I really hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday, and since there is more to come, ditto for the future!
I have to say that while it wasn't the best of times, for the most part, 2014 wasn't a bad year! I had a lot of goals that I didn't even come close to making, but whatever. I didn't post them here, so they obviously didn't count. Right??
A few doll highlights:
For me, it was really the Year of the Floating Head. I got WAY more heads this year than full dolls, and while a lot of them were for bodies I already owned, a lot of them were not...and my head box is full. I will need either a second one, or a larger one when the last two heads get here.
It was also Year of WTF why do I need so many eyes?! I bought, for the first time, urethane eyes, and they're so pretty and they fit so well I wanted more...and it's really prompted me to get good eyes for those that don't have them. I don't mean good-expensive, I just mean eyes that actually fit, and in colors that I chose as opposed to what I had in the box. Plus a lot of my dolls eye sizes have either gone down a number or I'm getting heads that have just tiny eyes, and I don't have those sizes laying around.
I got a lot of work done, mostly on a few of my Kara Klums, which is nice because they always need work. Now that I have a spare I wasn't expecting, I have just as much to finish (Seven and II, plus the Mod, plus none of the others are ever really finished)
Dollism, which was the greatest doll thing ever.
Doll-A-Kon, the other greatest doll thing ever.
The year of course started out oh-so-lovely with that disaster of a trade, which dragged on for a month before it was finally over and it did end up happy as I have Macchi <3
Who will stay forever if only because I couldn't bear to make him have yet another owner :(
Gambit and Jean stuck around, making them my longest running "fan dolls" ever. Finally I got it right!
Someday, after the couple dolls I have for sale sell, I will have moved almost entirely into Mature Minis and will have only two non-matures left. Pretty amazing to me....
Goals for the New Year!
• Find clothes for the dolls I have a hard time finding clothes for
My top several are: Both Isis's, Java, Metatron (and Sherlock and Khan) and Ryuji, who will be getting his new body hopefully soon.
• Reorganize the doll area. My wigs can no longer fit in that tub...
This is a must. I am forever trying to reorganize how I store stuff, and it never seems to be the "right" way. :\
• Try not to buy a zillion dolls.
Maybe just bodies for some of the heads that need them. Also, stick to actual wishlist and try not to get any just cause they cutes.
As usual, I really want to work on what I've got....meaning I don't want new ones. Pretty much any doll I get from here on out isn't going to be a character I have a doll for, which means I have to make a new character up for it.....and I don't want any more D:
Which of course means I have to go through my "wish list" and make sure I have things on it I really "need".
• Learn how to make Angora wigs myself so I can make the 5 or so I need.
Ugh. The block of time I need for this doesn't exist in my future...but I really want to do it.
• Start my giant hybrid/mod project. Seriously.
So I'll need to mod the head more, find it a body, then find it fantasy parts which will have to be modded to work, PLUS the scary paint job getting it to all match.
• Maybe a photostory or two
I've come to the conclusion that photo stories with my largest group of dolls (What I call the Forgotten Children group) will just never happen. First I think I'm too close to that storyline to have fun with it, and I think omgthisissoserious photo stories are kind of.....lame. Second, the whole thing takes place in a very industrial future....and I have no sets or props or anything that I can use as a background, so I've pretty much given up hope.
However, I have at least 5 other "groups" that I can use to make up stories with now that aren't related at all to the main storyline, and, if I get enough elves, since that takes place as a "side" story and can happen in Faery, I might be able to get something out of that too. So, if I do stuff with those dolls, I won't be so hard on myself to be perfect. I'm at least excited to try.
• Better photos. Somewhere not at work.
Yeah. This.
• Finish Boo
So, the problem here is the Reiko head I bought to be Boo was damaged when I got it. I didn't know until I removed the company faceup, and when I tried to fix it it proved to be unfixable - so all I did was totally mod the poor thing. I have to make both sides of the face match now, because it's horribly uneven....and I haven't had the heart to do it. I don't have anything in mind as a replacement, so I either have to fix this one or try to get one secondhand and hope it's not too yellowed.
• Finish Little Boo
I wiped him in anticipation of doing a faceup on the big one, so he's been blank this whole time...just waiting....
• Redo Baby Alex's faceup and blushing and redo sleeping Baby Alex's faceup and do his blushing.
Since I now have a sleeping version of BB Alex, they both need to be redone.
