!

Sunday was not so nice (hot and disgusting, like usual), so I worked on my dolls lol
If they get messed up I can always do them again. And curse a lot while I'm at it.

First, on Thursday I got the materials to make the Unicorn tail for nameless Unoa boy. I must say, it looks awesome. I could use smaller magnets...but thanks to putting a couple dolls up for sale, I suddenly have some, so I might work on it a little before getting some pictures up. But I love it. It's just how I wanted it.

On to other stuff.

Look who it is! :D


The new Soshi/Des got a face! :D
I don't know what that chain is....I found it laying around and decided he needed it... As you can see, the hands (which I covered up with those armband things the old one used to wear. We've regressed. A lot.) which are SD hands, look great. He keeps.


It is very obvious to me that I based the new faceup off the old Shiwoo's faceup, but the eyebrows are two-colored to match his hair and he has freckles now. And a scar, which was a last minute add-in because for some reason my brush skipped when I was blocking in his eyebrow and I decided to go with it. He'd totally have a scar. And, hopefully, the new faceup is better....since the first one I did on my old Shiwoo was like, my fourth faceup ever. Lol. ^^'

I also had to fix my Dollmore Ujee's faceup. He managed to damage the hell out of it somehow....the only thing I can think is that it happened when he faceplanted on my ipad...but I looked him over and he was fine! So it must have been delayed damage. His nose and lip had a huge I fixed both and kind of cleaned him up a tad (fixed his eye makeup and evened out the eyebrows). AND I found iridescent pastels over the weekend, and added some shinies to him. Cause he needed em. I think he looks better now (though I doubt anyone else would even notice :\). No pictures today, I couldn't bring everyone.

I also did my Migidoll Ell head, which is the third version of my character Marcus Alexander. Guess who he named? XD

Marcus and I have had enough trouble at this point that he will get his own entire post later - when I can get a decent shot of him. Hopefully outdoors and with David. And maybe Alex if they all cooperate. Either way, the head is faceuped, he's fabulous and I think he'd be perfect if MD River wasn't hovering in the future waiting for me to buy him too.....but at least if River doesn't work out or I don't get him, Ell will be exactly what I need.



Mwa ha ha!!!

Ok, I always feel the need to explain this to people so they realize the actual thought and time that has gone into it before rolling their eyes at me. After the book I'm about to write, feel free to roll away, but not before, damnit!!

A while back - a year or more I think as I have no idea where the original doodles went, so they must be in an older sketchbook - I opened up Deviant art to find, on the front page, all MLP fanart, as was pretty much the norm then. It was everywhere. Everyone did My Little Pony all the time and it's all anyone ever saw on DA.

Except for some reason I totally snapped when I saw it that day. I had probably done some art the night before that was ignored and blamed it on MLP, or that was the day that a certain person I watch had posted some art of her own OCs and the very first comment on it was "what ponies are these?", even though they were human and very much her own human characters doing their own OC things. PONIES WTF NO!!!? I ranted around in my office for a half hour and then had to go to a meeting where I thought it would be nice to have Alex go to MLP land, where he would go insane from the cheeriness and color and a murderous rampage would follow where all MLPs would die horrible, gory deaths.

And then I thought it would be even better if he went incognito and was a pony, then they wouldn't see him coming. So I spent that meeting doodling a very angry MLP-looking unicorn/Pegasus-thing with green and purple hair killing MLPs. With blood. Lots of blood. Obviously that was a productive meeting.

This is what happens when my mind wanders.

It was a doodle, so it was crap, and mostly black scribbles filled in with colored pencil...but I knew what it was supposed to be.

 Fast forward some time, and I found an MLP generator on DA that I used to create the Alexcorn (cause I found out the unicorn with wings is an Alicorn? made sense to me.) which got me thinking about it again. I bought one of those Muny things from Tokidoki to paint, but never got further than spraying it (someday....). At some point I must have thought it was a good idea to make it into a doll, because I started looking at those Silverbeam ponies on Etsy.....but I never bought one because they're kind of small and pricey for the 3D printed materials IMO (though I've seen one in person now....and I might cave someday anyway). Then I remembered Conie. I spent some time looking at pictures and wouldn't you know it, Conie is capable of really looking pissed from a direct front angle. I did more doodles, this time of Conie, complete with joints and angry face in the note book I currently use, and deemed it good.

I put Conie on my trade list for whatever I was selling last year, but never even found anyone who was selling one (I did find one on DL, but it was for more than a new one cost and had a faceup and blushing that looked not great and that I'd have to remove), so no Conie. I thought my roommate might get me one for my birthday (it was in my WL I sent her) but she opted for Carter instead (yay!) so I still didn't get one.