• Finish all my Kara Klums. All of them!!!! All of them. *dies*
Again. this.
• Sell stuff when I decide I don't need it anymore.
May not happen. XD
Selling clothes and wigs and things is such a pain on DOA...I just hate doing it.
• Organize my damn flickr and delete all the crap (maybe DA too)
Yup. Time consuming as anything ever. But needs to get done.
• Don't buy a body for #8. He does not need one. He doesn't. Omg I'm totally going to do it. NO!!!! I won't! *determined*
Pleasegodno he's just an extra head incase I ruin the one I'm modding....no more bodies D:
• Eyes! I need to figure out who needs new eyes and where I can get them. When all my dolls suddenly had teeny eyes I have no idea...but it's a pain.
pretty much all my floating heads and any incoming dolls and heads need eyes. Plus some others like Metatron who lost his eyes when I decided to sell him....now he's wearing 16s which are at least a size too big....
• Wigs. I need a lot of wigs.
• Anna
Anna is my Peakswoods Goldie who was one of my Dream Dolls. I've totally fallen out of love with her....and it's only because her faceup is old and I hate it and I hate her body blushing and she might need a new style or something. I want to fix her, because I still love the doll...
thing is I have Cassiel too - and even though she's not the PW I had in my head when I wanted one....I like her a lot and she's a Goldie too. So having Cass makes me kind of think I don't need Anna....and I think I'd regret it if I sold her.
• The List of Doom
I've sold so many dolls and not updated my To-Do list...so that needs to be redone.
• Organize my Profile/Doll list
I keep this pretty organized and up to date, but I think I need to rearange things somehow....stupid floating heads and body-sharing fux shit up.
On The Way
Not too much.
Withdoll Werewolf Baby Coco - still not shipped.
MODOLL - 1/3 Size Sherlock Holmes Benedict Cumberbatch BJD Head - Yes I did. I do have a plan for him....and I just hope it works.
F60 Soony - the trade for the Heath head is a go!! Hopefully we'll ship out this week, and I'll have it....who knows. I never seem to trade with anyone local....everything is way overseas and takes forever. That's ok...it'll get here eventually.
Soom Super Gem body - for Ryuji!! He was not bodiless for long! I got the trade offer right after I posted his body for sale. It seems to be taking it's sweet time getting here, but I haven't had time for it anyway. I just hope his head fits. I did no research on this body at all, the color should be a match, it's kinda buff but not too, and it's the right height (65cm - which is the largest I am going from here on out). Hopefully it'll be easier to deal with him now.
Future orders
Dollmore Kid boy body - for Little Wyn. With some sales and the trade I have the money to get a body for a head and he won by a landslide (I didn't really consider any others XD). With this order I'll be getting a few items of clothing, some parts and a second Dollmore Fine head (don't even ask. This is a whole new entry waiting in the wings). EDIT: OMG!!! I won the photo contest on Dollmore....so that's more $$ I get to spend! :D Holy carp. Must shop.
Small order from MOC - A couple shirts I want they happen to have in stock.
AliceCollections - I need three wardrobes for Metatron now that he's staying. His, Sherlocks and Khans. Oddly, I have a few things that are very Khan (from the new movies. Sorry if you're fan of the originals - I am too...but Khan was way hotter in the newer ones....for that matter everyone is....) already so that's how he's dressed...even though the head isn't here yet XD Pretty much everything I want for that BC head they sell at AC. Only in sizes that may not fit the DM Glamor Model body and it's uber-broad shoulders of doom. Pants are another worry since, like all DM dolls, the legs on him are a mile long....So I'll get a couple things and if they fit, I'll do another order later. Hopefully I'll get stuff someone else (Gambit, Marcus, Israfel or Ryuji) can wear if they don't fit....
I don't have too much want for dolls or parts atm. I'm still trying to clear out what I have that I don't do anything with!
I can't start buying things for the Mod, as I don't know what body I have to work with yet.....so that's out for the moment. I need to go though my heads and determine who should get what body and in what order before anything - which will probably either be another 65cm boy so I don't have 3 heads sharing one body, or the F60 Soony who actually has a character I want a body for soonish. There aren't too many bodies out there that will fit the character I have in mind however...so I'll either have to pay through the nose or settle for something that will be too tall. Then I guess Sage will need a taller body. It never ends. Which, I guess, is part of the fun? XD
On to 2015!
Happy New Year!