Then I went to Texas for Doll-A-Kon and The Doll Peddlar was selling them.

Well if that's not fate I don't know what is!!!11!!

I had to buy him blushed, so I went with pink, because I figured I could live with pink more than brown if I never got around to doing him up right, but the day before fathers day I wiped him blank anyway (and it took half the day. I'm still dead. What the hell do they seal these things with?!).

Sunday I finally got round to working on him. And, well, here.



I glued faux furs to the resin mane, and made a new tail with magnet to replace the old one (which is in his box). Like the real Alex, he's never heard of such things as combs. He also has overly-exaggerated eyelashes because, Alex. 


Side view. His wings are a tad askew. Both wings and horn are shiny! Not that you can tell. I thought about putting red on the horn, for blood lol but I didn't.

I wanted to give him his "cutie mark" of Alex's black rose tattoo on his butt, but it's so small I failed like, three times in a row, so I quit. I may try again when the weather is better.

You can tell he's Alex, cause


"Bitch, stay away from my coffees."

There's the look.

SO yeah. There you go. Over a year in the making. What's funny is that in Texas the friend I was sharing a room with was flipping though my notebook and found the second set of doodles staring Conie as Alexcorn. She was like "you really were planning this forever!"

Well, yeah. Even my impulse purchases aren't really impulse. lol
And really I feel as though I should get some sort of award for this being the first, and only AU version of Alex I've ever made. I could have a million of them.

And look, here's Ebils! Just cause he cutes and I am selling his like-sized companions so now he needs new ones.


He ditched his wig and is now sporting a cool hat.

Oh, he found a friend already! Sorta.
lol I just thought they were funny sitting on my desk^^''


I doubt they'll hang out much. Alexcorn needs smaller, or lower-domed eyes. He kinda starey.

Hopefully I'll get some pictures of everyone else I worked on over the weekend later on this week. And they won't need a book to go along with them. Well, maybe Marcus. That one photo refuses to center. :P

Monday, July 7, 2014

Selling Selling Selling

EDIT AGAIN: Yay! Both Sold!! :D
I'm gonna miss them I think. But they're going to better homes now <3

EDIT: I may be getting ahead of myself here, but it looks like both these guys could be sold.

I have to catch up on a few blogs and I actually did a lot of stuff over the weekend (yay dolls!) BUT I have a couple dolls I'm thinking to part with first, so I'll get this post out of the way.

It's kind of hard to let these two go, as I really love them both, but they don't move off of the shelf, ever. I feel like I should be able to sell them on principle lol. NO DOLLIE HOARDING!! Ok I'm past that already...but I need to start somewhere.

SOLD WS Fairyland Pukifee Ante $250
I got him second-hand and he was in not-so-great shape. I cleaned him up pretty well and gave him the circus themed face up and body blushing.
He will come with random eyes.
His box was not in fabulous condition when I got it (and it smelled like smoke) - but I have it.
I can toss in the pink wig and some new string (which he needs)
Split Prices
Body $200
Faceplate and head back $100
Price is possibly negotiable

SOLD NSY Dollzone Deer Boy $275
Omg I love this thing...but again, never do anything with him. I got him second-hand, but I'm pretty sure the first owner didn't have him long (so I feel like the first owner lol). Faceup and blushing by me. I can send hi with the wig and the shorts if you want him (but not the eyes pictured). He would come with random eyes. There is some flaking on the blushing on his antlers.
No splits and I am firm on the price. If he doesn't sell he stays here.

I am not wiping anyone's face up or blushing.
I will do a layaway (short), but pp fees must be included in all payments
I only ship with insurance

Resinsoul boys in WS (no particular mold, I'm shopping around - I like fantasy ears though)
Resinsoul boys or possibly girls in Chocolate\dark tan (again, no mold in mind)
Dollmore narsha full doll or body
Unoa parts - Sist\Lusis hands (any)
L-bi face plates - sleeping or other
Unoa sist bully fp
Unoa Chibi face plates (roar or other)
Unoa Chibi head back (real or Buff)
Minifee WS neck piece
Colorful\cute clothes for Slim minis

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Peppermint Tea

Is what I am drinking. It's delicious. I lost the back to my name tag, so now I have no identity. I hope no one from HR finds me, or my boss will get in trouble for my lack of a name. Which is stupid, I'm the one who lost it!! And I have no idea how I managed that either....

I've been posting a lot lately. This will be short. Ish. I promise.

Guess who got his ears?


Aren't they adorable?! I love them. I am debating whether I should mod them a little by sanding the bottoms to be less rounded or just leave them as is. On one hand they are kinda hippoey, on the other, they cutes and how do we know Unicorns didn't have hippoey ears?! WE DON'T. I'll probably er on the side of laziness and not do a thing but blush them pinkish.

Sadly the wig did not work out as hoped. It looked awful on him and was just too big despite it being a 6/7...Hopscotch is wearing it now and looks decently cute in it so he may keep it. Which is good, it means I didn't waste $30.
So he's still in this wig of poof that has bangs down to his chin (it's pushed way back here). The cap shows too much no matter what I do to it - which is a huge pet peeve of mine. Otherwise I am getting used to this wig and he might have to keep it >.<

His tail material is on it's way home as I type. So that will happen, hopefully this weekend. I think he and the other one who's name is up in the air will be going to Dollism with me, so they will eventually have to get blushed....which will help this one enormously! He's a little shiny in photos.

I wish there was a better way to attach that horn...

One more!!


So now I'm down to figuring out names. Back to the Starbucks page I go....

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Sparkle and Fade

I've been nameing everything after songs lately XD

So at home waiting for me, just in time for me to have new pictures, are Dolce's ears and new wig. Le Sigh.

I'll just toss up a couple. First, the long-waited-for MNF Shiwoo!!


Yay!! He here! In his patched-up wig of dooooommmmmmm! And those crazy cat ears that look like fox ears. They're temporary. He'll get resiny ones eventually. So this is the doll that I still think of as Soshi but am calling Des (short for Double-Shot Espresso). You can't see his nose chip here, but it's ok as I sanded it out the other day anyway. I'm not sure there's much of a diff, but there was a tiny slope that could see from the side, that is no longer there. It's rounded out now. Hopefully I did a good job, it's impossible to see, and was almost impossible to see before I sanded it!

I have to say, he was worth the wait. Just having him around to smile evilly like that again is fabulous! I'm actually even happy it took as long as it did, he was worth the work, and having to fix a little damage made him really "mine". I'm now glad I never got a full one in a trade ages ago, as (it's possible I've said this a million and ten times) I'm just not a fan of the MNF body, and this Dollzone one is wonderful. It just so easily does everything. And I really like the giant DC hands on him. Someday he might get different hands (I'm leaning toward Dollmore Dollpire - cats need claws), but these are so masculine I'm not sure I want to change. He's stuck with his old eyes, the yellow ones I have are too low-domed, don't fit and look awful with is coloring. So he really looks like Soshi, wearing red, with the same wig torn up and remade, that you can't see under the same ears XD

Quickly, a picture of Dolce before his stuff gets here and I need to photograph him again:


This wig refuses to be tamed.


This faceup is eons better than his first, but I'm still iffy about it. That and his name. Maybe he should be Carmel Macchiato??? And as it was suggested by persons awesomer than I am shortened to Macchi? He kind of looks like a Macchi. Then who should be Cinnamon Dolce Frappuchino?! SOMEONE NEEDS THAT NAME IT'S MY FAVORITE!! URG

I'll figure it out.

Now some Vanilla (maybe he needs to be Frapp??) as I seem to take tons of pictures of him.

I have really been thinking about his character lately, and oddly enough, even though originally it was about Mocha, Dolce-Mir-Macchi and Des-Soshi (omg I'm confused), he seems to be taking over everything....or at least I have him more developed than the others right now. Which is partly how I obsess over dolls.


Last night I got a wild hair and repainted his nails (I swear this pair of hands has been repainted like, four times. It might be time to wipe them off and start from scratch lol), silver with glitter. Because he's Divalicious and needs teh sparkles.


His toeses match. I didn't like how those pics came out though, so you can't see.


He's getting a little slutty ther. :\ However


You may notice his lack of peen. This is because my best friend (who gave me the body) likes to turn her boys into girls. So he started out a boy....then I modded off the penis (cause I do the gender changes a lot), and when she got a new body for that head, gave this one to me, and I call it a boy again. Sadly, he's not my only confused doll. My Narsha had the exact same thing happen to him (though I paid for that one), and my poor OE Goldie got the FtM back to F with no boobage body so she has no real gender at all XD

When I go all mod-happy with my new Milliput, I may attempt to make him a new one...or I'll just let it go. It's not like he's going to show it off all the time...

Ok, back to figuring out who's name is what.....*tears out hair*